
Danmachi: Bound by Destiny - Tales of the Labyrinth

Release schedule: Monday and Wednesday. Will post 2 chapters a week. ______________________________________________________ In a world of hidden powers and untold secrets, follow Aether Cranel as he embarks on a journey of self-discovery in the bustling city of Orario. With bonds of love and unwavering determination, he faces challenges, forges friendships, and unravels the mysteries that lie within. Join him in an enchanting adventure filled with growth, magic, and the pursuit of dreams. Aether Cranel Son of Zald and Alfia embarks on his journey to provide justice, there are lots of mystery hidden in it so keep reading to know more Chapters will be between 3500 to 5000 words, if lucky above 6000. For patreon there will be only a few tiers for now, but tiers will increase as the community grows. I have a P@treon go take a look! You can access advanced chapters there! https://www.p@treon.com/SovereignMonarchJr Disclaimer: I do not own the Danmachi series except the characters I created as this is a slight Au fanfic. Note: Ais simps jump here Lastly, though I included the R18 tag, I am still developing my skills to write lemons. So don't expect too much of those. Though I will promise it will happen sometime in the future. ______________________________________________________

SovereignMonarchJr · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening and Vows

[A/N: Hey guys your shameless author is back after getting many complaints i decided to rewrite the chapter, like I said before I mostly use Wattpad so I will first fix it and post new chapter there and slowly I will post here

Though most of the things are same i just fix the old things added some new

Let me tell you first, both children are abnormally smart for their age, in future I'll explain why

If you have any further questions just ask and do comment so I could say I'm going on a right track

This time I try not misdirect or hide much i will MC secret time to time okay so without further due let's start]

On a vast expanse of terrain, the aftermath of a significant battle was evident.

In the midst of this scene stood a young boy, his hair a pale, silvery white, knelt upon the ground. His body bore extensive scratches, wounds, and bleeding areas that covered nearly every inch of his form, leaving only tattered shreds of clothing and heavily damaged armor.

The entire field resembled a desolate crater, with lifeless vegetation, scattered scales, and remnants of armor that were now mere tatters, rendering the original form unrecognizable.

"The boy exhaled heavily, his hair covering his eyes, although one of them shone with an eerie green hue while the other resembled a deep, oceanic blue tainted with the essence of blood."

Before the boy, the once mighty black dragon lay lifeless, a mere shell of its former self. The boy, who appeared to be nearing exhaustion, slowly approached the massive reptile.

In a sudden burst of energy, he rose from the ground, wielding a blade with a dark, shimmering hue akin to the night. With determined steps, he drew near to the dragon's colossal head. Summoning every ounce of strength left in him, he drove the blade deep into the dragon's lifeless form.

As the knife pierced what remained of the dragon's body, it tipped over onto its back, almost completely, save for its hind legs resting on the ground. The boy, his gaze fixed upon the dragon, witnessed a final, eerie phenomenon - the dragon's eyes glowed a brilliant shade of blood-red as it stared back at him. With clenched fists and gritted teeth, the boy rose once more, unleashing a primal scream into the open air.


More than a scream, it was a primal growl that echoed through the desolation, a sound devoid of any living witness.


The boy's cry rang out to the winds, his battered body succumbing to unconsciousness. His eyes caught a glimpse of two blurry figures approaching, hindered by the state of one eye and the other, though in better condition, unable to convey clear images for his brain to process.

In his fading consciousness, the last sight he beheld was eyes akin to his own, and a gentle hand cradling his body as he descended into complete unconsciousness.

Before we proceed, why don't we observe how this young boy confronts the formidable challenge of the third and final great mission?

Looking back, especially 15 years prior...

The morning sun bathed the Cranel household in a gentle glow, ushering in a new day. All the adults were already awake, busy with their tasks.

Recognizing that it was breakfast time, a man spoke up, saying, "Zeus, go wake up Aether. I'll prepare the food." The elderly gentleman, who seemed to be a god, let out a resigned sigh before rising from his chair, replying, "Yes."

