
Chapter 64: Sorano’s Fantasy

Chapter 64: Sorano's Fantasy

 "And the next person to get their fantasy is Sorano" stated Dante with a smile as he held a slip of paper with Sorano's name on it. Sorano smiled at her master; her mind was already racing with the perfect fantasy.

 "I have the perfect fantasy in mind master" responded Sorano. Her pussy throbbed with arousal as she explained her fantasy to Dante. Dante smiled at Sorano as she eagerly explained her fantasy, it looked like this would be another one that would require a lot of set up, but he would do almost anything to make Sorano happy.

 Dante walked through the hallways of the dark dungeon. He was on a quest to rescue his princess, Lady Sorano. She had been kidnapped by the dark night and it was up to the best knight in the realm to rescue her and that was him. As Dante continued to search the dungeon for Lady Sorano, his mind drifted.

 "Man how in the hell does Erza walk around in this all the time like it's nothing" stated Dante to himself as he continued to walk. He was currently wearing an armor set he borrowed from Erza for the roleplay. Luckily the armor set magically refitted itself to his physique, but it was still heavy. Wearing this heavy armor, Dante was impressed that Erza wore it like it was a set of normal clothes. Turning the corner, Dante focused again on his role in Sorano's fantasy.

 Continuing to walk through the dungeon, Dante was about to give up hope that he would ever find his princess. Just as he was about to give up hope, Dante came upon a closed cell with his princess on the other side. Racing to the other side of the jail cell door, Dante marveled at the captivating sight of his princess. Lady Sorano's dress may have been tattered thanks to her time spent in captivity, but her beauty still took Dante's breath away. The sad look on Lady Sorano's face vanished when she saw her valiant knight rush over.

 "Lady Sorano! Are you okay? You're not harmed are you" asked Dante in a worried tone, promising to himself that he would slay anyone that dared to harm his princess. Lady Sorano smiled sweetly at her brave knight as she responded.

 "No, I'm alright Sir Dante. I can't believe you actually came to rescue me. It's been so long, I started to give up hope" responded Lady Sorano with tears in her eyes at seeing her knight in shining armor.

 "I apologize for taking so long Lady Sorano, I had to fight through hordes of enemies to get to you" responded Dante with a warm smile. Lady Sorano felt her heart swell with happiness at these words as she responded.

 "R-really? You did all of that for me" asked Lady Sorano with a strong blush covering her face. She had always had a crush on Sir Dante, seeing him around the castle, but could never do anything about it given her high status. It made her so happy that Sir Dante the man she had grown to love would go to such lengths for her.

 "Of course, I would Lady Sorano. Forgive me if I speak out of turn but I would do anything for you" responded Dante. The truth was that he also was in love with Sorano, from the day he saw he in the castle when he began his knighthood. He was assigned to her care and while he knew that he could not make a move on his princess, he vowed he would do anything to see her wonderful smile no matter the cost.

 "W-why would you do anything for me? Rescuing me is going way beyond your call of duty Sir Dante" asked Lady Sorano in a shaky voice. Her heart was beating a mile a minute as she waited for Sig Dante's response. She hoped that his reason was because he felt the same for her that she felt for him.

 "Lady Sorano forgive me, but I cannot say it would" Dante started to say before Sorano cut him off.

 "Please Sir Dante, I need to hear it" stated Sorano in a pleading tone as her heart was beating out of her chest. Dante hesitated for a moment before he responded.

 "Lady Sorano forgive me, but I would do anything for you because I lo" Dante started to say before he stopped talking when he heard heavy footsteps approaching. Sorano felt like her heart was about to burst, she could have sworn that Sir Dante was about to say the words she had been dreaming he would say for years.

 "S-sir Dante what were you about to say" asked Sorano desperate to hear those words from her brave knight. Sir Dante was hardly paying attention to her as he gripped his sword, staring down the hallway in the direction of the approaching footsteps.

 "Lady Sorano please stay back. We can discuss this later" responded Dante as his hand gripped the hilt of his sword. Finally realizing the implications of his words and stance, Lady Sorano stepped away from the door as the approaching figure came into view.

 "I was wondering when you would show up to rescue the princess" stated the dark night in a menacing tone as she gripped her sword.

 "Erza Scarlet the black night, you're the one who captured Lady Sorano" responded Dante with hate in his voice at the evil knight that stole away his lovely princess.

 "Yes, I did and I intend to keep her in my dungeon until I can collect the ransom" responded Erza as she drew her sword. As she did so, Erza briefly thought why she had to play the villain in two fantasies.

 "Lady Sorano is walking out of here today no matter what" responded Dante as he also drew his sword.

