
Gaining an apprentice

Aisha woke up to a goblin leering at her from across the room, shocked that their was a monster outside of the dungeon she immediately ran up to the goblin and began mercilessly beating it up, the entire time this was going the Goblin simply kept staring at her chest. She looked down and noticed that she was completely naked, enraged she grabbed a knife that was on the table next t her and stabbed the goblin in both eyes killing it.

Finally annoyed at the noise coming form the room next to his Lucas opened the door and saw his new goblin laying dead on the floor with Aisha still stabbing it. He coughed and said" You know I think its dead, it might be the 40 knife wounds that it has in its chest cavity or the blood nose you gave the poor bastard, as much as I like seeing you naked in front of me on all fours, may I ask why you are and why you killed my goblin?"

Aisha jumped up to her feet and hides herself behind the duvet on the bed before turning to Lucas and saying" How much did you see?" Lucas laughed and said"I saw everything I needed too and more but back to why you murdered my first poor goblin?"

Embarrassed Aisha let out a small squeak" It saw me naked, it even ogled me. Wait back to the more important question your goblin?" Lucas smiled at her and said" The poor bastard died for looking at you? Am I in the same boat? Guess that was a view worth being killed for I guess. I'm a necromancer, that is what I went to Ishtar for, she stole something and I was sent to get it back. I have a skill were I can craft equipment from cores and souls, I recently crafted a staff that would allow me to summon a few goblins as well as use my others spell more effectively. They have been repairing this building while you slept, well all except him I guess."

Aisha turned to him and said" You think I'm attractive even after where you found me? I was in a brothel, most people consider me dirty just by proxy, I never did anything except guard the place. Back to the important conversion, so your a big bad necromancer that is supposed to kill everything and dance on our graves?"

Lucas smiled and said" Pretty much yeah, there are some graves I will be dancing on before my time is done or the gods enact another stupid plan. There are 30 Gods on my hit list and all of their followers will join them if they don't change alliances before the time comes. Of course I find you attractive, just don't expect me to act on it, I don't trust anyone and I know this universe is a lot crueller than you can ever imagine. As long as you do as I say we can have a good relationship going forward however if you step out of line my dear then not even flashing me in the morning will save ya."

Aisha countered with" If you didn't trust me then you wouldn't have told me about the hit list at all, you would have kept it to yourself. I believe you are setting this up as a test for me, don't worry master I will be loyal to the end however I would like too know what you want me to do for now seeing as we are drastically weaker than any Familia in the city at this moment in time."

"A test? No I have zero intention of testing you, trust is something you earn not test for, for now I would like you to go and collect whatever monster cores you can. When you have as much as you can carry you can sell a few and pocket the money. Spend the evening however you wish put please don't kill anymore of my goblins, need to get this shithole cleaned up."

Aisha laughs and says" As you wish, can I have a look at any more of that weird equipment you have?" Lucas nodded his head and said"Of course you can, just leave the robe and staff that are in there alone. They are for my new apprentice if the slave trader has any I can train. Speaking of training their is a new class of combat I want you to learn called the Death Knight. I will give the basics later when I get back. "

Before Aisha could respond Lucas had already left and headed towards the slave traders location upon entering the building Lucas was hit the scent of manure and sweat. A large man ran into the reception area and said"What type of slave are you looking to buy? We have slaves that can do what ever you need if you get my drift."

Lucas looked at the man with disgust and said" I need a slave that has a connection to a special kind of magic. Take me back into the pens so I can test your current stock to see if any are a match. If they are I will pay you handsomely for them. "

The man nodded his head and lead Lucas into the back as so as they arrived Lucas said a small incantation and slit his arm open. His blood flew into the air and started to surround certain slaves before settling on a young Chienthrope. He looked her in the eyes and said" She will do, thank for your help." He clicked his fingers and his skeletons appeared and slew the slave trader. He then freed the girl and three other slaves that had the potential to be trained as guards.

He turned to the young woman and said" From now on you name is Helen, you will be my apprentice and here is the insignia for my Familia. The rest of you will have to earn this insignia in the dungeons and any of you that die down there will just be turned into Undead to fight for me that way instead." He began burning the mark of the skull into the woman's body and before she fainted he took her and his three other slaves into a void portal and back to the Inn.

Chapter 4 is here, the next two chapters for this week should come out, Thursday and Saturday if not sooner. Hope you enjoyed and have a good day :)

Turtilingforsafetycreators' thoughts