Then, the elderly man entered the children's room. "Rise and shine, you slowpoke. It's a wonderful day to enjoy life and to bulild a Harem!" The elder god cheerfully said the last part, though not too loudly, so as not to incur the wrath of a certain woman.

As Aether slowly roused from his slumber at the sound of his grandfather's voice, the morning sunlight gently streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. At three years old, Aether Cranel, with his piercing blue eyes and shimmering silver-white hair, stirred in his bed. Zeus, his wise grandfather, couldn't help but notice something intriguing. Aether's eyes, which were typically a serene Ocean blue, appeared to emit a faint, almost ethereal glow as he let out a sleepy yawn. It was a subtle yet captivating sight,

The boy greeted his grandfather with a yawn, saying, "Good morning, Grandpa. Just give me five minutes to freshen up."

Upon hearing his grandson's voice, the elderly man snapped out of his reverie and simply replied, "Of course." He then departed to have a serious conversation with the boy's parents.

As Aether opened his eyes, fragments of memories from a previous life began to resurface. Images and emotions flooded his mind, causing a mix of confusion and intrigue. He felt a deep connection to a world beyond his current reality, a world filled with magic, heroes, and adventure.

Sitting up in bed, Aether's young heart fluttered with anticipation. He knew that something had changed within him, that he possessed abilities and knowledge far beyond his tender age. Eager to explore the depths of his newfound memories, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and hopped down, his small feet padding across the floor.

Unbeknownst to Aether, his parents, Alfia and Zald, had long anticipated this moment. They had sensed the dormant power within their son, waiting for it to awaken in its own time. Today, they would guide him on the path of self-discovery and nurture his burgeoning talents.



[A/N: Here Zald is 4 years older than Alfia]

As Aether made his way to the living room, his parents exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes filled with a mixture of pride and determination. It was time to reveal the truth to their son, to unlock his full potential.

"Good morning, Aether," Alfia greeted, her voice filled with warmth. "There's something important we need to talk to you about."

Aether looked up at his parents, his innocent gaze filled with curiosity. "What is it, Mama? Papa?"

Zald knelt down to Aether's eye level, his hands resting gently on his son's shoulders. "Aether, we believe you are special. You carry within you the memories and abilities of someone from a different world. You are a reincarnator."

Aether blinked, processing his father's words. "Reincarnator? What does that mean, Papa?"

Alfia stepped forward, her voice gentle yet resolute. "It means that in your previous life, you lived a different existence. You possessed knowledge and skills that go beyond what most people can comprehend. And now, those memories have awakened within you."

Aether's young mind struggled to grasp the enormity of what he was being told. Images and fragments of his past life flashed through his thoughts, like glimpses of a distant dream. But one thing was certain-he was not an ordinary child.

"I... I can recall," Aether murmured, his voice barely audible. "It's a bit unclear, but I have knowledge of magic, heroes, and something associated with Orario."

Alfia and Zald exchanged a look of joy and relief. Their son was awakening to his true self. Now, it was their duty to guide him on his journey of self-discovery.

Over the next two and a half years, the Cranel household became a hub of training and learning. Aether's training got harsher as his parents dedicated themselves to unlocking his full potential, ensuring that he would be prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

Under Alfia's guidance, Aether delved into the intricacies of magic. He learned to harness his mana, casting spells that surpassed his young age. From summoning flames to creating protective barriers, he embraced the world of magic with fervor and determination.

Zald, a skilled warrior himself, took on the role of Aether's swordsmanship instructor. From the basics of footwork to the nuances of different sword techniques, Zald instilled in his son the importance of discipline, focus, and strategic thinking.

The training sessions became a daily routine, with Aether eagerly absorbing every lesson

As Aether's training progressed, a peculiar dynamic emerged within the Cranel household. Zeus, a boisterous and mischievous deity from the Zeus Familia, took a keen interest in Aether's development. However, his intentions were far from noble. Zeus saw it as an opportunity to impart his perverted wisdom upon the young grandson..

