
Chapter 4

10 years later a boy is seen fighting against a group of surface goblins. He is wearing leather armor and leather pants with black shoes and a black hood on his head. He has a quiver of arrows on his back and was currently aiming an arrow at the leader of the goblins. This boy is non other than Akino.

He left loose the arrow and fired it straight at the leader. The leader seeing the arrow dodges it and orders his minions to attack the boy. Akino grabs his sword made out of meteorite and has a polished black blade with red lining the edge. He slashes his sword at the first goblin, easily bisecting it in half.

He immediately spun to the right and slashed at the other goblin trying to flank him. After successfully killing it, he sensed an attack from behind so he rolled forward and ran right at another goblin and beheaded it. He threw a dagger that was hidden in his chest plate and hit the goblin leader in the eye successfully. The goblin that tried to attack from behind caught up to Akino and slashed at his back.

Akino quickly pulled out another dagger and parried the blade and then kicked the goblin hard in the stomach, launching it towards a tree. The goblin instantly turned to ash and he focused his sight on the leader since he is the last one standing.

He rushed towards it and slashed his sword across the leaders chest. The goblin leader saw it coming and ducked and returned a slash of its own. Akino parried the attack but couldn't counter attack due to the leader kicking him in the chest. Akino flew backwards a few feet but was relatively fine.

He got angry but calmed down knowing if he gave into the darkness, he wouldn't escape. After quickly recollecting himself, he charged at its blind side and threw a few daggers to distract it. The leader fell for the trick and reacted just like what Akino wanted him to. He ran towards the leader and with one slash, managed to cut it's head off and turned to ash.

Akino took a few minutes to catch his breath and go over the battle in his head. Once satisfied, he collected the stones and decided to head home. The trip took a few hours since the leaders den was quite a ways away. After he managed to get to the village, he went to the chief to report the mission.

After he reported the mission, he headed home to get a nice nap since he plans on becoming an adventurer and heading towards Orario tomorrow. He had already discussed this with the chief and the goblin leader was his final test to leave the village.

Later that night the villagers celebrated his successful mission and the start of his new journey. They celebrated all night and have lots to drink. Of course Akino decided not to partake in the alcohol even though he has an insanely high tolerance because he wants to stay clear headed for the journey.

The next morning he decided to head out early and left thank you notes to everyone who helped took care of him. After that he headed towards the road with a map to Orario. It will take a few weeks on foot but that's fine he wants to enjoy the scenery.

A few days later he stumbled upon a caravan being attacked by bandits and decided to help. After a few minutes the bandits were dead and the caravan was thankful and let Akino ride with them to Orario to compensate him. He was thankful and hop on the carriage and decided to enjoy what life has to throw.

Word Count 632