
Danielle and the King of Nothing

Danielle finds herself transported into another world where the familiar is switched for horror and wonder. Its no wonder she wants to go back home, but what will she do to get there? And what will she do if she can’t?

Lalablue · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Leaping Flames

The day blurred into a deep blue evening. It was the time of deceptive visibility as everything muted into a similar shade. Danielle and Melorandious spent their time organizing their bags. Melorandious stopped at nothing to get the bags organized. However, Danielle didn't share his fervor. As they finished, she sat holding her bag with her eyes dragging themselves closed.

Inside the bag, a thick blanket, a couple of extra dresses in bright Rover colors and designs, a canteen that filled itself, and half of the food weighed on Danielle's lap. Although unaccustomed to dresses, they fit better than the leggings and shirts she'd tried. Loose enough with wide belts to secure it, she would have changed into one of them if she could bring herself to move to a bathroom.

Danielle swallowed her bitterness as she squeezed the bag. All the possessions she had here she was wearing or holding. Or were strung over her shoulder.

At least I don't have to wake up to my roommates using the kitchen at five, she thought.

Her forced smile drifted back into a thin frown. Even waking up to one of her roommates using the kitchen would be heaven if she could curl up in her own bed. Thinking of soft beds and pillows, she sunk into the pull of sleep.

Melorandious finished moving the unneeded pile. His bag held a similar assortment, although his choices lacked the dresses and the ever-filling canteen. He lowered himself next to Danielle, considering if he could be bothered to lift her to somewhere more comfortable. Ultimately, he could not.

He watched, half-dozing himself.

"Melorandious, should we wake up Danielle?" Nimus said.

"It would be a shame for her to miss this feast you lot keep talking about," Melorandious said.

It felt like not nearly enough time had passed in sleep, Danielle's head ached with small movements. But as she awoke she felt an assortment of discomforts from sleeping in such form. Much as she was pulled asleep, she was pulled awake.

"I'm up," she said. "I don't wanna miss the food either."

Danielle stretched her neck.

"There's a bit more than food at this event," Melorandious said. "What was it your Gram said? It was some kind of party?"

"It's a festival where we worship our god," Nimus said.

"I've never caught the name of the Rover's god before," Melorandious said. "If we're going to worship him, I'd like to not insult all my hosts in one go."

"We call them by titles, but their name is never mentioned," Nimus said. "The most common title is the god of the road. The god of feasts is another."

"Oh, that's not ominous at all," Danielle said. "You know, maybe I'll just stay here until my head doesn't hurt."

"...You might want to switch tents if you're going to stay the night," Nimus said.

"Well, if you're offering your tent for the night," Melorandious said.

Danielle cringed.

"Did you even think about how that sounds?" She said.

"What?" Melorandious said. "What are you thinking about?"

"I wasn't offering my tent in any case," Nimus said. "It's just that Gram can be—inhospitable."

Danielle and Melorandious passed a glance between each other.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Danielle said.

The tent's door flapped open as Gram stepped through.

"Hey, there," she said. "The big dinner is ready, Nimus. I saw people coming as I left."

"What the hell," Danielle said. "Let's see this festival then."

The old woman stiffened.

"Oh," she said. "Are you sure you wouldn't want to stay and sleep? You were resting so peacefully earlier."

Melorandious picked up his and Danielle's bags.

"Well, I'm up now," Danielle said.

"But you wouldn't want to worship some strange god, would you? I'll save some food for you two, so don't worry, and just rest."

Danielle opened her mouth to speak, suddenly much more interested in going to this worship session than she was a few minutes ago.

"That's the point of these monthly festivals," Nimus said. "To share company and good food as we worship life. How can we ask them not to go?"

"Shall you lead the way, Nimus?" Melorandious said.

The three left the tent. Danielle felt the free breeze playing with her hair. She took her bag from Melorandious, which he let go of once he realized her intention.

"Would your Gram ever do anything to a guest?" Melorandious said.

"Never," Nimus replied. "She just doesn't like fiends."

They walked towards a large light in a beat of silence. As the crowd and noises thickened, light and heat got closer. Danielle saw Melorandious' face shadowed in the light. He leaned over.

"I might be paranoid," Melorandious said. "But let's leave while the party's still underway."

He spoke this next to her ear in a quiet voice. Danielle felt a weariness of her soul. Like it was a brittle twig about to break.

"And go where?" Danielle said.

"To where we were going to go tomorrow anyways. To the west, to the city of sages," Melorandious said. "Where Magi and fiends are commonplace."

Danielle thought about it.

This whole situation feels off, and he's not exempt from that based on some good behavior. So it's best to buy myself time till I figure this out.

"No," she said. "I think we can risk trusting the people who gave us their own shoes."

"All right," Melorandious said.

Nimus lead them through the crowded path between the tents into a large open field. A bonfire stood in the center, its flames towering above the people as it licked the ever-darkening night sky.

The stars are really coming into view, Danielle thought. Has it really been a whole day here?

But more than the stars, the array of dishes allured the two. A long table laid out buffet style offered up many delectable versions of fish, wild-looking berries, and fruits. There weren't any familiar green crackers on display. So Danielle settled in for mostly fish. Nimus left them to their choices as he was pulled away by a small group of friends.

Sitting down on one of the many cushions littered through the field, Danielle dug in. Melorandious was less enthusiastic.

"Did you fill yourself with crackers?" Danielle said.

"No," Melorandious said.

After that, they ignored each other. Eating or not as they preferred. Their two bags made for excellent chair backs to do so.

More and more people filled the field. Not enough to suffocate, but enough for the ambient noise to fade into incoherence. Danielle finished her food quickly and spent her time idly watching the Rovers mingling.