Hera, a stern and no-nonsense goddess, served as a counterbalance to Zeus's antics. Aware of his intentions, she took it upon herself to protect Aether from the inappropriate teachings of her husband. Hera's strict demeanor and disciplinary actions became a regular occurrence, often resulting in Zeus nursing a bruised ego.


[A/N: If you like it praise me i made it myself]

Bella, the littlest child in the family, couldn't contain her excitement as she watched her big brother train listening heroes stories from her Grandpa and seeing his brother train to reach his dream the little girl couldn't help but ask "Mommy, Daddy, I've been watchin' brother train, I wanna be strong like him. Can I train too,?"

Alfia and Zald exchanged glances, recognizing the determination in Bella's eyes they asked.

"My dear, explain to me why you desire to become stronger, you know the training is something that can't be done half hearted" Alfia spoke in calm but stern voice

Without hesitation the little girl spoke in determination "I want to be a Hero." She continued "to stand by my brother's side and bring smiles to others" she smiles, her crimson eyes gleaming with resolve

Zald could only smile hearing that answer

"Now we have two idiots" Alfia spoke as she rub her temple but then forming a small smile as she looked at her daughter with love "My dear we've always known you possessed a spark of magic within you. It fills my heart with joy to see your eagerness to learn."

Zald joined as he spoke "Strength comes in many forms, Bella. It is not just about physical power but also the strength of character and the will to protect what you hold dear. We will guide you on your journey."

"Yes" the girl spoke with a smile

From behind, the Thunder God couldn't help but chuckle and remarked, "As expected of my granddaughter." However, he soon received a playful smack from his wife, who added, "It's your fault for filling my grandchildren with your Hero stories."

"Well they are smart, who choose their own later" said Zeus

"A bit too smart" Hera spoke showing a bit concern

On that day forward, Bella's training began in earnest. Aether, eager to support his sister's aspirations, offered guidance and shared his knowledge with her.

"Bella, I'm happy that you've to join me. Let's do our best, I'll also teach you the basic mana concentration"

The little girl couldn't help but giggle "Hehe, thank you, Brother. I'm so happy to learn from you, and I'm gonna make you super proud!"

As they delved deeper into their training, Bella and Aether would spend countless hours practicing spells and honing their skills. The crackling sound of fire and the electrifying sparks of lightning became familiar sights and sounds within their household.

Around a year later One evening, as they sat by the fireplace, the warmth embracing them, Bella who was sitting on Aether lap, couldn't help but share her thoughts on the nature of strength and love.

"Brother, I was thinking... Being strong ain't just 'bout being tough, right? It's 'bout loving and keeping our family safe and happy. I wanna be strong, for all of us."

Aether: "Yes, Bella. Like Papa said Strength is not only physical but also emotional. Love gives us the courage to face any challenge. Together, we can protect our loved ones and create a brighter future."

Their conversation was interrupted by the gentle voice of their mother, Alfia, as she entered the room.

"My dear children, the bond you share as siblings is a remarkable source of strength. Love and support will always be your foundation, guiding you through the trials ahead."

Zald, overhearing their conversation, joined them, a smile gracing his face.

"Right, Strength comes from within, but it is amplified when we have others to lean on. You two have each other, and that bond will give you the strength to overcome any obstacle."

As the flames danced in the fireplace, Bella and Aether felt happy, being surrounded by their family as talked with hearth. They understood as long as they are together nothing would harm them

Little did they know that their path would lead them to incredible discoveries, challenging adventures, and a destiny intertwined with the fate of Orario. The Cranel siblings are gonna leave their mark on the history as in future they are gonna shake the whole world.

Meanwhile, Zeus and Hera, former Gods of their own familia watch them as they gonna witness their grandchildren leaving the mark on the world

During one of their family gatherings, Zeus couldn't resist but interject with his mischievous nature, much to the dismay of Hera and the rest of the family. Alfia try to do to her best so she won't blow the old man up, or she might be called bad mama

"Zeus, refrain from indulging Aether in your perverted teachings," Alfia asserted, her tone carrying a hint of frustration. "I'm trying to do my best to refrain but if you won't stop then." She paused, offering the most radiant smile she could muster, a smile that sent chills down the spines of both Zeus and Hera.