 The two knights stared each other down as they started to circle around each other. Their eyes trained for the slightest twitch of movement from the other. Suddenly Erza made the first strike, brining her sword towards Dante in a downwards arch. Dante was able to block the blow and deliver his own counterattack. He quickly parried Erza's blow, sending her sword flying out of her hands. Thinking to himself for a moment, Dante was impressed with himself that he was able to do the parrying move that Erza showed him and practiced with him in preparation for the fantasy.

 Erza looked in shock as her sword was ripped out of her hands and fell to the ground. Her attention was then drawn back to Dante as he pointed the tip of his razor sharp sword at her throat. She could not believe that she was so easily bested by another knight. All her life she had never met another that could best her in swordplay until now. Dante smirked as he held his sword to the dark nights throat, he had won.

 "It's over dark night" stated Dante before he brought his sword across Erza's chest in a flashy instant.

 Erza tumbled to the ground as she quickly burst the fake blood tablets she was holding. She fell to the ground as the blood pooled around her. Dante seethed his sword and pickpocketed the keys from the dark night's body. As Dante was hovering over Erza, he was relieved to see that she was fine, he didn't accidentally hit her or anything. Turning around, Dante unlocked the cell door and Sorano embraced her brave knight.

 "Sir Dante! Thank you so much" stated Sorano in a tearful tone. Dante knew that he should not return the embrace since Lady Sorano was far above his own station, but he could not help himself. He wrapped his strong around Sorano who sighed happily at the feeling.

 "I'm glad your safe now Lady Sorano" responded Dante as he tightened the hug, holding his princess close. Sorano smiled into the tightened embrace, enjoying finally being in her brave knights strong arms. Soon the two of them drew apart when Sorano remembered her earlier question.

 "Sir Dante w-what were you going to say before Erza attacked" asked Sorano feeling her heartbeat quicken as she waited for Sir Dante's answer.

 "Lady Sorano, I don't think it's appropriate for me to say" responded Dante once again being nervous that he was overstepping the allowances of his status. He was shocked when he felt Sorano place her hand on his cheek, forcing him to look into her eyes.

 "Please my brave knight, tell me" responded Sorano in a pleading tone. Dante could not help but get lost in Lady Sorano's eyes for a moment before he responded.

 "Lady Sorano a-are you sure" asked Dante in a nervous tone.

 "Yes, Sir Dante please" responded Sorano not moving her hand from her brave knights handsome face.

 "Lady Sorano forgive me for speaking out of turn then but the reason why I would do anything for you. That is the reason why I want to see you smile always is because I love you Lady Sorano" responded Dante in a nervous tone as he finally confessed his love for his princess. He nervously dared to look into Lady Sorano's eyes and was shocked at what he saw. While he expected disdain, Dante instead saw tears of joy running down her face as Lady Sorano smiled at him.

 "I love you too my brave knight, I've always have" responded Sorano in a happy tone as she cried tears of joy from hearing Sir Dante's love confession.

 Dante was stunned at Lady Sorano's words; he was left speechless. Before he could react, Sorano leaned forward and placed a passionate kiss on Dante's lips. Dante's eyes became wide as he felt his princess kiss him before he returned the kiss. Sorano moaned into her brave knight's mouth as she felt him kiss her back with an equal amount of passion and love. The two of them continued to kiss one another, pouring all of their love for one another into the other's mouths. Soon they needed to draw apart for air, Dante spoke as he held onto Lady Sorano.

 "L-lady Sorano I don't know what to say" stated Dante in awe that his princess felt the same way about him. Lady Sorano smiled with eyes full of love as she responded.

 "Just say that you will love me my brave knight and be by my side forever" responded Sorano in a loving tone.

 "I promise Lady Sorano. I will always be with you" responded Dante with conviction in his voice. Now that he was with his princess, he would never leave her side. Sorano smiled in response as she once again captured his lips with her own. The two of them started to make out and to Sorano's delight she felt her brave knight's hands start to grope her ass. Moaning into her brave knight's mouth to encourage him to be even bolder, Sorano deepened the kiss between them. Despite his growing excitement, Dante summoned enough willpower to remove himself from his princess's sweet lips.

 "Is something wrong Sir Dante" asked Sorano in a curious tone. Things were just starting to heat up between the two of them and Sorano was eager to see where it was going to lead.

 "Forgive me Lady Sorano, I want desperately to continue but I don't think a dungeon is the best place to well you know" responded Dante finishing in a shy tone at the implications of his words. Sorano blushed at his words as she realized that they were still in a dungeon. She had to agree with her brave night. While she wanted more than anything to give herself to Sir Dante, she wanted to do it somewhere other than a dark dungeon.

 "Your right Sir Dante, please let's get out of here so we can find someplace to become one" responded Sorano with a crimson blush on her face.

