
Getting information one way or another...

Lucas smiled at the loot he had taken from the adventurer, he had gained a significant amount of gold and a large amount of magic cores, mainly of low level goblins. He walked casually out of the dungeon without encountering anymore adventurers of monsters. When he left the the dungeon his body was assaulted by his awaking magical connection to the world, the darkness of the night itself was flowing into body of Lucas.

As the shock of the connection began to weaken Lucas, scanned the area for any relics connected to necromancy that maybe hidden in the town. He fell to his knees and began to laugh, drawing the attention of nearby adventurers who were preparing to go into the dungeon. One of them walked towards Lucas and asked" Are you feeling ok?"

Lucas rose to his feet and said" Never been better, an idiot is in possession of something that used to belong to me, it is on the other side of this town. I couldn't be better,my rise to power will be quicker than I ever thought if I get my hands back on my book." Lucas realised that the group and their leader were looking at him weirdly, he quickly composed himself and said" I'm new too town, can you point me to somewhere I can get information please?"

A man shouted from the group" The guild is over there, they have all the information you will ever need. Boss shouldn't we get going?" The leader of the group nodded his head and said"Freya will not forgive us if we are late again, we need to hurry up, Goodbye random dude, good luck with getting your book back."

When the leader made eye contact with Lucas a shiver passed through his body,Lucas's void like eyes were emitting pure hatred and his demanded" What do you mean Freya? Have more Gods descended again?" The leader recovered a little and said" What do you mean? The gods have had an active role in the lives of mortals for nearly 5000 years."

Lucas' anger reached boiling point and he removed himself from the situation and walked into the building that the man had pointed out, as soon as he entered a woman blocked him from going any further in than the entrance. She sized him up and down before saying"Any gods who serve darkness can't enter the guild without paying for a pass that acknowledges that we can kill you if you do anything Illegal. If you refuse to pay then I suggest you go back to the slums and pleasure district with the rest of the criminals."

Lucas sighed and said" How much for a pass for a level 1 necromancer?"The entire room went silent, they all turned and looked at Lucas in disgust before the woman said"Nothing, disgusting people like you will not be served in this building regardless of a pass or not. Necromancers are considered to be a plague in this country, I suggest you run while you still can."

Lucas clicked his fingers and his three skeletons appeared in a defensive formation around him, he then turned to woman who was now drawing her sword before he said" These skeletons will only defend me for now, I will be leaving then. Point me to the slums, I need information regardless of whether people with their heads stuck up their asses are willing to give it too me."

The woman drew her weapon and entered a fighting stance before responding with" The slums are on the other side of town, you can't miss them." Then contrary to her beliefs, Lucas simply left the building before returning the skeletons back to the void, he then plodded towards the slums, on route he stumbled upon a run down Inn which he walked into.

Once he opened the door, an old woman came running down the stairs before saying"We actually have a customer, dear get ready to cook, a customer, a real customer." Lucas smiled at this and approached the old woman before saying" I'm a kind of customer I guess, this building is located on the edge of the slums and I was wondering if I could buy it form you?"

The old woman nearly fell over from the Lucas' words, he looked him in the eyes beofre instinctively looking away from the soul eating centre of his eyes. She then simply said" I can sell it to you, truth be toold this Inn has been in my family for generations however my son refused to inherit it and my daughter is staying in Rakia at the moment. How much with you offer us?"

Lucas took about half of the money out of the coin purse he acquired from the adventurer before he threw the purse into the hands of the old woman. She just about caught it and began counting the gold. As she counted the smile on her face got bigger and bigger until she stopped counting and said"This is quite a bit but for sentimental values sake, why don't you give up the other half of the money too?"

Lucas began to laugh and clicked his fingers, the skeletons appeared and began approaching the old woman, Lucas smiled at her and said" I'm a necromancer, take the money I offered or I will get the deed to the building and land from your undead corpse." The woman rushed out of the room and collected the deed and gave it to Lucas. She had heard the rumours that even the gods are deeply afraid of necromancers and angering them is a mistake that no one should ever make.

Lucas thanked her and demanded"I want you to be gone by the time I get back from exploring the district, If you are still here I will remove you myself." He then left with the deed and skeletons and continued towards the pleasure district. He was looking for two things in particular, a slave trader and to see if the God Ishtar had descended along with the rest. If she had then she would be the one with his book as she was the only one who knew its location before Lucas was banished.