"I don't mind cutting this thing of yours"

Zeus face paled as he covered his rear

"Y-Yees Mommy" he spoke in fear

"Good now" with that Alfia left

Hera's gaze hardened, her eyes narrowing. "Zeus be careful don't awaken the silence. You are no longer the supreme God just be a good grandpa" saying that Hera also left the scene leaving Zeus alone

"Let's peep" Zeus with a cheerful smile ran towards the town's bathhouse

"Yare Yare" Zald could shake in head as he witnessed his God's dramatic change in nature.

As the evening sun bathed the room in a warm glow, Aether's resolve solidified. He would navigate the challenges ahead with unwavering determination and a strong sense of righteousness. With his family by his side, he would rise above the temptations and fulfill his destiny as a true hero.

And so, the stage was set for Aether's journey of self-discovery, surrounded by a family filled with love, wisdom, and the occasional clash of gods.

During those years of training, Aether's days were filled with a mix of combat, magical studies, and swordsmanship. His parents, Alfia and Zald, took turns guiding him, their expertise complementing each other perfectly. Alfia, with her gentle yet firm demeanor, focused on honing Aether's magical prowess, teaching him the intricacies of spellcasting and the manipulation of mana.

In the training area of their home, Zald, a seasoned warrior, instructed Aether in the art of swordplay. With a firm grip on his practice sword, Aether stood before his father, ready to absorb every word of guidance.

"Remember, Aether," Zald spoke in a deep, resonant voice, "swords are not just tools of destruction, but extensions of our will. Feel the weight of the blade, let it become an extension of your arm."

Aether nodded, his bright blue eyes focused and determined. He mimicked Zald's movements, the training sword slicing through the air with controlled precision. The clang of metal against metal filled the room as Aether engaged in mock battles with his father.

"Good, Aether! You're getting better with each strike," Zald commended, a hint of pride in his voice. "But remember, true strength lies not just in physical prowess, but in the ability to understand and strategize."

Meanwhile, Alfia watched the father-son duo with a smile, marveling at the progress Aether had made. She spoke to Bella who was sitting on her lap, observing the training session intently, "Aether has an incredible gift, Bella. He carries the essence of heroes within him."

Bella nodded, her eyes shining with admiration. "I know, Mommy. I want to be just like him when I grow up, a hero who protects the weak and fights for justice!"

Alfia smiled as she ruffled Bella's hair affectionately. "You have a hero's spirit within you too, my dear. One day, you too will shine just as brightly as him."

As the training sessions continued, Aether's abilities flourished. With the instructions of Zeus, He learned to summon bolts of lightning with a flick of his fingers, harness the raw power of storms, and manipulate the very electrical currents around him. His progress amazed both his parents and Bella, who cheered him on every step of the way, while Zeus laughed heartily with pride.

"HAHA, My Grandson Indeed," he spoke with a hearty laughter 'it won't be long before girls will fall from his thunderclap in bed, huhu as expected of me, I will leave the rest to you Hermes'

Looking at his face Hera narrowed her eyes 'He's planning something perverted'



In the evenings, the Cranel family would gather around the dinner table, sharing a meal filled with laughter and love. Aether's cooking skills had also blossomed during this time, and he took delight in preparing delicious dishes for his family.

One evening, as they savored a sumptuous meal, It won't be long before Aether will leave for Orario, Aether looked at his parents with gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, Mama and Papa, for believing in me and guiding me on till now. I promise to become strong and protect all of you."

Alfia and Zald exchanged a glance, their pride evident. "You already are strong, Aether," Alfia said, her voice filled with maternal affection. "And i know my little hero will be able to fulfil his dreams."

"Yes" Aether smiled brightly

As the night grew darker, the family gathered in the living room, surrounded by the warmth of the hearth. Bella snuggled up to Aether, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Brother, when you become a hero, will you go on grand adventures and fight monsters?"