Dante nodded his head and started to lead his princess out of the dungeon and to safety. Traveling on his trusty steed it didn't take long before the dark castle was a dot on the horizon and the two of them had stopped at a nice little inn. Not wanting to be recognized as the princess, Dante had Sorano wear a cloak as he paid for the room for the night. Soon the two of them were alone in their room and were quickly all over one another. With Sorano's help, Dante's armor was soon discarded onto the floor.

 Dante and Sorano continued to make out as their hands roamed each other's bodies while making their way over to the bed. Sorano gasped in delight as she felt her brave knight gently guide her onto the bed. Now on her back, Sorano moaned as she felt her brave knight on top of her while he passionately kissed her lips. She smiled into Dante's mouth as she felt his manhood poke her thigh.

 "AHH Sir Dante I'm so happy" stated Sorano in a loving tone as her brave knight drew away from her lips and started to rain kissed down onto her exposed neck. She felt her pussy drip in arousal with Dante's continued loving embrace. Feeling his massive erection poke her thigh through his pants, Sorano felt her body heat up in anticipation of finally becoming one with her brave knight.

 "I feel the same way Lady Sorano" responded Dante as he stopped his loving assault on her neck to look into her eyes. Sorano smiled sweetly up into Dante's eyes as she responded.

 "I love you Sir Dante" responded Sorano with love in her eyes.

 "I love you also Lady Sorano, more than anything" responded Dante. Sorano smiled with joy at these words before she leaned forward and captured her brave knight's lips with her own. The two of them started to make out again. Each of them were pouring their love for the other into their hungry mouth's. They were both thrilled that the other was returning their long kept hidden feelings. Once again feeling Dante's erection poke her thigh, Sorano drew away from his lips since she wanted to become one with her knight.

 "Sir Dante please, I want to be one with you" stated Sorano in a pleading tone.

Hearing her words and getting her implications, Dante was stunned for a moment before he complied with his princess's wishes. Standing up for a moment, Dante undressed in front of Lady Sorano. Sorano's eyes became wide as her brave knight's massive manhood sprang into view. She felt her pussy drip with arousal at the sight of Dante's cock. Seeing Dante's cock filled Sorano with both lust and slight fear. Lust because she could not wait to have that impressive cock inside her but also fear because it was so large, and she was worried it might not fit.

 "I-it's so big Sir Dante. It's perfect" stated Sorano in awe as she stared without shame at Dante's erection. Dante was filled with pride at his princess's words as he spoke.

 "Lady Sorano please I want to see you" responded Dante in a pleading tone that made Sorano smile.

Sorano thought it was cute that her normally brave night was acting so nervous around her. Nodding her head, Sorano started to remove her dress from her body. Dante felt his heart skip a beat as he watched his princess reveal her body to him. The dress fell to the ground and Sorano was just dressed in her white bra and panties in front of her brave knight.

Before her nerves got the better of her, Sorano removed the last of her clothing. Now that she was completely naked in front of the man whom she loved more than anything, she was suddenly nervous and moved to cover her body with her hands. Dante was stunned at the amazing sight, the princess, his princess whom he had loved for so long was laid bare in front of him. He smiled at her cuteness as Sorano tried to shyly hide her body from his piecing gaze. Closing the distance between them, Dante laid Sorano down on the bed and hovered over her. Still shy, Sorano was still trying to cover herself from Dante's gaze.

 "Don't be shy Lady Sorano" stated Dante in a soft tone. Sorano had a crimson blush on her face as she responded, her hands falling to her sides.

 "D-do you like my body Sir Dante" asked Sorano in a shy tone, her heart beating out of her chest as she was completely revealed to her knight. Dante cupped her face lovingly with his hand as he responded.

 "I love it, Lady Sorano. You're beautiful" responded Dante in a loving tone before he placed a sweet and passionate kiss on Sorano's lips.

 Sorano felt her heart swell with glee at Dante's words. He had seen everything she had to offer and loved her for it. Wrapping her hands around her brave knights neck, Sorano deepened the kiss between them. The two of them continued to make out lovingly for a while before the throbbing need between Sorano's legs became too much to ignore. Drawing away from her knight's lips, Sorano looked into his eyes as she started to speak.

 "P-please Sir Dante, my knight. Please be one with me" pleaded Sorano with love in her eyes. Dante smiled down at his princess as he responded.

 "You're wish is my command Lady Sorano" responded Dante in a loving tone as he started to push forward.

 Sorano felt electricity run through her body as she felt the tip of her knight's cock penetrate her virgin pussy. Inch by inch Dante pushed his massive cock into his princess's tight pussy. While he pushed inside he briefly thought why he didn't encounter her maidenhood but then remembered the horse riding accident years ago. It didn't matter to him however, all that mattered that he was the princess's first man and her only if he had anything to say about it. Soon the two of them were panting heavily as Dante bottomed out inside Sorano's tight pussy.

