
Hearthton reunion

Sahara and i walked inside Springfield, then Mark approached us"you,don't talk to me, I'm so mad at you"

    "'Yeah, whatever I'm not sorry,that guy will use you"he assured

"okay,I've been so patient for long but who is this Jannah?"Sahara asked "Sora's ex girlfriend"i quickly said that ''they never broke up,you know that,dc"

"'She died,happy Mark"i gave him a spiteful glare but that was the least of his problems "you know you could alway--" Sahara covered Mark's mouth and slapped my shoulders, ouch!

"Hey dc,dc,dc,dc,don't let anyone use the bathroom,stand onguard"i stood onguard though confused

  "I like you Claire"my eyes didn't leave my screen though a groan came out on it's own,did i ever say I'm shy so not looking up was a way to solve this situation "that i can assure to you,if you don't think of me as i think of you it's still okay,no hard feelings i respect your decisions but Sora i don't know about that"i lifted my head"how do you even know him?"he sighed then leaned at the girls bathroom door"my dad was their family lawyer and--"

  "Can we please use the bathroom?"a blonde i barely knew snapped "No,it's currently out of bound"she rolled her eyes and left,I've been text Sora since Sunday morning he hasn't been answering now I'm scared like doesn't he want to talk to me,the bathroom door open revealing 5'7" redhead,her hair messy and pretty masculine, she had a sharp jawline and slits on her left eyebrow later came Sahara grinning like a weirdo "you gotta be kidding me"Mark unbelievably spat,she made a face at Mark and started heading to class "who's she?"still frozen at my position "that dc,that us Valerie"now i remember where i heard that name,i thought she was straight.

           The classes were slow today that i noticed, when the bell rang everyone quickly left the classroom,i tried calling the death of me and realized he'll really be the death of me, he still didn't pick up"trouble in paradise?"Sahara's voice is very disturbing people "something is wrong"i stood collecting my stuff"i know what will make you feel better,a movie at my place"she squealed like a preschooler "with you,me,Valerie and my brother Sahir"

"Orrrrrrr go to Sora's place and see what's really going on"

"Mmmh,i don't really care about that hot trouble but let's go see him then watch a movie"there were so many people crowding the parking lot where Sahara left her "excuse me juniors, people with real lives comin through"she pushed the people as we passed and a limousine was by the parking lot aside stood dad,wait dad!!!!!!,what's he doing here "i think the old man is looking at me,should i stand gay or go with the flow"Sahara whispered, he walked to us" I'm Sahara by the way"she smiled "get in the car"he ordered his face was cold he never gave me that face before,inly Nicole, Dion and Darren got this face,i followed him in the car.

            We arrived home he said nothing at all and went to his office, Darren and Nicole qatched me go to my room,Sahara called but i couldn't pick up, like what was i going to say yep that's my dad,he's a tycoon, i can't say that,the door opened revealing Layla in her trainers"your dad needs you in his office"

"Is it that bad?"

"If you are still up for that trip in Africa now is the time"i slammed my head by the dresser,how can she joke in this time,I've nevee disappointed my dad before never.

          If dad wanted to embarrass me he could record me in a circus show, not assuring every bodyguard, chauffeur, Dion, Darren and Nicole are in his office watching my kiss with Sora at the pool,he himself barely watched can he even see the state I'm in"This is what my poor daughter went through and non of you was there for her,she doesn't even look happy"we all turned to him not believing what we hear,"even her brothers can't stand for her,you got expelled from Brywood and still you get suspended from the school you choose"Darren looked aside not even looking at us"why wasn't i informed when Claire was expelled,Nicole had to do the job for you"i turned to the snitch who seemed ashamed now,she thought i was living the life she wanted that's for sure,dad rubbed his temple then turned to Whitney "i need a nww staff of bodyguards the ones who know the real value of money"my mouth gaped "daddy you can't do that to Layla,she's my bodyguard"i never thought I'd look stupid one day "she didn't fulfill her duties that's a solid reason for her to leave"

      "You can't blame her for Nicole"both Nicole and Layla gave me the pleading eyes,but i can't lose Layla for someone whose about to make my life hell right now, she taught me to be selfish and I learned from the best "Nicole exchanged our bags so they could frame me"even Dion seemed shocked,I'm sorry Nicole,i know you and dad don't chime but you started this "Dion kept it in your bag and went for the assembly you switched it to mine and Layla and i saw you even when you reported it to the principal i still thought you deserved another chance"dad seemed confused "Get out,all of you"we all headed out"except you Claire"i breathed in deeply,the door was shut and it was just me and dad

"Have a seat"i sat opposite from him where he directed me to

"who is the boy from the video"i bit my lip, i tapped his desk shoukd i tell him or not but how he wore that day was dad's definition of trouble"forget it because you are going back to Brywood "

