
Danganronpa Plus

Of all 16 Branches of Hopes Peak Academy the best student from each branch was summoned by Mr. Naegi the headmanster to start a new project. Sadly it didn't go as planned. The sixteen students find themselves in a killing game they have no choice of playing.

Jahvaughn_Coley · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Danganronpa Plus

Chapter 1 – Monoplus

Twenty years later after the destruction of the Future Foundation Hopes Peak Academy was re-founded by Makoto Naegi the Ultimate Lucky Student or otherwise known as the Head Master. The world finally began to know peace like it once did. There was no more chaos uprising around the globe because of the most despair inducing incident of human kind instigated by the Ultimate Despair Junko Enoshima along with her Remnants. Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamakura and the other of the 77th class decided to live on Jabberwock Island for the rest of their lives keeping in touch with Naegi from time to time. Life at Hopes Peak Academy was wonderful, the reserve course department was cancelled by Makoto and he created fifteen other branches from across the entire world. Most parts of the world have a branch of Hopes Peak where talented students attend to build their selves up as Ultimates. Throughout this time of peace and tranquility Makato decided to make one last project before he retires as the Head Master of Hopes Peak Academy.

"Hi there my name is Cj Coley and I'm from the American Branch. They call me the Ultimate Astrologist and Astronomer. I study many things in space simply because they are more interesting to learn about more than anything else on this earth. No point in limiting myself to a sphere am I right hahahahahaha". I kept on rehearsing to myself.

Cj are you talking to yourself again, please keep it down said a girl beside me. I came to reality and realized that I was still in the middle of a class. I looked at my homeroom teacher with an bored expression on my face. Every second felt like an eternity especially since today is the day of my departure. While I was dozing off in class my classmate beside me poked me on the cheek and grinned. "You were rehearsing what you were going to say to Mr Naegi weren't you".

She hit the nail on the head. Ever since I received an invitation from Mr. Naegi the Head Master of the Main Branch in Japan two weeks ago about visiting him I couldn't help but feel ecstatic. My chest feels warm and fuzzy thinking about meeting my idol face to face. My classmate poked me on the cheek again and said "Don't be in such a rush to go to the airport okay. You should hang out with your friends some more before you do". I nodded disagreeably and said "For the past week I've been having a ton of fun with them so that I don't have to waste time this afternoon. And besides I don't know what Mr. Naegi wants me for but I'm sure I'll come back in time for next semester I said confidently. My teacher threw a sharp kunai at me that happened to graze my cheek and shouted "Say one more word! Say it! I fucking dare you!"

"Waaaah! I'm sorry I shouted panicking.

I stayed quiet and paid attention for the rest of the class. When school was finally over I hugged all my classmates and told them I'll get them a souvenir despite me knowing that I'm probably going to forget. I hurriedly went to the airport to meet a man called Yasuhiro. He's the man who's going to give me a ride to Japan. While I was running to the airport close by all I could think about was me having a conversation with Mr. Naegi. "The man that stopped the chaos, the man that defeated the Ultimate Despair Junko Enoshima, the man that reverted the evil Remnants back to their previous selves and even helped Izuru Kamakura the ultimate hope to merge with Hajime. Mr. Naegi is my hero and I can't wait to see him. All the stories I hear and read about him were so fascinating. I bet he's a really chill dude now" I thought to myself while running.

When I arrived at the airport I saw a black man in a plain white shirt and blue jean and also had dreadlocks. That description fits the man called Yasuhiro Hagakure so I walked up to him and said "hello". The black man turned around and stared at me annoyingly. He seems to be angry and depressed at the same time. "Umm excuse me, you're Yasuhiro Hagakure right? I asked just to make sure". The guy in dreadlocks nodded in reply and said "yeah dude, I'm guessing that you're Cj. The guy Naegi asked me to bring". I happily shook my head in delight of him saying that.

Yasuhiro's eyes were almost filled with tears. At that point I knew something was up so I asked "what's the matter Sir?"

"I lost my friggin crystal ball that's what! I spent a god damn fortune buying that one. Jeeeez that one didn't even break easily" complained Yasuhiro. I was confused by what he was saying. "Umm, if I remember correctly. You're the Ultimate Clairvoyance. DO you need a crystal ball to see the future? I always thought that it was unnecessary" I stated. "Of course I need it you twerp! Without that I can't predict the future" shouted Yasuhiro. "Sorry, can we get going now please! I can't wait to see Mr. Naegi" I said Happily.

"Huh you're a fan boy huh, that's understandable. He's a pretty cool dude" said Yasuhiro. Let's go then, the plane is waiting" said Yasuhiro. We entered the plane destined for Tokyo in Japan. We rode first class all the way.

