
October 27th

#Chapter44 October 27th

He was kissing me, and I was kissing him. We were both in sync when we kiss each other, and I feel like my stomach would burst because of the intense feeling and the butterflies that are captivated by the way Cayden acted.

We slowly drift apart, and I slowly opened my eyes. His hands are still cupping both of my cheeks. He rested his head on my forehead, we both start chuckling, and soon our chuckle dies. We are both smiling at each other.

He stops cupping my cheeks and decides to intertwine his fingers into mine. /"Let's go,/" he said, and I nodded as I smile at him. Our fingers are intertwined with one another as we start walking back, all the way to the parking lot.

This might be one of the best memories I would love to cherish forever in my memory for the rest of my life.