"Dad no,i mean I've learnt to accept it here,i don't want to leave "

"There is no discussion Claire,you might be doing this for your brothers but,they'll get to college next year and you?you'll be alone Brywood was your family you always told me that and if you want to get to the ivys then Brywood is the call"dad was right, i need to get to the ivys but why do i feel heavy to let this go,dad cleared his throat "look at your hair,this is not the Claire i know,you wouldn't do this to yourself,don't make people change you"now that i think of it every moment,when i first walked in Springfield and people screamed for my twin brothers and a badass,how Sahara turned to me the first of school and smiled at my outfit"we gonna be the best of friends",my first kiss being Mark at a club,people cheering Dc that was not me,i stood from father's chair "excuse me"i paced out his office "how could you---"

  "No time for drama club"i ran to Layla's room and she was packing her bags "you,you're leaving me"i hugged her "relax it's not like I'm dying"i didn't want her to leave"that was a sly move back there dc"she laughed,i don't how is she always okay with trouble "I'll see you at the icecream shop if you go back to Brywood"she cheered and i nodded,after a long silence of thoughts, i took out my phone and dialed for Sora and it was answered on the third ring

            "We need to talk"we both said at the same time

  "Sure,where?"i bit my lip to his question "'I'll come to your place then"i ended the call and turn to Layla "layla you still up for that trip in Africa but this time at a different place.

            I arrived at his place,it was all silent and no one seemed to be around

"Where are you?"


                            "Change of plans meet me at the country house"

           It seemed to be occupied seeing quite many cars Layla parked at the entrance the moment i step out,Sora was standing at the first stair,he held my hand"let's get inside"i slipped my hand from his,"everything fine?"he asked me that question but he was the one to be asked he looked as if he was going to break down any moment now but there is no chance for asking

  "Sora i need to tell you something"

  "I sense a break up"

    "It's not about you i swear,this is not me,the dare crusher thing,whitney being my mom,i got used to subways this time"

   "I know that,Claire Hearthton"a weak smile came from him making him even more calling,snap out of it Claire

  "The truth is i don't do dating,i like you  i swear but this isn't me"tears threatened but i held them 

    "I understand"he shrugged with a smile,a painful one,i couldn't take it i walked away from with a plastic smile,i got in the car and gave him  one last look through the tinted windows,Keisha walked to him and hugged him,maybe I'll be the most pained.

                   I cried on my bed untill i felt a pat,i turned and Dion calmed me,i hugged him tight "don't get mad at me anymore" he patted me

   "No one is mad at you here though i can't speak for Nicole"i hugged him tighter"he didn't even stop me"

   "I wouldn't either"

   "he didn't say anything,he just watched me leave"

''I would do the same"i backed away from his hug"whose side you on?"

"Obviously yours"i rolled my eyes

"For the record,not helping!"

"I wasn't"i threw him a pillow and he ran.

            Days went and only two weeks for me to stay at Springfield remained,Mark and Sahara still hanged  out with me,Sora barely talked to me,like he ever did,he avoided me in most ways,my new bodyguard always came on time to pick me up,the curfew was unbearable, still not getting along with Nicole.i tried helping Sora picking his papers once,he took them without a thank you!

           Wednesday came only two more days untill I'm done with Springfield,Darren was back and they were  having a basketball match against some other public school i could care less about,everyone is crazy for the match,I'm not,a solid reason Sora will be there"why are you really not coming,the school we'll be closed and after match--"Sahara made the dramatic drum roll"we're getting drunk by the school pool"Valerie finished and kissed Sahara "Mark stole the key to the pool area and i will deal with the security"Hennessy joined us with Lorry and Charlotte placed a paper then walked away "you can't miss this"Mark patted me the moment Sora passed,i removed his hand"it's a no-no for me,I'll enjoy the peaceful housefor myself no noisy brothers no boring cousin,just me"

    "You mean the mansion that looks like haunted"Hennessy jocked "ha ha ha,funny that i forgot how to laugh"the rest laughed at my sarcasm.

         Darren was in practise,Dion serving detention while i got ready to get home,Gael,my new bodyguard waited for me and that's when I realized he wasn't waiting for me alone,Keisha walked to me before Gael

"Let's talk"i gave assurance to Gael that she's harmless judging from his position "you broke up with Sora"

"Your dream came true"

    "Funny,I'm surprised why i still don't like you"

        "Why are you here Keisha?"i pushed back my strands

  "Relax barbie, why did you pick that day of all days?"

    "Is that a question?"

