
The revelation

Sora held me as if his life depended on it,we were on the rooftop at Paul's house,we could see all his friends from the top,Sora kissed ny neck,i shivered to that and turned to fully face him "what's wrong?"he lifted up my chin our eyes met, i moved for his lips and before knowing it we were getting all saucy again,i shouldn't be blamed it's all Sora's fault he made me addicted to his touches, ever since he had sex with me, he got all touchy, on the day of the report we were all over the principal's office, we had it in the boys' locker room,in the janitor's closet, at the football field when everyone left after match that's the one i won't forget, his yard and bathroom,at Sahara's party that he made go to Sahara's closet and yes no body knows what's going  on at school,Sora asked me to keep it "get a room you two"Keisha joined the rooftop  with a cigarette between her fingers,she leaned looking down at the people,sora held me that i felt safe,"everything good keisha?"he kissed my hair,she rolled her eyes "nothing is ever good,thanks for asking" Sora looked down at me "can you wait for me downstairs?" I nodded,he walked to her and she gave me a cheeky smile "nice seeing you again barbie"

              People were laughing at Paul's jokes,i walked outside,the air was quite nice,yes eight missed calls from Darren,six from Whitney, I'm getting used to that and non from Dion ouch,I'll try getting used to that "where is prince charming?"i turned to Paul's voice, his hand holding a liquor "here have some,i heard you are quite famous at your school"i looked at him then his drink,i still hate this guy "thanks for coming anyway, I'm honoured dc"he laughed "what's your problem Paul?"i shot,he gave me an innocent look even the blind can't buy that

"I'm just worried about you dc"

  "Well you don't happen to be my dad so worry about the salient matter like--i don't know, the depleting ozone"

" you are funny you know that?,see the thing is Sora can't easily move on from Jannah, not even you can change that,you seem like a good girl, you don't deserve  pain,i know Sora,he is my friend and he's still healing,he tried moving on with Keisha  but he failed in the end"

    "Thanks for the advice, i guess"i smiled though deep down i was hurting, i tilted my head Sora was hugging Keisha

       "Still don't need a drink?"

I walked in and took few shots, by the time Sora came down i was tipsy,Sora kissed my neck "why don't you do that at school?"

  "Are you-----drunk?"he laughed

       "I'm serious, we like each other right?,why hide it then?"

         "We talked about this Claire"

      "No,we didn't, i don't even want to be dc,it's fine if I'm jus Claire fuck'n Seel"he raised an eyebrow,a side smile formed from the right side of his lips "you heard that right,i love Jesus,then you and the Hearthton follows"

     "Okay now you are drunk " he turned to one of his friends "can i borrow your car keys "he then held me,we walked to the car he opened the door for me and i got in,he also got in and started driving, i was leaning on the seat then turned to him"is Keisha a threat?"he smiled and shook

   "She needed someone to talk to"

      "And it had be her ex boyfriend?"

  "Wait,you've been talking to people"

       "It was just a question"

      "I never dated Keisha,it was jus a fling nothing serious "he turned to me and placed his right hand on top of mine,"don't ever get drunk again,it can be bad for you"

      "I'm not drunk,i just want you for myself " he leaned forth to kiss me,i can't ignore that,our lips synced,he tucked back my hair,he lifted my chin to aim for my neck,he gave me light kisses"God i want to pee"he suddenly stopped and laughed "you are something Claire Hearthton"i smiled at him "was Jannah funny too?"his smile faded "did i say something wrong?" He just shook and went on driving "I'm sorry" he just drove.

              I woke up in my room and apparently shocked how he knew my house,i lazy got up with a hangover and got ready for school,there was a serious conversation at the table, silence took over the moment they saw me,i sat at my place and smiled at them "were you planning to sleep at his place?"i didn't give Dion any response "you gave Dion a hard time"Nicole said,like whose side you on "you didn't have to come take me" Darren put down his fork "I'm done with this Claire,that guy doesn't even know who you are and you are not some dare crusher,you are just Claire who got framed,you were fine and i liked that,we all liked that"

   "Why did you guys change me then?" there was a long silence "i thought so too"i drew my chair and headed out,Layla gave me a worried look.

            "Can you believe that after everything Lorry couldn't even stay loyal"Sahara angrily spoke to both Hennessy and i,"I'm sure she had a reason--maybe" i finally spoke my mind was still confused about yesterday night,Sora must be so mad at me "lorry never meant to hurt you Sahara" Hennessy defended her best friend,people watched us as Sahara sat on top  of her jeep,Hennessy joined i just leaned,"what's wrong with you today?" Sahara asked,i just smiled and shook "nothing"

  "Bitch nothing is always something"i sighed,i mean Sora said it should be a secret but it's hard"hey handsome"i could hear Hennessy's  voice and Sora standing next to her,"we need to talk Claire"Sahara raised an eyebrow "she's useless here just take her but Mark will kill you after this"he smiled at Sahara "you know what,i also want your friends to hear this"i exhaled "look,I'm sorry about last night, i wasn't  thinking straight" Hennessy and Sahara turned to each other "I'm sorry for being selfish Claire,i like you too much sometimes so much, i don't want to stay away from you, was Jannah funny,well yeah but you are something else,you have a way of keeping my smile,i like you alot Claire Hearthton"Sahara's mouth gaped,is he making it official or am i just hallucinating "i jus--"i kissed him before he could go on,yes thousand eyes on me so what he's the guy I've been wanting ever since i stepped in Springfield,i could hear Sahara cheer,i didn't want this to end even the strands of my hair could  understand what I'm going through now.