Aether chuckled, wrapping his arm around Bella. "Of course, little sis! I'll explore the depths of the dungeon, face powerful foes, and protect everyone I hold dear. And i know you will be by my side right"

Bella beamed, her eyes reflecting unwavering trust. "I will"

They join hands as he spoke "Let's promise, if I'm gonna protect others, who will protect me"

"I will" she vowed

"And if I'm gonna protect you, who will protect me"

"I will" he vowed

""Let's be each other, Heroes""

They both speak with a unison as they made a vow

Unknown to them both of their backs glowed for a while as the world engraved their vow.




Days again pass by. One sunny afternoon, Aether found himself in the courtyard, practicing his spellcasting under the watchful eye of Alfia. Bella, too, had joined them

Both Zald and Alfia have noticed Bella become more determined in training at first she was aspire to become strong but something had changed as if 'she to have begun on her journey'

Except Aether and the Thunder God who had heard the vow that day, looked at her amazement

With a flick of her finger, she conjured a small flame that danced merrily on her palm.

"Look, Aether! I can create fire just like you!" Bella exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement, even if how much matured they are do to the awakening, they are still children.

Aether grinned, impressed by his sister's progress. "That's amazing, Bella! Your magic is getting stronger every day.!"

As they continued their training, a boisterous voice echoed across the courtyard. "Now that you're done Come, let me teach you some of the secrets of pleasure and seduction!"

Turning around, Aether spotted Zeus approaching, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Aether's face contorted into a mix of confusion and amusement as he tried to comprehend Zeus's intentions.

"Um, thank you, Grandpa, but I think I'll pass," Aether replied politely, keeping a safe distance from the God's suggestive aura.

Hera, who had been observing the scene from afar, couldn't help but intervene. With a swift motion, she punches Zeus on the abdomen, causing him to stumble back in pain.

"Zeus, behave yourself! Aether is still a child, and we won't allow you to corrupt his innocent mind," Hera scolded, her voice laced with both annoyance and protectiveness.

Zeus rubbed his abdomen, pouting like a scolded child. "Hera, my dear, I was just trying to impart some valuable knowledge. You know, for his future endeavors."

Alfia, who had been quietly observing the exchange, couldn't help but intervene. "Zeus, what have I told you, I don't believe it's time to teach Aether these topics at such a young age."

Zeus grumbled but ultimately relented, realizing that Alfia's resolve couldn't be easily swayed. "Very well, Alfia. But mark my words, young Aether. When you're ready to embrace the art of pleasure, you know where to find me!"

Alfia smiled as she spoke "Gospel"


And soon the old man got blasted away

"I will not make my son a Pervert like you" Alfia spoke in a Harsh voice

Aether sweatdropped nervously, not entirely sure if Zeus's words were meant as a joke or a serious invitation. Nevertheless, he focused his attention back on his training, determined to maintain his path of righteousness and protect his family from any unnecessary influences.

Throughout their interactions with Zeus and Hera, Aether and Bella had always loved their grandparents, not as god's by as family. Zald and Alfia, having been adventurers in their Familia in the past, considered them as their own family. Despite Zeus's eccentricities, they respected him as a God, while Hera's protective nature resonated deeply with them.

As the sun began to set, bathing the courtyard in a warm golden glow, Aether and Bella gathered around their grandparents. Zald shared stories of his adventures, recounting thrilling battles and narrow escapes. Alfia listened attentively, her eyes reflecting admiration for her husband's bravery.

Bella leaned in closer to Hera, her eyes wide with excitement. "Grandma Hera, tell us about your adventures too! Did you ever fight powerful monsters?"

Hera laugh warmly, her eyes sparkling with fond memories. "Oh, my dear Bella, I've had my fair share of battles and encounters. But my greatest adventure has been watching over your family and seeing you and Aether grow into such remarkable individuals."

Aether leaned closer, his curiosity piqued. "Grandma Hera, what was the most challenging opponent you've ever faced?"

