

[ 7 pm in the morning ]

"the church should be here right?" i said as i turned a corner, i looked and i saw a run down church with an old look.

i walked towards it, and just when i was about to knock on the door, the door to the church opened and a small figure bumped into me.

"oww!" a shout was heard as a small figure fell on her buttocks.

"oh sorry, here i'll help you" i said as i pulled her up from the floor, i took a look at her and i can say with most confidence that she is the most beautiful woman i ever saw.

"thanks, so what are you doing here?" Hestia said as she swatted the dirt of her butt, while doing that she looked at me with a questioning eyes.

"well i was looking for the Goddess Hestia, but it looks like she is not here" i said as i looked at her with a sad gaze.

"Hestia?, well you came to the right place as i am Hestia!" she said with a smile as she quickly walked up to me.

"Miss Hestia!, i would like to join your familia!" i said in a loud voice as i bowed to her, with her able to upgrade my falna, i could get even stronger.

"really!, yeas yes yes!!" she shouted as she looked at me with wide eyes, she ran at me and jumped on my neck and spun around me with excitement.

"come on in!" she said as she led me in her home, as i entered i noticed how the room was depilated, but it had a homie feeling.

"take your shirt off" she said, i took of my shirt off and i got surprised at how built my body is, i got a six pack even tho i did nothing.

as i lay on her bed, she got on top of my back and sat down, i could feel how squishy her but is, wait bad thoughts stop this!.

hestia pricked her finger and a drop of blood dropped on my back, i felt a cold feeling envelope my body as a symbol appeared on my back, it was the symbol of the hestia familia.

"well, we are done here" She said as she got of my back, i stood up and put my shirt back on.

"thank you for excepting me as your familia" i said with a bow, i looked at her and i couldn't help but notice how pure and happy her blue eyes looked.

"no, thank you" she said as she looked at me with a smile.

"now come here you!" she suddenly jumped on me and started hugging me all over, i just stood there awkwardly.

"from now on you are going to live with me!" she said as she stopped spinning on my neck, she stopped and stood there looking at me with a hopeful smile, i just nodded causing her to smile.

"yes, but goddess i need to go to the dungeon right now" i said as i equipped my armor, when she saw an armor spawn on me she was very surprised.

"okay, but be careful!" she said as i walked up the stairs and walked towards the dungeon.

"i can't believe i finally got a familia member!" Hestia said while looking at my back, tears threatened to spill out of her eyes.

[ in the dungeon, floor 4 ]

"ahhh!" i shouted as i split a kobold along with 2 goblin behind him in half, i felt the power course through my being, with my dagger becoming more sharper and durable, i was now able to easily slice monsters in half, and my shield and armor now is much harder.

"this is the 20th monster i killed, and i am barely breathing a little harder, i should go lower maybe i will become even stronger" i said as i walked towards floor 5.

a few minutes later i entered floor 5 and i saw the dungeon change to a more green colour, as i was walking a killer ant was born just a few seconds later, they crawled through the floor and attacked me.


i turned around and i slashed the killer ant, the dagger cut through it's armor with ease and the ant turned into smoke, but i wasn't finished, i ran around the monsters that spawned and with a slash each i cut through them easily.

a few seconds later i was finished with the monster.

"pheww... this was easy,maybe i should go lower!" i said as i looked at the magic stones, i felt the power in my body growing and i realized that the power these killer ants give is more than the kobold.

[ floor 8 ]


i kicked the causing a crack to form, from the rebound force i dashed at a kobold splitting him in half, i ran at the next kobold and i split him in half.

this continued for a minute as i killed the monsters around me, i then waited a few minutes until the monsters spawned again.

"man this is some ez!" i said as i looked at all the monster stones i got, i probably kiled a 100 monsters today.

"let's go lower" i said as i walked towards floor 10.

[ floor 12 ]

as i looked at an infant dragon, i couldn't help but notice i lack a long range attack that could help me cover myself from being surrounded.

i held up my dagger, and i input my mana into it, the dagger had blue lights in the latin words on the side, i swung the dagger, the magic being on the point of the dagger, i condensed it and i swung the dagger.


a blue slash was sent towards the infant dragon, it cut through the neck of the infant dragon, the dragon turned into smoke and dropped a fist sized dragon.

"well i got enough for today" i said as i collected the magic stones, with a fflash i put them in my inventory.

[ the surface ]

i walked towards the guild and i entered.

i walked towards Eina and i waved at her with a smile, i took out my bag containing the magic stones and i put them on the counters.

she began counting the monster stones, and in the end it was 135 magic stone of various monsters.

"here, 156,000 valis" Eina said as i took the money, i put it into my inventori when no one was looking, i then bid goodbye to Eina.

[ church ]

"goddess i am home!" i said as i entered the room, i saw Hestia on the bed reading a book.

"bell!!" she shouted as she ran and hugged me.

"well, goddess you wanna go with me to hostess of fertility, the food is very good there" i said as i took out 15,000 valis for the restaurant.

"yeah!, let's go!" she shouted with excitement as she dressed up.

with that we were off to eat.