

The weekend just had its way to start,it was raining heavily but still Darren, Dion and Nicole went to louis' place to hangout,Louis is Darren's close friend at Brywood,i sometimes wonder why they they expelled him,but his past attitude was off,nevertheless Dion is still my favourite though i look up to Darren,i walked to the door wearing my rain coat and boots,i took my umbrella ready to go out,"going somewhere Claire?"i looked at Whitney, she was in her uniforms,i nodded "you want me to take you?"she offered as she opened the door for me "no,no,i can handle it, I'm just heading to the subway"she raised an eyebrow "Darren found you there last night, you were not okay ,is someone bothering you?,i can use a little fist"she asked,i shook "it's not like that "i told her "atleast let me take you there then"

"Sure"i agreed Whitney can be alittle pushy at moments

           The ride was silent, it was still raining "who are you going to meet anyway?"Whitney broke the silence,i shrugged "a friend "she smiled "from  Springfield?"i nodded "Sahara doesn't live near the subway?"

"Are you indirectly asking who I'm going to meet?"she happily nodded"a friend "she frowned,i laughed, my phone rang,it was Mark,i flipped it so it could stop,Whitney stopped at the subway "be careful"i got in the subway and took  the first train i saw,fifteen minutes later, i got out,it was still raining when i walked down path,it looked better with daylight,i walked untill i reached the alley,my mind debated whether to go see him or just leave,I'm a bother after all, i wanted to turn but something just walked me to his door,before i could knock,the door was open by his uncle,how does he do that,he sneered at me"you again?"before i could speak,he waved me to stop "i thought he only invited his girlfriends once "he gave out a groan

"I am not--"

"Yeah,yeah,whatever, he's in his room"he moved away from  the door,i entered,he closed it and walked away, i headed to his still which was slightly open,he wore his headphones and was playing video games, i walked in but he seemed not to notice,i stood there waiting for him to notice me"did you get home safely?"he removed his headphones and turned to me "yes"

"Did you forget something or you are here to hang out?"he made the 'hang out' more stern

"Am i that clingy?"

"Depends on how i have to answer"i pursed my lips to that "pink looks hot on you"that's when i realised I wore my favourite pink skirt and it's pink bouse with thin straps,a pink rain coat, pink boots and a dripping pink wet umbrella "i had no other clothes to wear" i lied "and no other colour to dye,that's why you still with pink ever since i knew you"i knew he was talking about my hair but i acted dumb"come here''he double tapped his bed,"why?"i curiously asked "if you don't trust me why did you come then?" because I like you,stupid, i sassily sat "what's next?"

"Can you play video games?"

"I'm a first learner "

"You sure?"

"Try me"

              It's been an hour since we started playing but I still lost,i removed the headphones and threw them away,he laughed "it's not funny "i noted  out "i know first learner "he laughed,the door flew open and Sora's grumpy uncle stood there"you haven't gone yet?" Sora looked at the time and cursed underneath,he quickly stood" I'll be back Claire "he walked away,his uncle gave a glare "um--sora I'll come with you "i ran to the door,"it's still raining "i told him the moment I reached the stairs, "get you umbrella then"i looked back"no,I'm good"i assured,my phone rang,i checked it was Mark so i decided to call him later,Sora took my phone "Hey!"i tried to snatch it back "it's getting late let's go "he ran to the rain,i knew I'm going to regret this but i still ran to him,we ran until we reached stores and so we took cover at a medical store, a black girl with blue dreadlocks was behind the aisle, "hey keisha,"he placed some few bucks and she gave him some medicines "how's your uncle?"she leaned forth "he still got the attitude so he's fine"he smiled at her,they both acted as they were alone untill she gave me a disgusted look,atleast i know all people around him have the same attitude "and who's the barbie?"

"That's Claire, she goes to Springfield "

"I didn't know you had friends there " he just shrugged "see you tomorrow at the park"she winked at him,he laughed and turned to leave,i followed him,he tried covering the medicines, i gave him my rain coat, he pretended not to see it "use this"

"No need"'

"Jus take it"after a long look he did,he took my my hand and we ran back,on the way I heard thunder so i took cover at closed store ,good thing tge rain couldn't reach there,he followed me"what's the matter?"

"Another quick confession "

"You scared of the thunder?"he laughed and leaned on the door "Sora?"he looked at me"my phone?"he took it out "this ?"i nodded, he smiled" you'll have to kiss me to get it"i gave a sneer "I'm not playing your games "i told him "what games?"he acted innocent "you asked to kiss me last night and you left"

"Oh that,you took it serious?"

"It's not that"

"I couldn't do it "i was breaking to pieces how could he say that"well i can't too"i told him,trying to look all cool "wait,are you saying that because i didn't kiss you"he laughed,he was enjoying this"it's not what--"pulled me and kissed me,i tried to push him away but that didn't stop him,i don't why i gave in but i just did,it wasn't one sided anymore,our lips synced in unison,i liked it but he stopped,"your turn" that's stupid so he kissed me so that i could kiss him?that's shade,i walked to him "I'm not doing that"i swear i really wanted to kiss him there and now but what would  he think of me "i thought you liked it,this was your thing" i narrowed my eyes "you are treating me like this because of gossip you heard about me?"he didn't answer,that means yes,"can you give me my phone?" and he did,i wanted to leave but i waited for a sorry atleast, "Claire look"he held my hand, i forcefully removed it and the medicines he carried fell,a bottle of medicine broke,"I'm sorry I'll pay for it"

"nevermind"he scotted to pick up the other medicines,"what's he suffering from?"i knew he was going to give me that glare but i still asked "Diabetes and he is currently diagnosed with leukaemia"he casually spoke "I'm sorry"i lowly said,a soft laugh escaped his lips"about the kiss or the medicines?"

"I'm serious, i mean it,I'll buy a new bottle"

"Ofcourse you are"he stood the rain had stopped only few raindrops fell.

           I bought a new bottle for him and we headed to his place,"you buy him medicines, why does he hate you then?"

"I killed his brother "he coolly said,i stopped "I'm not going to kill you "he joked "what happened?"

"I was drunk, i was speeding,i got into a collision with another car,i stayed in the hospital for three weeks no one came,uncle came later, took me straight to a funeral only to realise they were the ones i collided with, so he hated me "he spoke as if it was nothing,"don't give me that look,i don't like it"i turned to look away but my eyes were kind of blurry "hate to admit this but tears makeyou hotter"

"You are a jerk"

"A hot one"

"Fuck o--"i bit my lip,he laughed "say it"he jockingly pushed me,a laugh escaped my lips,he stopped  on the way, the rain was starting again,"don't you think you should go home before it rains heavily"i nodded,he handed my raincoat" i'll make it"he assured, i nodded again,the rain had started again,"speaking of the devil"he grinned,i walked away,i then remembered the medicines were getting soaked,i removed my coat and walked back to him,i more of pushed it to him than given it"you need it"i then placed my lips on his,he didn't stop him,I'm totally giing to hell afrer this but why does this feel so heavenly,the way he bit my lower lip,it's like he was hungry,correction we were hungry.

            I was in the subway when my phone beeped,it was a text a new number

            "You forgot your umbrella, is this another visit?"