For 10 hours of being in the air I couldn't help but feeling a bit noxious and air sickness. When we finally exited the plane my body felt lighter. It was almost like I was lifting up Jupiter and then suddenly putting it down. : Yasuhiro guided me to Hopes Peak Academy Main Branch. At the front gate I saw a familiar face that I've always seen on the newspapers. It was a woman with purple eyes and long lavender hair with a single braid on her left side tied with a blue ribbon. With her pale complexion and her detective outfit it was obvious to me that the lady in front of me is no other than Kyoko Kirigiri.

"Miss Kirigiri! It's such an honor to meet you" I bowed. Kirigiri looked at me with a straight face and said "Cj Coley the Ultimate Astrologist. You're also known as The Ultimate Astronomer. Those who have two titles are normally quite special but considering how much your talent's relate with each other I can hardly say you're like the rest of them" said Kirigiri bluntly before walking away.

"Them?" Who is she talking about?" I wondered to myself. She walked away while I stared at her from behind. I know that Kirigiri is a legend when it comes on to solving crimes. She's never failed at solving a case or mystery I heard but I don't really believe that part though. She's still a legend all the same" I said to myself. Yasuhiro said well I'm going to leave you here; I have other business to attend to. Like getting another crystal ball again". He waved goodbye to me while he was running straight ahead. "That guy was in the same class of Naegi, he's one of the survivors of the killing game. He doesn't look like much but I'll be sure not to judge a book by its cover I" told myself. I walked inside the compound of the academy and started looking around. Everything looks identical to the Hopes Peak in Boston.

After exploring the school as thoroughly as possible I met a lot of famous faces. I saw Daisuke Togami, the son of the Ultimate Affluent Prodigy, Byakuya Togami. I also saw an alter ego all around the school as if she was monitoring the entire school. It was kind a creepy seeing her head on every monitor screen in sight but I immediately got over it after learning that it was Chihiro Fujisaki The Ultimate Programmer. Rumor has it that she's a guy but that's obviously a lie. I went to the main building and walked up to the highest floor where the head master's office was. When I finally made it at the door after that long flight of stairs I took a deep breath before pushing the buzzer under the doorknob.

"Come in" said a voice.

I knew that voice more than any other. The moment my hand touched the doorknob I started to feel strange. Anxiety and excitement was hitting me all at once. My palms started get sweaty and my heart started beat five times faster than before. "Calm down Cj, there's no reason to be nervous" I muttered to myself. "Of course there is, I'm about to meet Naegi" i thought. I opened the door while taking deep breaths and to my surprise I saw many other people my age inside the office standing in front of Mr. Naegi. "Mr. Naegi looked way different from in the photos. He looks stronger than I thought he'd be and more mature looking than he lets on. He must be having a lot of stress on his mind for him to already be growing grey hair at some parts of his facial hair. Also there are other kids here, did Mr. Naegi send them an invitation too. That sucks" I thought to myself.

"Ah perfect Cj you're here. You made it just in time, the others were getting impatient. We were just about to introduce ourselves said the head master with a gentle smile. I quickly bowed before him and said "Yes sir, it's an honor to be in the same room as you".

"Huh, honor? Don't sweat it kid, line up with the others" said Mr. Naegi. I did as told and stood beside a blue hair boy who seemed to be listening to music with his headphone.

"Alright here I go. Good evening everyone. I'm very happy and deeply touched to see that all of you who I invited arrived without much delay. You all probably know me as the Ultimate Head Master, or the Ultimate Lucky Student or even the Ultimate Hope but please just call me Mr. It's very annoying hearing people calling me some weird names like Excellency ya know. Anyways enough of that. The reason why I specifically called you all here is because I want your help for a last project that I'll be doing.

"Project? I wonder what that's about. Oh boy I'm so excited".

"I'm planning on making another Branch in the Caribbean and I want you sixteen to attend that school as seniors" said Mr. Naegi.

"Huh why? Asked a guy with red hair.

"I can't help but noticed that no one around that area wants to attend any of the US or South Branches. At first I thought that there were just no talented people populating that area but boy was I wrong" grinned Mr. Naegi.

"You want to make talented children around that area go to your school. Are there that many wasted potential there that you want to spend a huge sum to build a next branch despite their being so many already" said a girl with long twin tails behind her.

Mr. Naegi nodded yes with a confident look on his face. I see Hopes Peak Academy as hope for the world. With this those who are specially gifted at something can make this world a better place. If I see somewhere that's brimming with potential I want Hopes Peak to be there to guide them on the right path. I believe this school can bring this world into hope so bright it won't ever be covered with despair ever again,

"But if it does get tainted in darkness it will land a huge blow on the world now wouldn't it" said the red hair boy.

"Hahahahaahaha you got me, but I have hope. I believe in the new generation and this current one. There won't be another tragedy again I can assure you" smiled Mr. Naegi.

"He's so full of positive energy, it's almost inhumane. So cooool! I shouted in my mind.

