
October 6th

#Chapter25 October 6th

I slapped him.

People around us stopped talking and started whispering to the other person they are talking to. The football jocks are now shutting their mouths up and stopped throwing the ball in the air and just watched the scene.

His face was left untouched and was facing the floor. He slowly looked up to me, looking a bit hurt and confused at the same time. He's not mad at me at all because I slapped him. He's not mad at me.

/"I'm not a fame-digger, Cayden, and if you think being around you makes me feel so blessed, well, you're wrong. Every girl in this school calls me a 'slut' because they think that I'm cheating on Levi with you even though I'm not dating either of you,/"

I said as I tried my best not to cry in front of him. I closed my locker, making a loud sound and him a bit flustered at the same time. He was about to speak, but I gave him a death glare and decided to walk away, storming off.