There was a group of teenage girls giggling, so familiar except for the loud dresses and excessive ribbons in their hair. Nimus' group of young men and women spoke with more calm, but wide grins broke out here and there. Danielle hugged her legs to her.

How long has it been since I've gone to something like this? She thought.

"I'm so tired," Danielle said.

Melorandious eyed her from where he was lounging. She hadn't realized she had spoken aloud. He kept his silence though.

The crowd quieted, knowing what would happen before Melorandious or Danielle saw.

"My good Rovers!" A man said. "Before the music and dancing begin, I'd like to say a word."

The crowd completely quieted as he waited.

"We are wanderers, and have no need for home other than each other. But as wanderers, we know the difficulties of being caught in the rain without refuge. Which is why we have these wonderful parties each new moon. But these parties are not only to enjoy each other's company but to comfort each other for future difficulties. And we invite all without refuge to enjoy the same without prejudice. Whatever choices or backgrounds they come from. The arrogance of kings and Magi are not the concerns of us Rovers!"

The man had the kind of voice that couldn't whisper off stage. And he wasn't whispering.

"Is he talking about us?" Danielle said.

"More like everyone's reaction to us," Melorandious said.

"So, it's rude for them to ignore us?" Danielle said.

She sneered at the idea.

The man continued to speak, announcing a wedding and a few other things Danielle ignored. He finished speaking with the crowd playfully booing him into sitting down. Cheers arose as musicians emerged from the crowd, bringing their instruments or their voices to an outer circle around the bonfire. Those who didn't sing began dancing and clapping.

Danielle and Melorandious were encircled before they could escape. Unlike the meal, people spared a few words for them. Danielle pushed by them, trying to find a place to put the dirty dishes.

"Hey, miss fiend!"

Danielle stopped. Struck by recent memories that she just as quickly shoved down. A punk moved into her path. Melorandious followed up to her side, holding his dishes.

"D-do you wanna dance?" He said.

Danielle's and Melorandious' eyes widened with incredulity. But both quickly saw the group of friends snickering nearby.

I see what's going on, Danielle thought. Who wants to dance with the scary fiend woman?

"No way," Danielle said.

The boy and Melorandious winced. She rolled her eyes at their expression.

"I'm not going to dance like this," she said.

I'm in my pajamas still! Danielle thought. And I don't dance with every brat who wants to prove his bravery.

"You can dance with me if you like," Melorandious said.

Danielle choked on her own laughter at the boy's face. The other boys laughed too. The kid scowled.

"I'll dance with you!" He said.

This silenced Melorandious, Danielle, and the young fools. Melorandious raised an eyebrow, Danielle's lip curled in a half-smile, and the young fools looked horrified.

"B-but only for the group dance!" The embarrassed boy said.

It's almost worth it to see their faces, Danielle said.

Melorandious nodded.

"I suppose I'll see you there?" he said. "But could you show us where to put our plates first?"

The two followed the stuttered directions and deposited the dishes by a few of the sink-cabinets where some ladies washed them. The woman nodded at Danielle as she dropped off her dishes.

"Do really intend to dance?" Danielle said.

"I can't really back out after he was so brave, now can I?" Melorandious said. "I'd forgotten what some kids will do to impress their friends. If you're not interested in dancing, maybe you could keep watch?"

"For what?" Danielle said. "What could I see in this sea of people? By the time I notice anything, it'll be too late, if I don't fall asleep again first."

"Then stay by me," Melorandious said. "Something's not right here."

"Sure, these people are biased jackasses," Danielle said. "But they've given us so much for nothing. And if there is some kinda conspiracy, I can't imagine everyone here would be in it. Which means nothing should happen here."

"You know," Melorandious began, "I might be a touch paranoid, but I think caution could come to save you."

"Tch," Danielle said.

She looked away and shook her head.

"I don't have the extra energy to waste of could-bes and maybes," she said.

By the time the two made it back to the inner ring of the bonfire, a chain of dancers had begun. The group was filled mostly with teenagers, but younger children and young adults were interlinked as well. The group of boys shrunk down into themselves as they noticed Melorandious. Danielle and Melorandious joined the chain by them.

The dancing was simple. A series of small kicks out going one direction, and the same in the other direction before everyone let go of their hands and spun. This simplicity did not stop Melorandious or Danielle from being off in timing, going in the wrong direction, or spinning at the wrong time.

But their mistakes only caused friendly laughter before the dance continued. And it caught back up to the beat that Danielle couldn't quite fathom in moments. Even the boys relaxed at Melorandious' side of the chain soon enough. Making enough noise for a party all their own.

The song swelled and quieted at apparently random moments. The instruments molding the music were drums, horns, and some sort of string instrument. But they weren't drums or horns that sounded familiar, and their use left her lost.

Danielle sorted through the music's intricacies to understand the basic beat. Just as she felt like she had gained an understanding of that, she tripped. Laughing at herself she stood back up.

"The hunters of Aldles are here!"

The cry cut through the music and halted the clapping, laughter, and overlapping conversation. A sound could be heard. A strange humming coming closer and closer. Melorandious grabbed Danielle's arm and started shoving through the crowd.

"Get the children out first."

Danielle heard this and other quick directions murmured. The sink Cabinets were shrunk into toys, and pocketed. Anything with sigils was hidden, which was nearly everything. Coordination before the chaos, the Rovers' actions held the attitude of a fire drill. All with that eerie humming coming closer.

Melorandious continued pulling Danielle forward. He stopped. The crowd blocked them off.

"Don't let them leave," Gram said. "They're who the hunters are here for!"