"Hmmm so what do you guys think, will you lend me a hand. I chose the students with the highest grades from each branch to attend that school to make the new Branch get a lot of hype. SO how about it asked Naegi putting out his hand in front of everyone. He walked over to me and stood in front. He had his hand out with a positive smile on his face. A smile that you just can't say no to. I held his hand with both my hands and shook it happily. "Of course I'd help. If you want me to go to a new Branch I'll gladly go. A transfer isn't that big of a deal I stated proudly. Naegi rest his hand on my head and said "Great I'm looking forward with working with you".

He moved on to the next person beside me. "His hands touched my head. Should I wash it or let it stay like that forever I thought to myself seriously.

Mr. Naegi shook hands with everyone in the room and they all accepted his request without much thought put into it. Everyone respects Mr. Naegi a lot so it's understandable.

Alright everyone thank you very much, I already know all of your names and backgrounds but I don't believe you guys ever met each other. Since you all will be classmates next year why don't you all introduce yourselves. I'll just stay here at the sidelines waiting for you all to finish.

We changed our straight line and curved it into forming a circle. We all looked at each other wondering who should go first. I suggested "let's start with who arrived here first".

"Fei and I arrived here the exact same time. I'll start it off Is that alright with you Fei?" asked the green hair girl. The boy with the headphone on his head nodded in agreement.

"Hello, my name is Sue Fong. I love acting hence the reason why I'm the Super High School Level Actress or Ultimate Actress whichever you guys call it. I'm a girl who isn't too picky about her friends so I am sure we'll get along" she said with a wink.

"You're next bro"

Next to introduce theirself was the guy with the headphone. Now that I take a good look at him and Sue I just realized that they're twins. Because of the blue hair I didn't recognized these two until now but I'm a fan of some of their movies. Sue loves to be in murder mysteries while the Ultimate Actor Fei is known for being a side character that outshines the protagonist. He deliberately gives someone the main role just to flex on them when they realized that people rate Fei even as a side character. Both Sue and Fei looked identical with their yellow eyes and pointy chin.

The blue hair boy took off his headphone and said "Good evening. The name's Fei Fong and I happened to be the Ultimate Actor despite never given the protagonist role ever". He said putting on his headphone again.

"Huh, wait a minute, those two are twins. Aren't they apart of the same branch" asked a boy with brownish grey hair. Mr. Naegi scratched his head and said Fei transferred leaving the Russian Branch because of a fight he got into with his sister at school. Their fight was so bad Sue left the school the following week and she went on to being the best student at her new school. It's good to see that they made up now".

The twins Sue and Fei eyed each other and made a small grin.

"I'm next said the boy with the snow white hair and grey eyes. "My name is Shawn Bills. The Super High School Level Soccer Player. I'm not actually good at any other sport than that one but I somehow still got the title Ultimate Sports Star meaning that I'm good at all sports. Why I got that title? . I couldn't tell you why heheheehe" giggled Shawn.

"Professional Actors and a Soccer freak. I don't get what Kirigiri was saying earlier. She said something about me not being that special compared to the rest. They aren't that much " I thought to myself.

"Alright my turn! My name is Olivia Tucker and I'm the Ultimate BOTANIST! I hope we can be best friends next year or even now if you prefer" said the blonde hair girl happily.

"A Botanist? Seriously, what's so special about studying plants? I study the friggin universe and astrology for crying out loud" I thought.

Kirigiri's words seem to be affecting me more than I thought. The next person was the guy with brownish grey hair and he said "My name is Ricardo Diego. Hobbies are reading, playing games and most of all Hockey. Constant playing of that score turned me into a beast which resulted in me getting the title of Ultimate Hockey Player".

"Hockey player? You're Joking".

The next person to introduce theirself was a blue hair girl having violet flowers at both ends of her hair. "Name's umm …. Gardener .… NO sorry Flora Fiesta and talent is Floras no I mean flowers god damn it I'm the Ultimate Gardener Jeeeez" said the girl embarrassed. "Wow talk about being nervous".

A orange hair boy cleared his throat before uttering a word. "Good afternoon, my name is Paul Burst. The son of Karl Burst the strongest street martial artist. I the Super High School Level Fighter. I can take down at least a hundred people before start getting tired. My favorite dish is Macaroni with Pasta. I also love action and mystery manga and such".

"He sounds like a pretty chill dude, I hope we become friends".

Next was a serious looking girl with long black hair and two twin tails that stops at her waist. "Hi, my name is Alisa Cruez. The Ultimate Entrepreneur, The Ultimate Detective and also Ultimate Warden". If you guys need assistance with anything at all your safest bet is to ask me for help. I'll be sure to do the best I can said the girl with a bow.

Naegi giggled and said "I'd never believe that Byakuya had a daughter like you. I honestly thought you were going to be stuck up like your brother Daisuke".

Alisa nodded and said "no I'm nothing like my father and brother. I try to be supportive of others instead of looking down on them". Naegi clapped his hands and said "I'm glad, maybe you can change their behaviors from within. I believe in you". Alisa started to blush and turn her face away from Mr. Naegi.

