
Dao Of Yandere

Who cares about the Martial Dao when there is no one beside me? I yearn for that loving caress from someone who loves me more than life. That will be my Dao. The Dao to have someone who loves me more than themselves. They will love me and I will love them. This is my Dao Of Yandere.

Unmasked63 · แฟนตาซี
72 Chs

I Found You

"The White Lotus Sect?! Does that mean the rest of those people are from the other sects as well?" James questioned as he pointed toward the other people with different colored robes.

"That's right it's participants all the way to the Patriarch of the different sects. There are a few people here like me as well from different powers that are supporting the different sects." Noel explained while Cara also chimed in naming all of the people she knew from the different sects and powers.

It was a lot to keep up with but James grasped the fact that everyone present in this area was someone important or associated with some great power in their area.

As the announcer continued to speak and James listened there was a group of people also listening in on the announcer from a much higher place in the arena. It was the highest seating area and was closed off from the rest of the public as its own room.

Inside this room, there were five people. There were two scary-looking Middle aged men standing at both ends of a trio of chairs. At the left seat was a young man a few years older than James with a nasty expression on his face clearly an unpleasant individual with long brown hair and a muscular build.

In the middle was an older woman with wrinkles started to form on her forehead. It was clear from her posture and aura of strength she was the strongest of the group and more than likely the highest in ranking.

Next to that woman was a girl who was similar in age to the other guy on the left seat and only a few years older than James. This girl had bored eyes as she scanned the arena seemingly not intrigued or interested in much until her eyes happened to glance upon a certain young man walking into the middle of the arena.

When the girl's eyes stopped on the young man who was James her eyes quickly changed from one of boredom to one of shock and excitement. The woman in the middle noticed this change in behavior and looked where she was looking.

The young man before her eyes she didn't recognize but the woman beside him she most definitely did. The reason she did was due to the fact that the woman had an even more prestigious status than herself despite them having the best room in the entire arena, 'What is that woman doing here?' The older woman thought to herself as she looked on.

Before long the woman finally came out of her stupor and looked back over and the younger woman to see that her eyes were back to how they were moments prior to seeing the young man. For some reason, she seemed bored once again making her question whether she really saw the girl show interest in something besides cultivation for the first time.

Ever since the woman had run into the younger girl she never really saw her strive for something besides more strength through cultivation so even if she imagined things she was going to look into the young man in the arena.

The two women weren't the only ones that were paying attention during all of this as the nasty-looking younger man was staring at the two quite closely as they were paying attention to each other. He also looked at the group that had just walked in wondering what was so special about them for both of them to react in such a way.

The only thing he did know was that he would kill the younger guy if he dared step out of line. A lowly sect like those in this competition was nothing for someone like him. If he were to order it then the entire sect would be set to be slaughtered within a day's time.

Back to the ground level James was continuing to listen to the announcer as he explained the rules of the tournament. From what he explained, it would be a single elimination tournament separated by all levels of each sect.

Each sect had a special Disciple group above Core Disciples so they paired those groups against each other and the rest as normal. The battle would be one on one until there was a winner for that group.

In addition, whoever wins in their group is allowed to compete in a winners competition that will decide the strongest Disciple among all of the sects and people. It was pretty unfair for the winner of the Outer Disciples tournament to go against the Winner of the special groups of Disciples so this part of the tournament was voluntary and not required.

James of course wanted to be a part of this after he won his own tournament bracket but he knew that the fights ahead weren't going to be easy at all. It was only a matter of time before he met someone just as powerful as himself if not more who would love nothing more than to destroy him and kick him out of the tournament.

"Now that we have all that settled why don't we announce the first matchups of this fine tournament!" The announcer questioned getting a roar of approval from the crowd watching from above. It was clear that they were just as excited as the people participating considering every person James looked at had a glow of excitement in their eyes.

James was also excited to finally hear this as this was what he has been preparing for the entire time. He wanted to take on the Steel Venom Sect first so he could crush their Disciples first to set the tone and get payback but he didn't even see them in the crowd of people.

"The first match will be the Martial Sword Sect versus the Beast Master Sect!" The announcer shouted getting immediate shouts from the crowd that rang in James' ears for multiple moments.

Authors Note: Sorry for the late upload and lack of uploads this week I was sick the past 4 days with a nasty cold and have family over for holiday at the moment! Trying to get back to it as soon as possible thanks for the support!