Hera's gaze turned distant, a mix of nostalgia and determination filling her voice. "There was a time when I faced a monstrous beast known as the Hydra. Its many heads and poisonous breath made it a formidable adversary. It took all my strength and strategy to bring it down, but with the support of my Familia, we emerged victorious."

Bella's eyes widened in awe, her imagination running wild with images of epic battles. "Wow, Grandma, you're so strong! I want to be just like you and Brother when I grow up!"

Aether smiled, a sense of pride swelling within him. "You will, Bella. We'll protect each other and become a family of heroes."

Just as the evening reached its tranquil peak, a mischievous voice broke the serene atmosphere. "Ah, what a heartwarming scene! Aether, my boy, don't forget what I told you earlier. Harems are the pinnacle of joy!"

Zeus, unable to resist the opportunity to inject his lecherous wisdom into the conversation, had made his way back to the courtyard. However, before he could continue his perverted advice, a sudden gust of wind blew, and a powerful slap resounded through the air. Hera had delivered yet another punishment sending the god in the wall which getting the approval wave from Alfia


"You never learn, do you, Zeus? I won't tolerate your indecent ideas corrupting the minds of our grandchildren!" Hera's voice boomed with both anger and love, her actions speaking volumes of her protective nature.

Aether couldn't help but stifle a laugh, witnessing the familiar dynamic between Zeus and Hera unfold once again. Despite his grandpa's questionable intentions, he couldn't deny the underlying affection that permeated their relationship.

As the night grew darker, the Cranel family gathered around the hearth, finding comfort in each other's presence. Zald and Alfia shared stories of their encounters with Zeus and Hera during their adventuring days, tales of battles fought side by side and the bond forged through shared hardships.

Aether snuggled closer to his parents, a sense of gratitude filling his heart. "I'm thankful to have such a loving family, and I promise to make you proud. Together, we'll create our own legacy."

Zald wrapped his arm around Aether, his voice filled with paternal warmth. "We already are proud of you, son. Your journey is just beginning, and we'll be by your side every step of the way."

Alfia gazed at her son, her eyes brimming with maternal love. "Remember, Aether, true strength lies not just in power, but in the goodness of your heart. Use your abilities to protect and uplift others, and you will become a true hero."

As the night wore on, the Cranel family exchanged laughter, shared dreams, and reveled in the warmth of their love. Aether and Bella, in the midst of their training and the interactions with their peculiar grandparents, felt a sense of excitement and anticipation for the adventures that awaited them in the city of Orario.

And so, with hearts united and bonds strengthened, the Cranel family embraced the challenges that lay ahead, ready to face the trials of the dungeon and carve their names into the annals of Orario's history.

As the day drew, Aether's sixth birthday drew near, marking the time for him to set foot on the path of becoming an adventurer and finally The day had finally arrived. Aether stood before the front door, a small bag packed with essentials slung over his shoulder. With hazy knowledge that continue to grow and the training he had undergone had prepared him for this moment-his departure for the fabled city of Orario


[A/N: This is how Aether looks like]

Alfia and Zald stood by his side, their expressions a mix of pride and sadness. Bella, too, had joined them, her eyes brimming with tears. They had all known that this day would come, but that didn't make it any easier to say goodbye. "Aether, my boy, the time has come for you to embark on your own journey. You are already strong enough that you rival a level 2 and since you can grow much more in the depths of the dungeon, remember the values we've instilled in you. Protect the weak, show compassion, and let your inner strength guide you."

Aether nodded, a glimmer of determination in his eyes. "I will, Father. I'll carry your teachings with me and do my best to uphold the values of our family."

Alfia stepped forward, holding a pendant in her hands. The pendant glowed with a soft blue light, a symbol of a certain Justice Familia. She gently fastened it around Aether's neck.


"This pendant will always be with you, Aether. It is a symbol of our love and support. Whenever you feel lost or weary, hold it close and remember that you have a family who believes in you and Remember, Aether, no matter where your journey takes you, our love and support will always be with you. Stay true to yourself and follow your heart.."