"Entrepreneur, she's a high school student for Astraios's sake. Ultimate Warden, I gotta ask her about that later. Ultimate Detective? I heard that Ms. Kirigiri had an apprentice now so it shouldn't be a surprise. She looks nothing like Byakuya; I wonder who the mother is"

"Okay I guess I'm next. Good evening I'm Zoey Leopard. Running, swimming and jumping. As the Ultimate Athlete I just can't stay at one place for too long. Well that's unless this lovely Sir is around me of course" said the girl with the pink hair. Naegi grinned and said "you're always a handful; this campus won't be the same without you I'm sure".

"Jeez when will it be my turn?"

The guy who's been getting the most eyes ever since he entered the office was finally about to introduce himself. Everyone should know him by now because he travels to every branch of Hopes Peak to draw and build sculptures when for meaningful events. The guy with the red hair and looks shorter than 6 feet unlike the others began introducing himself. "Hi, my name is Xavier Foster and I have nothing interesting to say about myself other than I love drawing, painting and sculpting. Most of you already know that I'm the Super High School Level Artist so that's that."

"I'm going to be classmates with Xavier; maybe I won't miss my previous class afterall ha-ha"

Two girls started staring at each other wondering who should introduce themselves next. They walked in the office simultaneously. One had blue hair but a white pony tail and wore glasses while the other was a Blondie with giant boobs. The Blondie nodded and said "you go then me". The other girl agreed and started talking.

"Hmmm, it's good to see that they worked it out so easily or is it because Mr. Naegi is in the room?"

"Hi boys and girls my name is Jasmine Blake the Ultimate Nurse. If you ever feel sick or have an injury just call me. I'll be there running" smiled the girl with blue hair and a white pony tail at the end. Next was the blonde hair girl that gives me a strange sense of familiarity. It felt like I met her somewhere before.

"Hi, my name is June Walker, I love performing on stage and singing in the shower. For all my male classmates please be wary of how you approach me okay" smiled the girl. "You didn't tell them your talent" said Mr. Naegi.

"Oh right, I'm the Super High School Level Performer and Song writer" said June. "She's the cutest one here. I want to marry her already. No wonder she told us guys to be wary".

The more I looked at her the more I felt empty. It was like she's draining me mentally. Her short brown hair along with her sky blue eyes with a small a black spot on her cheek. "What did she do to gain my attention like this"?

Next is the guy in a black hat and shades. He bowed and said "name is Mark Hughes. The Ultimate Spy/Agent. I'm also an incredible cook, not as good as the super high school level cook but I still think highly of it. I hope I can share a meal with you all soon".

"An agent? Normally people like him wouldn't out right reveal a talent like that".

The girl in Hopes Peak Academy reverse course uniform was up next. "Hello everyone my name is Shawna Matar. I'm the Ultimate ….

Unlike Mark I am not an idiot to reveal that, just know that it's a sensitive topic. In any case you're wondering why I'm in a reverse course uniform while there aren't any reverse course students anymore. It's because my mom was a part of the reverse course. She didn't commit suicide like the others did. She isn't easily brainwashed. She did end up dying though and this uniform is all I had as a reminder of her".

"You didn't want to reveal your talent but you found it comfortable to tell people you just met your life story. How strange" said Mark. "Whatever" sighed Shawna.

Next was the guy who arrived minutes before I did. He was in a black and white kimono, white being on the left while black on the right side. He also had a wooden sword tied up on his back. "Greetings everyone. My name is Terry Oda and I'm from the Kuzuryu Clan. You don't have to worry though I'm not going to cause any trouble. I'd be going against my boss's order if I did that. I'm the Super High School Level Sharpe Shooter and Swordsman". He lowered his head and avoids eye contact from everyone after finish talking.

Next was finally my turn to introduce myself. I've been thinking about what I should say from yesterday. I took a deep breath before talking.

"Hey everyone my name is Cj Coley and I'm from the American Branch. They call me the Ultimate Astrologist and Astronomer. I study many things in space simply because they are more interesting to learn about more than anything else on this earth. No point in limiting myself to a sphere am I right ha-ha I grinned. "Yeah no kidding said Mr. Naegi.

We all stood beside each other in a straight horizontal line again and faced Mr. Naegi. "Sir, was that all, do you need us for anything else since we're already here" asked Alisa curiously. Well yeah, you're all going to be here with me for the summer break. Let's get to know each other more.

We all glanced at each other and nodded in agreement. "Alisa, Paul, Jasmine, Shawn, Ricardo, Xavier and Flora. I've at least heard of those guys before from my classmates or the news. I wonder about the others. Jeez, this class won't be as fun as my previous one but I'll manage".

Mr. Naegi guided us out of the office and brought us to where we will be staying for the time being. At his house.

"Wait Mr. Naegi are you sure it's alright for all of us to stay at your place. We're all just students, I don't think we deserve that honor" I shouted feeling a bit flustered. "Speak for yourself bro, I'm excited to be here again said Zoey happily. "Again?"