 "I love you Sir Dante, so much" stated Sorano with pure love in her voice while she enjoyed the full feeling of her knight's cock fully inside her pussy. Dante had to take a moment to gather himself since Sorano's pussy was squeezing down hard around his cock.

 "I love you too Lady Sorano" responded Dante with the same tone as Sorano. With his cock still deep inside her pussy, Sorano leaned forward and lovingly kissed Dante's lips before she leaned back down.

 "Then please make love to me my brave knight" responded Sorano with a loving smile.

 Dante could do nothing but nod his head with a loving smile as he complied with his princess's request. Pulling his cock almost entirely out of Sorano's soaking wet pussy, Dante then started to push it back in. He started a slow and loving pace as Dante made love to Sorano. Sorano's moans of pleasure were music to his ears as he felt her nails claw at his back in ecstasy.

 "AHHH YES! Faster Sir Dante please" pleaded Sorano between moans of pleasure from the feeling of the man she loved penetrating her pussy over and over again.

 "Yes Lady Sorano" responded Dante in loving tone as he sped up his thrust inside her tight pussy.

 "AHHH YES! I'M CUMMING SIR DANTE" yelled Sorano as she felt her brave knight speed up his thrust inside her soaking wet pussy.

 Dante had to grit his teeth and use all of his willpower to hold himself off as he felt his princess cum hard around his cock. He continued to slam his cock into Sorano's spasming pussy. Her moans and encouragement quickly led Dante to a fast pace as he fucked the woman, he loved more than anything. Sorano hugged are arms tighter around Dante as he pounding her tight pussy with all his strength. The bed beneath them was shaking from the force of Dante's thrust as he continued to slam his massive cock into Sorano's tight pussy.

 "AHHH SIR DANTE! YES! I LOVE YOU AHHH SO MUCH" yelled Sorano as she experienced another powerful orgasm as the man, she loved slammed his cock into her tight pussy.

 "I AHH love you AHHH too Lady Sorano. I'm getting AHH close Lady Sorano" responded Dante, the feeling of Sorano's tight pussy cumming around his cock was proving to be too much for him. Sorano felt her heart sore at his words, she wrapped her legs around his waist as she responded.

 "PLEASE CUM INSIDE MY SIR DANTE! I NEED IT" yelled Sorano as she begged her knight to cum inside her. For a moment Dante was stunned at her words. He was already going far above his station in life with sleeping with the princess but now she wanted him to spill his seed inside her.

 "Lady Sorano AHHH are you sure" asked Dante in disbelief but not slowing down his fast pace slamming his cock into Sorano's tight and soaking wet pussy. Sorano tightened her legs and arms around Dante as she screamed her response.

 "YES, I'M SURE SIR DANTE! PLEASE SPILL YOUR LOVE INSIDE ME MY BRAVE KNIGHT" screamed Sorano. Hearing his princess's pleas was too much for Dante to resist. With one final thrust inside Sorano's warm and tight pussy, Dante erupted deep inside her.

 "AHHH LADY SORANO" yelled Dante at the wonderful feeling of cumming inside Sorano's tight and warm pussy. Sorano's back arched as she felt her knight spill his hot seed inside her while she experienced the most powerful orgasm of her life.

 "AHHH SIR DANTE" yelled Sorano in ecstasy at the feeling of Dante's boiling hot cum spilling inside her spasming pussy.

 Dante leaned forward and placed a passionate kiss on Sorano's lips as he continued to shoot his cum deep inside her pussy. Sorano screamed into her knight's mouth as she eagerly returned the kiss. The two of them hungrily kissed one another as Dante continued to pump Sorano's pussy full of his cum. Soon Dante was finished cumming and he pulled out of his princess's now gaping and cum filled pussy. Having lost almost all his strength inside Sorano's pussy, Dante collapsed beside Sorano onto the bed. Sorano cuddled into his side as she started to speak.

 "I'm so happy Sir Dante, thank you so much. I love you" stated Sorano in a loving tone before she placed a quick kiss on his lips. Dante responded once Sorano laid back down to his side.

 "I love you also Lady Sorano. I'm just a little scared of what the king is going to say with how I took liberties with you" responded Dante. Sorano giggled before she responded.

 "Don't worry about that my knight. My father has always told me I am allowed to select my own man, and I choose you my brave knight" responded Sorano in a loving tone. Dante smiled at Sorano before he lovingly kissed her. As Dante and Sorano made out, Dante thought that Sorano's fantasy was a lot of fun and could not wait for what his next whore had in mind.

 End of Chapter 64