Aether nodded, his determination shining through. "Thank you, Mama and Papa. I will carry your teachings and love with me as I embark on this adventure. And I promise to return stronger and make you proud."

Bella stepped forward gripping Aether's tightly. "Brother, promise me that you'll come back safely. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Aether knelt down, meeting Bella's tearful gaze ruffling Bella's hair affectionately. "I promise, Bella. I'll come back, and we'll have even more adventures together. But for now, I need to discover my path and fulfil my destiny."

As the day of Aether's departure arrived, the Cranel family gathered at the entrance of their home, bidding him farewell. Zeus and Hera had joined them, despite their usual antics and disagreements. Zeus wore a solemn expression, a rare sight on his face he approached the boy with a smile.

"My boy tell me, what is something a hero must possess"

"A Strong Weapon that will always be your side"


"Maybe Magic, that will help you save other" Bell spoke

"That's a no either"

""Then, what is it"" both have Zeus interest if not weapon or magic what could it be? It must something great

"Fufu, then my children let me tell you"


"Something that a hero must possess is a"

""Is a" both children repeated

Then soon Zeus spoke in a High voice "It's a. HAREEEMMM!!! HAHAHAHA"

Light disappeared from both of the child eyes as if they are seeing the world is a lie


Soon they heard lots a sounds as the cranel siblings looked up they Zeus getting beaten to by both Alfia and Hera,

"You Idiot!!!", she held Zeus back and did a German Suplex"

"Sorry i was just lighting the mood"

"Lighting the mood you say!" Alfia shouted, and for the next few minutes cries of pain and bombing heated throughout the area.

"Fuu-ouch" the tattered god rose on his feet as he put a hand on Aether shoulder and spoke

"Remember, Aether, the world is vast and full of wonders, and" Zeus began, his voice uncharacteristically serious. "If anyone has the right to be called a hero, It's not the one who took up the blade. It's not the one who raised his shield, nor the one who healed the wounded. Only one who truly risks his life may be called a hero. Protect your friends, save the girl, and face danger. It doesn't matter if you fall. No, that's just fine. Cry your heart out over it. Within the defeated, a victor waits to emerge. Stay true to your wishes. Cry out your desires. And if you do that's what will make you the coolest hero! Let your longings burn! Scream out your wishes!"

Aether chuckled, his eyes filled with warmth. "I'll keep that in mind, Grandpa Zeus. Thank you for your words."

Hera, her gaze softening, stepped forward and cupped Aether's face in her hands. "My dear grandson, you carry the blood of heroes within you. Embrace your destiny and always remember that we are here for you, supporting you from afar."

Aether nodded, feeling the weight of their love and guidance. "Thank you, Grandma Hera. Your words mean the world to me."

"Lastly" Alfia spoke in a most serious tone "No matter what don't reveal your lineage nor the truth about your powers, even if a god ever asks you know right what to say"

"Yes I remember it"

"Then let's go."

With final hugs and well wishes exchanged, Aether set forth on his journey. He walked down the familiar streets of their neighbourhood, a mixture of excitement and determination coursing through his veins.

With a heavy heart, Aether embraced his family, feeling the warmth of their love envelop him. It was time to leave the familiar comforts of home and step into the unknown.

As Aether made his way through the bustling streets of their town, accompanied by Alfia and Zald, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. The journey to Orario would be long and filled with challenges, but he was ready to face them head-on.

They reached the outskirts of the town, where a horse-drawn carriage awaited them. The driver, a seasoned adventurer with a grizzled beard, greeted them with a nod. "Good day, Aether. Ready for the journey to Orario?"

Aether nodded, his eyes fixed on the distant horizon. "Yes, I'm ready. Orario awaits."

The carriage rumbled to life, its wheels creaking as it began its journey. Aether looked back one last time, seeing the small figures of his family waving goodbye. He felt a surge of determination, knowing that he carried their hopes and dreams within him.