"Yep, Mr. Naegi normally let me stay here if I behave for the entire day at school" smiled Zoey. "That was so long ago wasn't it" said Naegi. "Sir Do you even have enough rooms to occupy all of us, I really don't like cramped spaces" said Alisa worriedly. "Of course, if two people occupy one room like roommates then you'd all be fine" said Mr. Naegi.

"So does it have to be a boy and boy thing or can it be a boy and girl thing?" asked Xavier curiously. "It's obviously going to be girl and girl and boy and boy. I wouldn't stay in the same room with filth even if it cost me my life" smirked June glaring at me in particular. "Huh, damn it does she know I have a crush on her already! I tried so hard to hide it too ghrrhh". "Hey question, do you have a wife Mr. Naegi. I've heard rumors that you secretly held a wedding" said Terry.

Everyone stared at him shockingly. "Dude, where did you hear that. If he was married I would've known" I stated. "Yeah no kidding, I already said that I'd take the position once I graduate" giggled Zoey. Naegi sighed and threw the key to his house to Xavier and went back to the school leaving the rest of us alone. "Way to go genius, now he's angry" said Paul upsettingly. "I only asked a question, I meant nothing by it" said Terry. "Zoey were you serious about marrying Mr Naegi? Asked Alisa. Zoey puffed her cheeks and replied "did I stutter. Age doesn't matter in the modern era. Unlike you fan boys and fan girls I'm his fiancé".

"This girl sounds serious about what she's saying. I never thought I'd see someone like her at Hopes Peak Main Branch. I wonder how my idol put up with her".

"Enough of this, red head open the door please" said Paul annoyed. "My name's Xavier, please remember it" said Xavier. HE opened the door and quickly went inside and explored. Naegi's house is a huge three story building with the living room kitchen, two bathrooms and two bedrooms on the first floor. On the second floor you have four bed rooms along with more bathrooms and even a gym room where you'd go to exercise and finally on the third floor there were three more bedrooms along with a gaming room and a library.

"Why does Naegi have such a huge house for himself? I know he's rich now and all but this is insane. Or maybe this isn't his house. Lots of things in this house is giving off the scent that it's new. Was this place for us from the beginning? Then that would mean this isn't Naegi's house right? But what about what Zoey said about coming here with Naegi. Hmm, no point thinking about that now I guess".

We all gathered in the living room of the first floor and picked chopsticks for which room we will be taking. When that was finished I was happy to see that I got the third room on the second floor. I really didn't want to get any of the third floor rooms seeing that I'd have to walk two flights of stairs to get there.

"Alright, the Caribbean Branch sounds interesting. I have couple of friends from Cuba, Guyana, Jamaica and even Mexico that I would like to see" grinned Ricardo. "Mexico isn't part of the Caribbean, that should be grade school knowledge right there" said Sue. "Sue earlier I heard that you and your brother got into a fight in your first year. What for?" asked Terry curiously. Sue replied " Fei had this girl who's been using him for her personal gain but he didn't realize it. I tried to warn him countless times about her but he wouldn't listen. IN the end he got angry at me and we started fighting. That's how it started right Fei?".

Fei nodded yes in reply. "You'll listen to your sister next time won't you" said Sue having a creepy look on her face. Fei nodded yes with no emotion showing at all. "There relationship seems complicated".

"Anyways guys this is going to be a blast. Seeing the best of the best of the best here is very inspiring. I'm sure you guys can push me to work harder and to surpass my limits" said Shawn excitedly.

"Pass your limits?"

"Yesses, back at school in the North European Branch it was very boring there. Despite them being Ultimates I just didn't feel like I was surrounding by competition. Even after I became the best student at the academy no one bothered to try and take the spot away. "But this time it's different. Everyone here is number one at their respective schools so that means they'd want to remain at number one right? We're going to have to work harder and compete for the title more than we ever did before". Shawn blabbered on and on until he was stopped by the girl with long twin tail Alisa.

"I like your spirit but don't bother wasting your time. You're destined for second place at most" said Alisa confidently. "What makes you so sure? Are you brushing me off already" asked Shawn. Alisa nodded no and said "No I am not, bear in mind I said second place at most. There is nothing wrong with being second best. That still shows that you're an amazing person. I just don't want you to work your butt off to try and be number one while I'm in your class. It'll only result in you falling into the depths of despair" she said covering her grin.

"O wow you're so full of yourself, I like that. Keep up that attitude it will only feel much sweeter when I prove you wrong" laughed Shawn. Alisa started to laugh along with him. How odd? I don't get why we needed to come here so early though, the new branch will open during the December right? Then why are we here now? Asked the blonde hair girl June.

"He wants us to bond way before school starts obviously. He's cool that way" said Zoey. I nodded in agreement to her statement. The girl in the reverse course uniform dragged the red head Xavier to corner of the room to talk about something. "I wonder what they're talking about".

