
Danmachi: Lightning Martial Artist

Lucas a martial artist died in a arson attack. Given a second chance in a world where strength is found through stats can his technique help him or maybe the blessings he was gifted can? One way to find out time to start punching through a dungeon.

Rebornsky · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

On the road to Verid…Orario

3rd POV

Following the map Lucas find himself traveling the forest at a decent pace. After about 2 hours of natural beauty, trees, wildflowers, bushes, and some neat rocks. What makes it neat you might ask well. Lucas thought it looked like a half smashed face of the arsonist he saw before he died. So yeah put him in a good mood imaging it was real.

Anyways now he is approaching the road.

1st POV

'Is that a wagon? That right Jim didn't mention how the technology here worked. Judgeing from this as well as the stuff in my bag I would say a little more advanced then my world medieval era. Wonder if that is because of time? Is this world younger then mine was or does magic make up some quality of life that tech did in my world? If it does that means there was no reason to create better tech. Makes sense to me why fix what is not broken.'

Stepping onto the road I look around a little more detail about travel in this world can be seen. The wagon is being pulled by two horses and has what looks like 4 guards. A man in the coach seat hold the reigns. What looks like 2 merchants seating just visible between the moving canvas flaps on the back of the wagon. As it moves away you notice the the rear glancing at you he also has a tail and animal ears but his are fluffier then yours like a dog or wolf. He nods as he goes past. So you nod back only polite to do so.

'So seems like animal people are fairly common in this world. One in four so shouldn't be much barrier due to race for me but with gods having descended in this world maybe racism isn't a thing? Well one can dream but with people being people I am sure there are some around. Should just ignore them if run into any.'

Looking to the direction the wagon was heading you see a large wall in the distance hard to tell the exact size from here. Safe to say it is taller then you. It stretches across the horizon fading out your view.

'Welp if that doesn't scream city or fortress over here I don't know what would. A merchant wagon means most likely a city and my map says go that way. Orario it is. I will feel stupid if I am wrong. Should check those id papers make sure I don't say something dumb or suspicious at the gate. There will probably be guards.'

Pulling the papers you haven't read yet out of the bag. You check it out.

Proof of Identity


Lucas John Blitz




Guard/Adventurer Trainee

Issued by City of Melen

Borg Murdock Governor of Melen

'Guess I am a big cat not a small cat' *chuckles to himself* 'Looks like I am from Melen and excuse I was given for my martial skills is some trainee program by the look of it.

Decent enough reason wanted to be and adventurer but wanted to see the big city and join a familia from there. Easy simple story to beleive and not technical a lie as I left my original town I lived in to come here as an adventurer. If they have a lie detector of some kind that is useful. Guess Jim is fairly reliable but I will check on info for more then just his recommendations for familia never hurts to know a little more.'

Snapping out of my train of thoughts I start following the road. Walking along the edge of the road to avoid any issue with wagons. I decide to test my balance with my new tail walking heel to toe. I probably look a little childish but who cares. I mean come on a 17 year old tiger man walking with arms flared to the sides isn't that weird. Surely they have seen stranger things? Maybe not some of them I guess. Seeing as I get closer to the wall more people seem to be around. Some going towards the wall, others away. Seems like my first impression on beastkin was roughly accurate. They don't seem to be looked at weirdly and are treated the same as long as they aren't doing anything strange. I am getting some looks but the other beastkin aren't so I assume my actions are causing that not racism.

After about an hour of walking. I am basing that on the sun so don't quote me on it. I see a large gate between two what I assume is watchtowers. They stick out from the wall just a bit and have a flat surface at the top with a chest high wall around it. Height differences are visible at what appears to be equal spacing. Most likely firing windows for archers. Here's to hoping I don't have to do any cover based shooting while I am here.

*chuckles to himself*

Ahh it seems they think I am still werid. I stopped my balance exercise. So do they think my chuckle is strange or maybe they are wondering why I started in the first place? Either way I see lines I don't know which I should join. One is for wagons going through the big gate so safe to say not that one. The left line seems to be small groups or single individuals some are armed some aren't. The right line has all sorts of people and are all armed most with some armor as well. Are they military? Maybe adventurers? Seems like the shortest and fastest line. That could mean they already have paper work for this city but I haven't been here so I guess that means the left line. If I am wrong I get embarrassed and have to get in another line. Not the end of the world. Let's get to it then. Time to hurry up and wait , oh joy.

I pulled out my papers before stepping into line. Hearing the chatter around me I was glad there was no language issues I could understand them as if they were speaking my native language. Quality of life is nice thanks Jim, my man. The people within ear shot. Which felt like it was larger then I was used to but can chalk that up to my new ears, I guess. Were speaking about find a inn, looking for a restaurant, asking others if adventurers get violent, etc. Pretty standard stuff for people coming to a new place. I was just minding my own business not looking for some cliche fight nonsense to start. Maybe cause of my caution about it but no problems arose while in line.

Although there were a couple of children who wanted to touch my ears. To be fair they are fluffy, so I can't blame them. Only one actually pulled on them less then I thought maybe because beastkin aren't that rare? Whatever the thoughts of children are difficult to fathom.

Around when the sun started to dip down from the sky i reached the desk in front of the small door to the left tower. Behind the desk sat a young woman maybe in her 20s? Hard to say with any accuracy especially in an other world with magic. She had a uniform of some kind with brown hair and a match set of eyes. She seems pretty professional.

"Next please" she said

"That would be, I suppose you would to check my papers?" I responded

"Yes, sir. I also need to know why you are here, and how long you plan on staying."

"Well here you go" I said as I handed her my papers "also I am here to become an adventurer and hopeful I will live here. Where's the best place to find info on familia that are recruiting members?"

She glanced at my outfit and body for a second. "Should have guessed you seem like you have trained a bit" I noticed a bit of a glint in her eyes. Interest? Lust? Not sure but it did feel nice to checked out a bit. She answered my question "As for recruiting they have that information at the guild hall called Pantheon located on the North western main road this is the West gate so just follow the road right past this gate north then turn left down the next main road. The building will be on your left hard to miss." She handed me back my papers as I passed thru and thanked her as I went.

I noticed an increase in armed people inside the city. Probably adventurer makes sense they are more inside then outside. Following the directions she gave me to go north then left. I realized I never asked her name. Well no use thinking about it more. The amount of adventurers kept increasing as I got closer to a two story building taking up a decent sized area. Looking at the number of adventurers entering and exiting some with large bags with a crystal of some sort visible. With varying levels of blood and sweat safe to say I found the guild hall. I joined the flow of people entering. Stepping through the doorway a wide space greeted me with dozens of what looked like bank teller stalls. I guess I should just approach one and ask about how to proceed with getting a falna and familia.

so feel free to let me know what you think or ideas about what familia he should go to for the record we are 3 years before cannon starts 2 years after Ryuu went on a tear

Rebornskycreators' thoughts