         Now the news is about Sora and i and i like it,it's way better than the dare crusher thing,Dion didn't look Pleased with the news,the house gave me a silent treatment and it kind of hurt,weeks passed and the seniors planned a years pool party that I'm totally invited,that evening i planned my own wadrobe since it's a pool party i risked it with a lacy two piece and a baggy black shirt with the word  "suck T" on it,i left my hair freely hanging and applied my favourite lipgloss,my makeup was light "nobody is going to the party,Claire"Nicole leaned on my door post "Dareen and Dion don't seem to be everyone"i turned to her with a smile

    "I don't know what's going on with you Claire but this better stop"

   "Now it should stop i thought i was the geek of this house that everyone wanted to change"

   "That's where we were wrong baby sis,I'm sorry about beating Sora up but---'' Darren was standing next to Nicole

"You get sensitive with Sora what did he ever do to you?"

  "This is not about him,it's about you and I'm scared, I'm scared that i have to do something that will hurt us all in one way"i walked to the door holding my phone,i gave them one long look and smiled "then do it"i walked past them only to realise that Dion was leaning on the wall from the outside, it's hurts to see him disappointed like he never gets disappointed about anything.

           The party was getting all high when Mark approached me by the lounge "you don't look okay dc"i turned to him with a warm smile "okay you are definitely not okay"he joined my lounger "what's wrong dc?"

     "I'm fine"

   "You are lying i can see that"a laugh almost escaped my lips

      "So you are a mind reader now"

       "You could say that" we laughed and there was silence between,i gave a 180° turn to him "why are you outside anyway?"he stood "yeah right,everyone is waiting for you inside"i smiled to him "I'll be there, just go without me"he nodded and walked afew steps,the music was getting even louder,vertigo by Khalid was now playing,he turned to me and smiled,it wasn't just any smile,this was a sad one"you are waiting for Sora" i just nodded "you sure about this dc?"i sighed"should i not do it just because I'm not sure?"

"That wasn't the question "i nodded "yes for the first time in Springfield,this is what I'm sure of"he looked around and nodded in acknowledgement "we'll be waiting inside"he walked away,i then realized my phone's been ringing and Sora's name was displayed,i ended the call with a "meet me by the pool text" i stood from the lounger waiting,i saw him walking from the dj's side today he looked different that i wasn't quite sure at first, his outfit screamed fuckboy problems and his face was nonchalant, was this how he was before his tragedy begun,i walked to him not feeling my feet,he smirked on seeing me "i thought you'd go pink"i frowned "is that a good thing?"he nodded "you look sexy in pink"that sent shivers down my spine "well lucky for you that's on the inside to see"he smiled

  "Can i get a peek?"i crossed my hands below my tiny breast "not that easily"i smiled at him,he walked closer to me and slipped his hand in my shirt, Goosebumps begun to rise,his hand traced my bikini line,i looked at the hand that dug in my shirt then at him"people are watching"my voice came more like a whisper "let them watch this then"he leaned and kissed my lips,his hand didn't leave where it was,he kissed me again this time his kiss deepened, his other hand gave my neck support, i could feel his tongue searching for entrance before,before that could happened we were pushed in the pool,thank God we were both swimmers "are you okay?"i laughed at his worried face as we drew closer to each other,he sighed in relief "oh my I'm so sorry dc"Charlotte gave me an apologetic smile which surely was fake,i rolled my eyes,Sora made me face him"isn't this the time where you take off that shirt?"and so i did,he then pinned me at the walls of the pool and kissed me okay guys i miss his cold vibes now,people cheered my name and yes Sahara started the cheer.

           Tana,the senior who invited us gave us some towels and we joined the others, Mark and i would have accidental gazes and he would look away "so you guys are serious?"Lorry asked her legs crossed from the fire place, i nodded while turning to Sora for assurance, he smiled at me."you think they'll cheat for money if they have to"Sahara shot at lorry,today her hair was hafly showing from her scarf,lorry just rolled her eyes,"you really moved on from Jannah?"i was confused like the others,not because i haven't heard of  Jannah but how did Mark know her,Sora's smile had faded before i even knew it "thought so"Mark shrugged, there was a long silence "so--anyone need a drink?"one of the seniors asked,people tried to cheer so as to change the subject,"such a mood killer, Mark"Hennessy jocked "so anyone noticed,the new girl in our year ?"Sahara asked any everyone inclusive knew why"her name is Valerie"Casey,the class president told her"we look quite a match" Hennessy rolled her eyes"the bitch is straight"

        "That's my point,turning all straight bitches gay for me"Lorry scoffed at that and we all laughed,Sora still looked off,i jokingly pushed him he smiled but faded in few minutes.

            We walked home "hey everything okay?"he smiled and nodded"i'm sorry about Mark,he can be much at times" he stopped and held my hand

       "Let me take you home"my eyes widened i can't let him come to my place,"I'm kidding, i know you don't want that"

        "It's not that,it's just---i'm just not--"

      He silenced me with a kiss on my lips "believe me i understand"

I smiled to that u don't care what he understands as long as i don't have to look stupid explain myself there.

"Claire, it's so hard forgetting someone especially when you know you are the reason for it but believe me I'm trying hard to move on"so he hasn't moved on,ouch Sora just ouch"i still can't forget my mother that's okay not to forget about Jannah"

    "It's not jus Jannah,my parents were in the other car and Sara too,i lost the people i love  that day,that's why i pray i don't loose anyone else especially not you Hearthton" i hugged him,tears almost got best of me "let me guess the dare crusher is about to break down"he jocked ,i punched his elbow "it's not a joke, you know"he laughed "i love you too Claire Hearthton".