For the rest of the day we all stayed in the living room and watched movies on the television together and ate dinner that Mark prepared. When it was about 9 pm everyone agreed that it was time for bed since everyone were so sleepy. We all had a long day travelling to Japan so it's understandable. I went to my room which is the third one on the second floor. I lay down on my bed then closed my eyes.

The moment I did everything went black. Naturally that would happen since I closed my eyes but this is different. Not only do I only see pitch black I felt empty for some reason. Felt like I was losing something important in my mind. Slowly but sure I couldn't process a thing in my head. It was like my soul is leaving my body treating it was an empty shell. I lost.....

"Hey Cj, Yow Cj!"

"CJ wake up!"

My eyes slowly opened as I wake up from all the shouting in my ears. I opened up my eyes to see a boy with snow white hair and beautiful grey eyes. I was confused for what's going on but I tried to ask something.

"Hey who are.... Never mind I remember now. You're Cj right" I said uncertainly.

"Did you hit your head or something, you're Cj. I'm Shawn Frost remember. The Super High School Level Sports Star" said Shawn worriedly.

The moment he said that the scrambles in my head started to wither away. I began remembering me being Cj the Ultimate Astronomer and Astrologist and the rest of the ultimates who I met up with at Mr. Naegi's office earlier today.

I looked at Shawn then looked around me and realized that I'm not in the house that I spent the night in. Instead I'm on the hard cold ground in the open in the middle of a compound I have no memory of. I looked around and saw that large buildings alone were in this enormous space.

"Where the hell are we? " I asked Shawn hoping for a good answer. Shawn sighed depressingly and said "sorry I just woke up too. The first thing I did was wake you up".

"Hmm do you think Mr. Naegi had anything to do with this?" asked Shawn curiously. "NO way, he wouldn't bring us to a place without our knowledge. He isn't that kind of person" I said confidently. "Okay, so what now, want to explore?" asked Shawn.

"That seems like the best course of action right now. Staying here won't solve anything" I said softly. Let's check out all the rooms and see the layout of this campus" said Shawn wrapping his arms around me.

We went around and explored all the rooms that were available. For some reason there were walls at the very back of the compound. A huge black wall that seems impossible to climb and looks like it's taller than the eye can see. "Why is this wall here? And how come it feels so hopeless touching this wall. Is it here to imprison us? I stated. "Let's not jump to that conclusion just yet. But what I realize it that this is a school and we're at the very back at it" sighed Shawn. "School? Oh you're right. There have been many classrooms and even a dormitory here. We even passed the gym and cafeteria."

"This is crazy, how did I end up here. This is some crazy shit" said Shawn scratching his hair roughly. "Did you feel weird last night?" I asked curiously.


Shawn looked at me surprisingly and shouted "so you felt that last night too. Last night I felt like I was losing myself for some reason. The moment I closed my eyes it's like my brain started to feel empty". "That's exactly how I felt too" I replied. "What does this mean? Were we kidnapped? That must be it" said Shawn. I really hope not. Although I find it very disturbing seeing surveillance cameras around this campus" I said looking around suspiciously.

Shawn quickly started to notice the surveillance cameras right after I said it. "What the hell! Don't tell me! Shouted Shawn panicking. "What's the matter now?" I asked surprised by his sudden outburst. "Don't you see? We've suddenly been brought to a place we have no memories of going. There are walls that are blocking our way from moving forward. There are surveillance cameras everywhere. Are we in a killing game?" asked Shawn looking like he's about to cry.


"NO way! A killing game! You mean the game that Mr. Naegi was a part of over twenty years ago. My father watched it on television and he told me what happened when I was I grade school in every detail. If we really are in a killing game then that means the others are here too. And also that means someone is imitating Junko Enoshima the Ultimate Despair. I don't see why anyone would want to do that" I shouted to myself.

"If we really are in a killing game like Shawn said then that means I'm following Naegi's footsteps. Hehehehe awesome. I'll be sure to win this thing if it comes down to it" I thought to myself.

"Maybe they're at the gym, we haven't been there yet" suggested Shawn. I agreed with him and we both started to look around for where the gym is. After ten minutes of searching we found the gym that was right next to the dormitory. It was a small room so it wasn't easily noticed. We entered the gym and to our surprise fourteen other teenagers were inside there talking to each other. They all stopped and stared at us with an intense look on their faces.

Shawn jumped up and said "good everyone is here and seems to be okay. Anyone know why we're here?" Sue sighed and said "I was just about to ask you that question. We all don't know what the hell is happening. This sucks". I looked at everyone to see there expressions in a situation like this. I'm sure some of us are worrying about if this is a you know what or not. The blue hair kid Fei still had on his headphones with a calm look on his face like he isn't fazed by anything". The swordsman Terry and the fighter Paul were arguing with each other not caring about anything else. The girl with huge twin tails, the daughter of Togami is at a corner by herself looking in a small notebook.