He strode into the pleasure district and approached one of the prostitutes and said" I will pay you for simply information, I want the location of Ishtar and the location of a slave trader." He then gave the girl 100 Vallis. She looked up at Lucas and said" Ishtar is located in the big mansion 3 streets back from here, you can't miss it. The building is being guarded by Amazonians, they will kill you if you break any rules. The best slave trader in these parts works in the building at the end of this street. You can see it from here, the red one with the guards out front."

Lucas thanked the girl before making his way towards the mansion were Ishtar was, he had seen glimpses of the future while he was an all powerful wizard, he knew that soon Ishtar was going to be killed and he was determined to get his book back before then. He also wanted to scout out her Familia for any potential recruits, he knew that someone of them were destined to join the Hestia Familia and he was too weak to challenge destiny in such an extreme way however some had many possible locations, those he could take.

As he approached the mansion he was stopped by Amazonian guards, they demanded that Lucas tell them why he was there. He simply told them that he had vital information that Ishtar could use against Freya if need be. They told him to wait, they then disappeared and when they returned they invited him inside, they escorted Lucas into a large room that had a throne at the top.

Ishtar was looking down on him as soon as he entered, Lucas laughed at this and said" Ishtar, nice to meet each other again after so long, you are still obsessed with Freya it seems. Well you have a book of mine and I want it back" He then dodged an incoming blade and said" I also want her, she is perfect for my first Familia member, she has the potential to learn the abilities of a death knight."

Ishtar became panicked at the mention of a 'death Knight', they had not been seen for 5 thousand years and the last one to train them nearly had the power to directly challenge the Gods. She turned to the man and said" Aisha will be staying with us as will the book I think you are talking about, the man who used that book last nearly killed everything in the known world."

Lucas laughed at this and said"Was that before or after the Gods killed his daughter? I wasn't really asking Ishtar, I was telling you how it is going to be." He turned to Aisha and said" You will be joining me soon, I will let you know now that I'm not a good person, hell you could say I'm evil incarnate however as long as you do your part you will be free to do as you wish while you serve me. You can also bring one person with from this place however it can't be her."

He said pointing at Haruhime, he then moved closer to Aisha and whispered "I know you care deeply for her and you think of her as a daughter, I will let you know now she will be saved in a week, two tops, that I can promise you. Ishtar will get what is coming to her, Freya will come knocking and your friend there will join the Hestia Familia, that is why she can't join us."

Aisha nodded her head and whispered back" She is the only one I deeply care about, the choice is yours master." Lucas responded with"Then we take no one else with us." He then turned to Ishtar and spoke a language that no one but him and Ishtar understood, the words were" Et ex hoc verum nomen eius Heva est Ishtar"

Ishtar turned to Lucas and asked" What is your demand master?" Lucas smiled and said" Give me the book of the Undead and agree to the conversion of this woman to the Necrosis Familia." Ishtar nodded her head and said" Someone go and get him his book, I hereby consent to Aisha Belka joining the Necrosis Familia" Lucas responded with" I hereby accept Aisha Belka's conversion to the Necrosis Familia."

Aisha fell to the floor in clear pain, her body began to change, her black hair turned white and her eyes became the same void like state to Lucas' eyes. When an amazonian returned with the book of the Undead,it instantly lit up and was absorbed by the necronomicon, with his goals completed, Lucas grabbed Aisha by her hand and dragged her into a void portal.

They arrived back at the Inn, Lucas grabbed Aisha and lifted her into a bed upstairs before letting her sleep off her the pain she was in, his next goal was to go to visit the slave trader, he needed both cleaners and guards for his new building but before all of that he decided to check if anything has changed in the necronomicon, He was extremely happy to learn that he had gained a new ability.

Soul blacksmith: This ability allows the user to craft armour and weapons out of magic cores and the souls trapped inside them. Certain cores may give additional skills to the wielder of the user's creations, the level of this skill determines the strength of the items created.

Lucas was ecstatic, this would allow him to work on a replacement staff as soon as possible, he assumed he could craft a suitable robe for himself out the goblin cores he had collected. He went to his room and began constantly creating equipment to raise the level of his crafting skill.....

For anyone wondering what Lucas said to Ishtar, it is a rough translation of 'Ishtar's real name is Eve" in Latin. It is not a perfect translation but it will do.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good day :)

Turtilingforsafetycreators' thoughts