
DANDELIONS. "I scattered in the hope they'd find you along the way."

What if the butterfly effect were real? What if an action as simple as the flapping of a butterfly's wings could cause a tornado elsewhere? ... Astrol Mirae Hae is the only daughter and heir to the Hae empire. She is smart, kind, adorable and bright; all of which changes when she loses her parents at the tender age of five. Chaos soon ensues afterwards as she grows to hate her own kind and realizes that what seemed to be a freak accident, was actually a murder in disguise. Things get even more complicated as she encounters the rich, handsome and charming prince of the Kim empire. Wishes are made, lies are told, lives are taken. The world as they knew it comes crumbling down, and everything hangs in the balance of a wish upon a single dandelion fluff. Their fates might be more twisted, their destinies more entangled than they could've ever imagined. His fallen star, his redemption and his ultimate destruction... [Warning : This book contains some mature content and foul language. Most suited for readers of 16 and above! ]

chizitelu_ujah · สมัยใหม่
43 Chs

The Crazy Four

After the garbage bag incident, Astrol became Zane's new outlet of frustration. Zane didn't waste a single moment to bully Astrol and make fun of her whenever he felt irritated or bored. Bora and Nari tried their best to help but there was only so much that they could do; Zane had practically ruined the whole session for her. Xander on the other hand felt terrible. Back in elementary school, he'd actually helped a lot in reducing and removing any means to bully Astrol, though no one knew about it. He was like her secret knight in the shadows that protected her to a very large extent even without her knowing. That was why he felt bad because Zane was very creative in making her miserable.

No matter how much he tried, he just couldn't seem to protect her and it made him feel very useless. The worse part was that Astrol started avoiding him, she isolated him and he felt so hurt. It seemed like she didn't trust him that much anymore. Bora had also noticed the way Astrol seemed to be behaving so indifferent towards Xander. She didn't also of course fail to notice Xander's gloomy mood and response to her actions. She had actually been suspicious of him for a while now but she could only hope that it would be nothing more than a suspicion. It would be grave if Xander had started having even the slightest feelings towards Astrol.


Two years had already passed and things went back to normal again. Astrol returned back to her normal self and became close with Xander once more. She didn't actually mean to push him away, she just needed time to build herself up again and heal the wounds that were constantly being inflicted on her back when she was in grade 7. The friends-- Astrol, Bora and Nari were sitted together eating lunch at the middle school cafeteria in New Dawn International. They had just finished up with their final exams for the session and in a few months time, they would finally be moving up to the high school part of New Dawn which was a few kilometres away from the middle school but within the same vicinity.

"Aaaaahhh! I can't believe we're finally done with grade 9. We'll soon begin our freshman year!", Nari squealed and the others just laughed. They knew how much Nari disliked school so she was obviously glad that they were halfway through.

"I couldn't agree more", Bora finally said after a while in excitement. "And the final papers were so easy", Astrol chirped in and they chatted like that for a while. "Woah! Bora are you already done eating? Won't you get indigestion...were you that hungry?", Nari asked with wide eyes. Bora just chuckled before she replied "No it's not like that, I'm just in a hurry...Mrs Yung forgot her wallet in my class and I heard that she'll be leaving soon. So, I have to get to the high school cafeteria quickly since she's eating at the teacher's section there", Bora explained as she abruptly stood up, picked up her bag, waved goodbye and dashed out. She quickly hopped onto her bike and peddled hard towards the high school.


At the high school cafeteria;

Four extremely stunning guys were seated round a table at the center of the cafeteria. They looked so sophisticated and their aura oozed of class, wealth and power. At first glance, one could mistake them as perfect pieces of art because of the way they elegantly sat there seemingly calm, and due to their well-polished and graceful exterior. However, everyone knew that when these four were together as a group, they could be quite the disastrous combination which made them to be popularly known as the 'crazy four'. They were known as the crazy four because of their crazy rich and influential background, insanely handsome looks and of course their chaotic friendship.

