
Danmachi: spindrift

a normal boy who is in his twenties died by having a heatstroke. Now he is in front of god with 3 wheels who will be deciding his fate. let us see what fate has in store for him. . #noharem, didn't think about romance yet. I don't own anything I don't own cover (if you're the artist and don't want this art to be used, notify me pls)

Endless_snow · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs


| mc POV |

Damn, who knew someone could die of a heatstroke. I knew it was warm at the time, but damn.

So, wanna know what happened? Well, I was on vacation in Italy. But the day went to the beach was extremely warm.

And then I died because of a heatstroke??


Anyway, god is also right in front of me right now...

Funny right?

"You are overreacting boy. It's a natural process so calm down." God sighed at my antics.

Fwoooo. Alright calm down...there we go.

"So... what now?"

"What now? You spin the wheel of course!" He said with an excited tone.


Snapping his fingers, three fortune-wheels appear. They were completely empty.

"Rules are simple, spin the wheel, and that will be your prize. The first wheel will designate the world you will go to. the second will be the abilities/appearance you will have. And third will be your memories. These things are all fictional worlds and characters you know from your life. " God explained.

"Wait. What do you mean with the third wheel? Why are the wheels blank? Do you mean all fictional worlds and characters including movies, anime and manga?" I asked not sure what he meant with that.

"Now, now. You'll see when we get there. Now, SPIN THE WHEEL!!" With his voice booming and echoed thru the vast space which you would normally expect heaven to look like.

Clear blue sky and standing on clouds. But there aren't any buildings around us. Just a wide open space.

Anyway I walk up to the wheel and I spin it.

Then a sort of hologram appeared before the wheel and I could see some names I recognised.

One Piece

Attack on Titan


Assassination classroom



In the end, it landed on Danmachi.

Alright, a good start I guess.

"Danmachi, interesting. Now, onto the next wheel."

I spun the second wheel and like last one, a hologram appeared with the options.

'pls, gacha-sama, pls give me a good character, pls, pls, pls, pls, pls, pls,pls.'

And then it stopped on...and who would have thought. It's not even a main character, but a powerful one nontheless.

standing at 1.60m (5.25ft) and weights about 65kg (143 lbs).

The strongest soldier.

Captain of the scouts.



'YEEES, alright. I'M SET. Now the last wheel. It gives me a bad feeling'

"So what does the last one do?" I asked God.

"Well it's a simple explanation really. It determines if you will have your memories intact or not after reincarnating."

"OI, mate, mate! You mean, I won't have my memories after I reincarnate??"

"If you land on that option then yes, you won't have your memories when you reincarnate."

"THEN WHAT'S THE POINT OF ALL THIS" I screamed at him.

"Hmm? easy, It's fun."

"..." I didn't even say anything.

I just went to the wheel and prayed harder to Gacha-sama to let my memories remain even after reincarnation.

I mean, I don't want to argue with God. He gave me this chance. He can also take it away.

I then spinned the wheel.

And there were only four options.

XXX memories

Levi Ackerman memories



After a while, which felt like an eternity. It finally landed on...






"Well, I guess you'll go 'Tabula Rasa' again in your next life." God said with a monotone voice, a voice with authority.

"I will now send you to your world. Goodbye." He said looking at me with those cold eyes.

And for the last time in my knowing life I despaired.


| 8 years later - 3rd POV|

The whole city of Orario was in a tense atmosphere.

The adventurers doing everything in their power to defend the civilians form 'the evilus' attack.

And the evilus making suicidal attacks to take down as many adventurers as they can.

But almost no adventurer could be seen in Daedalus street. But even there, there were members of the group bombarding the buildings and killing anyone they could see.

"HAHAHA, Bro. Look at all these fish waiting to be killed!! I can't wait for the bloodbath!!" The younger one of the duo said with a wide smile.

"YEAH, YEAH!! We need more carnage!! No adventurer would come here so we can destroy and kill till our hearts content!!"


The duo was walking down the street called the other dungeon while killing anyone they see.

But what they didn't notice was that a small boy was looking at them from an elevated position.

The boy had black hair, styled in an undercut curtain. He had narrow dull gray eyes. He wore a black shirt with a brown hoodie.

[a/n picture here]

Just when the duo dropped their guard, he jumped off the building. With knifes in both hands. The knife on his right in reverse.

[a/n fyi he already awakened his Ackerman blood, but his master is already dead]

He first went for the bigger one.

He rotated mid air a few times to gain momentum for his attack and when he was in range.

He slashed.


The head of the victim was not cut off, but a good portion was.

Blood sprayed everywhere, bathing said boy's face in blood.

The victim's companion was left in shock, still not able to process what happened. And the boy took this chance to run up to him.

He dashed at an incredible speed no normal human could achieve and when he arrived slashed the man's throat.


'Tch, shallow'

After confirming the man was still alive, seen as he is still standing and clutching his throat. The boy ran past him, confusing the man even more and he tried to turn around.

But the boy already used the wall right behind the man to use as a boost to reach his height.

Then before he could turn around, he stabbed the reversed knife in his jugular.

And then he died.

The boy then looked around to see that people were watching him.

"Hey, look. It's that kid again" one whispered.

"How many groups did he kill already?" Another murmured.

"Well, at least he's on our side" Another said.

But the boy didn't even care about the people and only thought.

'Tch, It's going to be a pain to clean the blood again.'

And then he left the busy alley.


'My name is Levi Ackerman, I'm 8 years old. I have been training since I was 3 to survive in this hellhole called Daedalus street. My mentor, named Kenny died in this conflict and since then something in me changed.

I have become stronger, faster, I can react faster, I can make better decision making and the best of all. I can fight way better.

'Now about this conflict, It's been going on for a few days already, Evilus attacked Orario and the adventurers are busy protecting the civilians. But the civilians are blaming the adventurers for the deaths of the people.

'Tch, really narrow minded people' He thought to himself while washing off the blood from his face, clothes and knifes.

'I need new weapons and I need a way to make money after this incident ends. But first I have to survive.

'Now that I am resting, I should think of my next move.'



1217 words.

First chapter of this project hope you guys enjoyed.

Not a big chapter but next one will, I think.

First off I will need to say that we are 7 years before canon starts. It's not a AU so timeline will be the same ish.

MC will join the Hermes familia cuz that's one of the closest things to the scouts except Loki familia maybe.

Like I said, I have no romance planned but if u want you guys can suggest one. And NOOO Harem.

And just saying he will be dual wielding.

Hope you enjoyed, thx for reading. Leave a comment, leave a review. drop some stones if u want.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Endless_snowcreators' thoughts