
Danmachi: Outsider's journey

Hi there! Are you a fan of the Danmachi franchise and cannot wait for the release of new volumes? Are you the fan, tired of endless Isekai-Harem fanfics? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, you're going to be good with this one.    The story begins 15 years prior to the adventures of Bell Cranell and Hestia Familia. Right before Zeus and Hera Familias were defeated and later destroyed. It is a story about a man, who has a sole goal in life. But first, he needs to reveal what it is...

futur_hop · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Uneasy moment pt.2

As the echoes of the explosion reverberated through the air, the world around Elladan seemed to descend into chaos. The once serene evening shattered into a cacophony of panicked screams, the air thick with the acrid scent of smoke. Fear gripped his heart like a vice, but he pushed it aside, his concern for the safety of the townspeople overriding his own instinct for self-preservation. With every pounding step, his mind raced, imagining the worst scenarios that could be unfolding in Eldora.

As Elladan sprinted towards Eldora, his thoughts were a whirlwind of worry and anticipation. Images of loved ones and familiar faces flashed before his eyes, fueling his determination to reach the town as swiftly as possible. Each stride propelled him closer to the epicenter of the chaos, but with every passing moment, his trepidation grew. As he neared the outskirts of the town, the sight that greeted him was a nightmare come to life. The once-thriving town now was reined by fire, and its streets transformed into a surreal landscape of hell. Buildings that had once stood tall and proud were falling down just to become crumbled debris. The night air was thick with the acrid stench of smoke, and the flickering glow of flames danced eerily amidst the destruction.

The One-Eyed Black Dragon loomed over Eldora, its colossal form casting a sinister shadow across the burning town. Its jet-black scales gleamed in the dim light, absorbing the moon's feeble glow. Its eyes, fierce and penetrating, burned like embers, radiating a malevolent intelligence that chilled the very core of Elladan's being. With a guttural roar that echoed through the night, the dragon now unleashed its wrath upon the town hall building. Flames erupted from its gaping maw, a scorching inferno that consumed everything in its path. The air crackled with heat as the intense blaze devoured homes, shops, and the very essence of Eldora's existence.

The fire danced and swirled with unholy energy, its crimson tendrils licking at the heavens, painting the night sky with a macabre tapestry of destruction. Buildings, once sturdy and full of life, succumbed to the merciless onslaught, reduced to nothing more than charred remnants and smoldering debris. As the killing creature beat its massive wings, gusts of scorching wind whipped through the streets, fanning the flames into a roaring crescendo. The once vibrant marketplace, where laughter and happiness once thrived, became an infernal furnace. The wooden stalls erupted into pillars of fire, their fragile structures consumed in an instant. The sweet scent of spices and the aroma of freshly baked bread was replaced by the acrid stench of burning wood and melting stone.

The presence of the One-Eyed was overwhelming, a force of nature that defied comprehension. Its sheer power radiated like a palpable aura, dwarfing the feeble attempts of the townsfolk to fight back. The brave few who dared to resist were met with swift and merciless destruction. The dragon's claws tore through buildings, ripping them apart like a child's plaything. Its mighty tail swept through the streets, smashing everything in its wake, reducing homes and lives to mere ashes. In the midst of the chaos, the dragon's fiery breath rained down like an unstoppable storm. The very air crackled with its malevolent energy, scorching the earth and setting trees ablaze. Flames danced and leaped with an insatiable hunger, hungrily devouring everything in sight. The crackling of timber and the agonized cries of trapped souls blended into a symphony of despair, a haunting chorus that pierced through the chaos.

As Elladan stood in front of the One-Eyed Black Dragon, he couldn't stop his body from shaking, and his mind was frozen with fear. The sight in front of him was stunning, and the damage was hard to understand. His heart was heavy with despair, a torrent of questions flooded his mind. The once vibrant town, now being burned into a graveyard of ashes, echoed with his anguished thoughts. He looked at the dragon's figure, searching desperately for answers.

"Why?" he whispered, his voice barely audible in the silence that enveloped the wasteland.

"Why did the dragon come?" his voice trembled with a mixture of confusion and grief, each word a plea to the merciless void.

"Where are the mighty adventurers of Orario?" he questioned aloud, his voice tinged with a mix of disappointment and longing.

"Where are the heroes who were supposed to protect us, to face this monstrous threat? Were they defeated, or have they forsaken us?"

Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought of his parents. Fear gripped his heart, and he struggled to push aside the haunting thoughts that plagued his mind. "Are mother and father all right?" he wondered, his voice choked with emotion. "Did they manage to escape the dragon's fury, or were they consumed by its flames?" The weight of uncertainty crushed him, his thoughts spiraling into a whirlpool of anguish.

Elladan was consumed by an overwhelming sense of terror that gnawed at his very core. It was a sight that shook him to his very foundation, leaving him feeling utterly helpless and insignificant in the face of such destruction. Every fiber of his being trembled with fear, his mind unable to grasp the enormity of the situation. It felt as if the world itself had turned against him, as if all hope had been extinguished in an instant.

A sense of suffocating powerlessness washed over Elladan, threatening to crush his spirit. The enormity of the dragon's wrath, the ferocity of its flames, and the devastation it had wrought left him feeling insignificant and insignificant. It was as if he were but a mere speck in the vastness of the universe, incapable of altering the course of events unfolding before his eyes.

His vision blurred, tears mingling with the ashes that clung to his face. The world around him seemed to fade into desolate darkness, mirroring the void of despair that engulfed his heart. The crackling flames danced before his closed eyes, casting an eerie glow upon the burning houses that once stood as the town he called home. The deafening roar of the fire seemed to mock him as if taunting his helplessness in the face of such overwhelming destruction…