Seeing her with a book reminded me that she's also the Ultimate Detective. A thought came to me that she might already be on to something that the rest of us aren't so I decided to walk towards. I greeted her with a casually hello and she waved at me in reply. She didn't even look me in the eye while she did; her eyes were fixated on what was inside that book. I leaned closer to her to see what she was looking at and I was surprise to see a drawn diagram of the school. Even parts that haven't seen yet.

"I didn't know that there's a zoo here. Where is it?" I asked curiously. Alisa closed her book and started twirling her hair. "Beyond that wall of course. This isn't all that this campus has to offer. Judging by my book we're at the very back and walls are built to keep us from escaping by entering the front gate and walls are at the border of the school entirely so there's no escaping." Said Alisa.

"How did you get that drawing?" I asked.

"I always carry this book around with me wherever I go. I opened it and saw some new stuff that I've never seen before. I wonder what that means" said Alisa sarcastically. "The first thing that came to mind was memory loss but I was afraid to answer her. I was afraid that by answering her I've accepted that a killing game might start. Things are similar to when Mr. Naegi was mixed up in one. I honestly don't want that to happen but if it does ...….


I suddenly giggled without thinking. Alisa looked at me weird and said "there are nothing funny about this you bastard. Better get ready because he'll be coming soon". He? I repeated. She walked away from me with nothing but a wave. Zoey came running towards me and asked "what were you two talking about. Somewhere in my gut tells me that you two are an awesome combo ya know. Almost like me and Makoto".

"You just called Mr. Naegi by his first name, how rude of you" I said irritated. "No not really, is it wrong for a lover to call their love ones by their first name?" asked Zoey. Back in the office when he was there you called him Mr. Naegi didn't you. Are you calling him Makoto because he isn't here? Would you dare to call him that in front of his rumored wife?" I asked seriously. "Zoey gave it some thought before answering then sighed "fine you saw right through me. That was my first time calling him that. It honestly felt satisfying as hell".

"This girl needs help. There are plenty of fish in the sea. HE's going to drive herself into a corner".

"What were you just think?" asked Zoey. "Umm nothing, just about when we're going to leave here" I lied. She nodded and said "I hope it's soon. Mr. Naegi played weird pranks before but this time's different. I doubt he has anything to do with it".


Shawn shouted to everyone inside the gym and said "Everyone let's try to get out of here now! There might be something that can break through those walls. Let's check around again and find it!

Alisa stopped twirling her hair and pointed at the guy with the black hat. Before that Mark what did you do to our dinner? I have a sneaky suspicion that you're the cause of this. When I went to bed soon after finish eating I felt like I was losing something. Did you think I wasn't going to mention that? Speak up" said Alisa strongly. Mark lowered his head and didn't answer a thing.

Terry walked up to mark angrily and drew his wooden sword and pointed it at him. "Answer her".

Mark still had his face down not making a sound.

Everyone started to annoy him into talking until he finally uttered something. Uttered laughter. Uttering the laughter of a psychopath.




Hahaahahahhhh ahahahahahaha

Mark sudden creepy laughter took us all by surprise. Chills went down our spine and we couldn't help but feeling scared of Mark for a split second. Terry slapped Mark in the face with his wooden sword and warned him to stop laughing. Mark still continued to and stood back up.

"Yall fucked you know that right?" asked Mark. A

"What!" shouted Shawn.

"Alisa that's not cool of you to put me on the spot like that but its okay. This time the mastermind wasn't planning on hiding them anyway" giggled Mark happily.

"Mastermind? Are you telling us you're the one who trapped us here? Do you want to get kick in the crotch asked June angrily?

"This is starting to feel like that game that my uncle told me about" said Xavier out loud.

Mark pulled out a remote and pushed a button on it. "Precisely right red head. This is that game".

That game? Said Jasmine confused.

YOU mean that game said Sue worriedly.

"Yeah totally that game smiled Mark.

"But what if we kick your ass before that game even starts?" asked Terry.

Hello didn't you see me push the button. Said Mark with a smirk.

At that moment the door to the gym bust open with ten robotic canine wolves came running inside and one small cute little white and black puppy walked inside inside after them. The puppy ran towards Mark and jumped on his shoulders.

"Hello friends my name is Monoplus. I'm happy to be at your acquaintance. Let's all have a heart throbbing game that's full of death and betrayal. The killing School Holiday now begins! Shouted the puppy Monoplus.

Killing School Holiday, what the fuck! Shouted Terry angrily. "Huh, just like Hopes Peak to be a part of this again. They're parasite said one of the blonds Shawna.

"I'm not going to lie I already saw this coming. I just hope that I survive I thought to myself. The wolves surrounded us while Mark and Monoplus exited the gym. Paul and Terry tried to chase after him but the wolves easily overpowered them. Next thing we knew was that the monitor screen inside the gym lit up and showed the puppy whose whit at the left with black eyes while his other half was black with red eyes. He was clearly referencing to Monokuma. The robot that Junko controlled.