   "Sora's uncle died the night he came for your cliche excuse for a party,he needed you that day,he wanted to hide it but he gave in,in the end and decided to meet you,then you hurt him"i was expressionless on the outside but my insides were already in the funeral attire "you broke him,i promised him it's going to be fine but i see him dying ith every minute "

  "Miss Hearthton is everything okay?"i didn't realise horror took my face"let's go Gael ".

                Maybe going back to Brywood is the best idea,i was in pyjamas on Friday night,'lady in red' by Rachel Reyes was on the speakers,that surprised many in the house judging from the looks i could see from the balcony "you know you can go there if you want,we don't want to know how broken you are"Whitney was standing by the door with Gael next to her"sorry it's just for tonight"i went on looking downat the new bodyguards who were looking up confused"I don't know the deal about that boy"i rolled my eyes in my head "if you ask me from my experience with him no matter how long you take ti go back to him,that boy will listen"

  "Whitney Clarenhit,are you letting me go meet Sora Seel tonight?"

"Are we exchanging vows or something?"

"Wait,you really are?"

     "I don't believe you are dumb like your brothers"i smiled at her

"Gael will take you"i ran to the door then stopped "what's wrong?"i leaned on the door "what if he doesn't listen?"

    "You have nothing to lose, you'll be in Brywood next term"i nodded well she's right,i ran downstairs "Claire you are in pyjamas"

        "I know".

                I arrived at Springfield, the match was over which only meant one thing, i went to the school pool after passing the passed out security, the moment i opened the door there was some ear piercing music,my eyes met Nicole's who looked away and laughed with her new groupie,Charlotte being one of them,i knew she sucks at friendship but even choosing friends, I'm here for Sora and she is zero of my business now,Sahara was making out with Valerie by the pool and i stopped them "you came"Hennessy gave me a gleeful smile "anyone seen Sora?"they shook "let me guess you are here for the curly boy"Mark jocked "where is he?"

   "I left him in the boys' locker room changing" i opened the door to leave meeting Darren and his friends "Claire?,baby sis you are in pyj--"

          "Not now"i passed him and went to the boys' locker room "seen Sora?"i asked the guy who's been studying my outfit"Sora wait,please"

     "Claire?" I raised my hand tostop from talking and give me time for breathing "before anything I loved your uncle,he was a good man"

    "Not really"

   "I know but he considered me special and i was stupid and crazy, whatever you can call it,i loved you apparently i still do but it's okay if you hate me now though it will be too much for me to carry,I'll respect your decisions if you don't fogive me but i love you so---"

         "Who's there?"the security officer loudly asked,Sora took my hand and we run to the senior wall,the guard walked,now you could hear music from here "Reporting loud music from the eastern block,principal"we turned to each other, he laughed "your friends are going to hate you for this"he said after the guard left"not if i don't come back next term"we laughed "shouldn't you tell them over the phone?"i shook

"Nah they're good"he smiled "you had that bad side all along"his hand was now behind my neck before i knew it his lips were on mine,we were kissing this wasn't the kisses that made my stomach flutter but the kisses that made my body ache for more,i stopped the kiss"wait,you don't hate me?"he smirked"i would never hate you Claire, that's another etiquette in my life after never raising a hand at a woman"he kissed me again,this time he stopped the kiss "you realise you're in pyjamas?"i nodded and the kiss went on and on.

            The Hearthton families have a tradition to meet every boring holiday possible but this time we were at Uncle Maurice's island,"being many Hearthton you barely get your own time to facetime your boyfriend"i spoke loudly so the others could leave and Sora laughed at that "I'll tell you what let's get our own vacation"i told him excitedly as i tied a high ponytail, i was in my top and biker shorts"Claire,we're waiting for you"my cousin Hilda came in her swimsuit that exposed her angles"is that Sora?"

    "I am,you are?"

   "No way Claire never mentioned me,I'm Hilda by the way Claire's sexiest cousin" you are not the main character in my story Hilda"i see"i placed the phone by my chest"get out"i shot "okay,i get it"she laughed leaving the room,i glared at Sora"what?,it's just a compliment"

  "I hate you "

    "That's your love language caramel"i blushed "anyways i have to go, surfing awaits" i stood from the couch

"No but today I'm going to be a surfer and who knows uncle Maurice might make me compete with his best surfers"

     "You're prettier with reality, you know that?"

        "Good bye Sora Jade Seel"he laughed as i ended the call, walking everyone was holding a surfing board"here's yours,Dion suggested"uncle Maurice gave me,the board was scribbled "DARE CRUSHER"i sarcastically smiled "really suits me"they laughed "okay,who's first to hit the waves"we all ran ahead leaving uncle Maurice and his wife Ella behind,uncle Maurice met Ella at their high school,seeing them made me realise Sora and i are heading  there.

                     THE END