And so, with each step he took, Aether embraced his true potential, ready to face the trials and forge his own legend in the great city of Orario. The tale of Aether Cranel, the reincarnator with extraordinary abilities




As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the Cranel household, Zald and Alfia returned home, their expressions filled with a mixture of sadness and worry. Aether had departed for Orario, a decision he made to pursue his own path and fulfill his destiny. However, the weight of the unknown and the hardships he might face weighed heavily on his parents' hearts.

Alfia gazed out of the window, her eyes filled with unshed tears. Turning to Zald, she voiced her concerns, her voice laced with a hint of apprehension.

"Zald, do you think it was the right decision to send Aether to Orario? If what that person told us is true, then our son is going to face immense hardships."

Alfia still remember the man or the being words

"The boy's journey to Orario will mark a significant turning point in his life, there will even be a time come when the child even tries to kill himself...the boy is bound to shatter"

Just hearing it makes Alfia heart shatter "I can't bear the thought of seeing him broken."

Zald placed a comforting hand on Alfia's shoulder, offering solace in the face of uncertainty.

"Alfia, we must trust in Aether's judgment. It was his choice to embark on this journey, and we must respect that. Aether has always shown resilience and determination. He is destined to face challenges, but it is through adversity that one grows stronger."

As they sat together, memories of Aether's growth and milestones flooded their minds. They recalled the first time he crawled how he'd energetically dart from place to place, even the funny times when he accidentally his twin sister "mama" thinking of her as his mother it was the first time in life Alfia felt so much despair and jealousy, But they also cherished the profound joy of being family, watching their son grow and flourish.

Alfia's tears, which she had been holding back, finally broke free, cascading down her cheeks. The weight of her emotions overwhelmed her, and Zald held her tenderly, offering a comforting presence in their shared sorrow.

"It's alright. Let the tears flow. It's natural to worry for our children. But remember, Aether is not alone. He carries the love and strength we instilled in him throughout his life. We can only wait and have faith that he will overcome any obstacle he encounters."

As Alfia's sobs subsided, Zald gently wiped away her tears, his touch filled with love and reassurance.

Zald: "Our son is resilient, Alfia. He has grown into a remarkable young man, and I have no doubt that he will find his way. We must have faith in his abilities and the lessons he learned under our guidance."

Alfia nodded, finding solace in Zald's words. Together, they embraced the bittersweet reality of parenthood, understanding that their children would eventually forge their own paths and face challenges of their own.

In the midst of their shared emotions, random memories and conversations filled the air. They reminisced about Aether's mischievous antics as a child, his unwavering determination to excel in his studies, and the countless moments that had shaped him into the person he had become.

As the night grew darker, Zald and Alfia found comfort in each other's presence, their love for their son radiating through their shared memories and conversations. They held onto the hope that Aether's journey would lead him to greatness and that his experiences in Orario would shape him into an even stronger individual.

But her worries were not false, her son Aether, was about to embark on a path filled with unexpected encounters, formidable challenges, and the forging of lifelong bonds. The tears shed by Alfia were not just tears of sadness but also a testament to the deep love and concern she held for her son.

The Cranel family would face the tests of separation and uncertainty, but their unwavering love and support would serve as a beacon of strength for them all. As the night sky enveloped them, They found solace in the belief that their family bond would endure, no matter the distance that separated them.

And so, the journey of the Cranel family continued, their hearts intertwined in an unbreakable bond as they navigated the trials and tribulations that awaited them in the city of Orario.






[A/N:So yeah this is the end of chapter 1, well there are many mysteries hidden, how did Zald and Alfia knows Aether is a reincarnator, who was the unknown person Alfia mentioned, most important how come Zald and Alfia are still alive in the story, there are many mysterious things hidden so keep reading to unravel the fun

Edit: I have edited the chapter fully and fix all the problems

There are new things that I add as I will continue to explain it in the future]

I thank you for reading like I said I will first post and fix my chapter on my Wattpad account and then post it here i really like if you comment the more you comment the easier it gets understanding

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

SovereignMonarchJrcreators' thoughts