Monoplus said friends go to the dormitory and pick up your IDs. You'll need it. Once you get it make sure to come back to the gym. I have something to stir this up. Tootles. We did as he said and went next door to the dormitory where we saw sixteen rooms with each having one of our name tags at the door. We each went our respective rooms where we saw something laying down our bed. It looks like a cell phone but slightly bigger and it had a Monoplus logo at the back. I turned it on surprised to see my name and face. It then proceeded to tell me the rules I must abide by.

Rule 1: Do not break anything of any value if you can't pay for it after.

Rule 2: No littering

Rule 3: No sharing of the dorms with opposite genders

Rule 4: Do not kill more than two people

Rule 5: No imitation murders

Rule 6: Must always attend class trials

Rule 7: Must always vote during a class trial

Rule 8: Do not kill the Mastermind!

"These are our rules huh, I better memorize them. Especially that no littering one. I liter all the time back at home and at school" I said to myself. "Sheeeesh I didn't sign up for this. All I wanted was to help Naegi but now I have to play his role. In a way I feel kind an honored" I thought. I left my room seeing the brownish grey hair boy having a very upsetting look on his face. I walked closer to him and asked "What's the matter. The situation getting to you?"

"Of course it is. Isn't it for you?" asked Ricardo.

"Hmmm I do feel like this is going to be a brutal experience but right now I'm just trying to not think about the downside of the game" I said. "Is there an upside being here. If so let me in on it" said Ricardo looking at me suspiciously. "Well think about it like this. Mr. Naegi will be here to rescue us in no time" I said reassuring. Ricardo nodded in agreement and said "maybe you're right. He wouldn't just leave us here like that". As Ricardo said that I looked at the surveillance cameras wondering if Naegi is watching.

When everyone arrived at the gym with gloomy looks on their faces the small little puppy showed itself in front of everyone.

"Hi Friends how are you feeling now. You must be quite happy seeing that the killing game has finally started again after so long Upupuupupupupuh" giggled Monoplus. "This won't be a killing game as long as no one kills each other you know that right" said Shawn loudly. Monoplus vigorous shook his head all over and barked at Shawn. "Shut up you, you've already have too many lines as it is while some hasn't even gotten one yet. Like that girl in the glasses or that hockey nerd or even that big chested bimbo over there" said Monoplus.

Hockey nerd, that's cold" said Ricardo. Girl in glasses, my name is Jasmine Black" said Jasmine. "Hehehe he isn't wrong. I'm proud of my huge boobs, all the girls love it" grinned June. "Huh don't you mean all the guys" asked Sue. "All the guys love it, that's what I said" teased June.

"It's official, I definitely know that girl. The question is does she remember me?" I asked myself.

"Anyways I'm just going to give you guys the motive right away" said Monoplus. He sticked out his disgustingly long tongue and pointed up on the monitor screen at the gym. We all looked up at where he was pointed and we were all shocked by what we saw.

A video was playing showing Naegi tied to a chair blinded folded shirtless. He got dragged into a rocket ship and the video went black after that. The screen got turned off suddenly without showing us what happened to Mr. Naegi.


Upupupupupupu Ahahahahaha!

"The fuck! We let you slide on that first laugh but don't go doing it again bastard" shouted Terry angrily.

Was he about to get executed asked Alisa with a straight face?

Executed! Is that true?! Screamed Zoey.

"Don't worry, you'll know what happened to him soon enough. If no one commits a murder soon then I'm sorry. Mr. Naegi is going to be executed" said Monoplus.

"Executed oh no I said terrified. "Mr. Naegi killed? You're going to make yourselves a bunch of enemies if you do that. Every single Ultimate will want your head" said Alisa starting to twirl her hair again.

"Ha, like I can be scared of you friendly humans hehehe"

"There's no running away from this place. You all will kill each other indefinite. This set is going to be super hopeless because they know what the end game but are still going to go there. Love each other, telling each other positive things and then stab each other in the back at the end. Do plenty of that and then you'll be able to leave this place. There's no escape without murder, get that in your cranium right here and now" shouted the robotic puppy.

"You're lucky you're cute" said Paul clinching his fist. Jasmine fainted and fell on the ground while others like the girl with flowers in her hair Flora, Sue, Zoey and Olivia started crying. Alisa, Paul, Terry, Jasmine and I tried our best to stay calm by breathing in and out deeply and the rest glared at the wolves angrily wishing that they could just disappear.

"Damn that motherfucker Mark, I can't believe him!" shouted Shawn upsettingly.

"Now that the motive has been given out and the mastermind has successfully went in hiding. The Killing School Holiday can now officially begin with Monokuma 2.0 Monoplus hahahahaha" laughed Monoplus. He left us all in the gym with a messed up feeling in our tummies. Feelings of chance of being killed or doing murder. "I know for a fact that Naegi wouldn't want me to kill anyone for his sake so that motive is already a dead deal for me. This sucks" I thought to myself.