The crazy four comprised of the most powerful empires in the whole of South East Asia. Kim Minho from the Kim empire in country V, had light golden brown hair, silver grey doe like eyes, a sharp nose and jaw line that seemed to have been carved by Michaelangelo himself, and sexy full heart shaped lips. Auston Park from the Park dynasty in country C, had long lustrous black hair that rested gracefully against his collar bone, piercing jade green eyes, and perfect nose and lips. Zane Lee from the Lee empire in country W had dark brown hair, marble black eyes and complementary nose and lips. And lastly, Han Minjun from the Han dynasty in the very own country Z, had ash brown hair, alluring brown eyes, and lovely nose and lips.

"So how'd you guys final papers go?", Zane asked dryly. "Ugh, can you please not bring that up", Minjun said as he rolled his eyes. "Yeah are you trying to make us choke on our food with that question", Minho seconded with a frown, "I agree, it was actually quite hard", Auston said with a neutral expression. Minjun cocked an eyebrow at his statement, "Quite hard?, that means you wouldn't be getting your usual 100 but a late 90, and you call that hard? The entire set is praying for a B and your going to get a perfect A. You really shouldn't be talking at times like this statue", Minjun finished before he drank from his cup, while Auston ignored his comments as usual with an indifferent look. Minjun knew none of them would have trouble getting an A, but Auston's description of hard was an exam that was annoyingly long. He really needed to learn how to use his words right.

Just then, a girl stumbled on her feet while walking past and Minjun reflexively held unto her. "Come on senior Tiana, you don't want to ruin those gorgeous legs of yours now do you?", Minjun asked in his usual flirtatious tone accompanied by his mischievous smile, and senior Tiana just fiddled with her hair as a light blush crept onto her cheeks. The rest of the crazy four just sat there as they watched Minjun publicly and shamelessly flirting with their senior. Minjun on the other hand, was busy enjoying himself. This was exactly what he needed to take his mind off the annoying final papers.

The feeling didn't last long though as he felt gazes boring holes into his back. He turned to look, and was met with the deadly glares thrown at him from the outgoing grade 12 male students for flirting with one of their girls. By the time he returned his attention back to the girl, she was already gone. "Geez what's wrong with those guys, it's not like they own her or something. Is it my fault that I'm better looking than they are; anyway, they'll soon be out of here and we'll be the seniors, not that we'll be as petty as they're", Minjun mused with a crumpled face even more annoyed now. "Ouch!", he uttered next as Zane whacked him on the head. "That's what you get for shamelessly flirting with her like that", Zane spoke which only made Minjun's face crumple even more.

Minho's phone suddenly started making buzzing sounds, so Minho reached out for it, and when he checked who was texting him and what the text was about, he just sighed loudly. "Is Kiara still sending you those messages?", Zane asked. "Yeah, she is", Minho replied lazily before he glanced down at his phone and sighed again. Kiara was his classmate who suddenly took serious interest in him. She'd been doing ridiculous and outrageous things just so she could get his attention. Lately, she managed to get his number and started texting him unnecessary things. She also sent some random photos of him she'd taken while stalking him. She'd sometimes even send messages explaining why she was the perfect person for him. It could almost serve as a legit resume.

However, Kim Minho had always been too nice and too much of a gentleman to her, that she took advantage of him knowing he would never embarrass her by leaking any of the disturbing shameless texts. "Dude, if she still doesn't get it even after the serious confrontation you had with her, then you should really do something about it. I mean it's becoming creepy now", Zane stated as he looked at the photo of Minho she'd sent to Minho's phone with the tag 'Lunch with my prince'. It was literally a close up pic of Minho right then as they were having lunch. "I agree, that is no way to get a person to like you. Besides, our Minho deserves only the prettiest of them all...you know, a real show stopper", Minjun said in a teasing tone making them laugh a little, well, everyone except for the frozen man next to him that had been quiet this entire time.

Minjun then turned his attention to Auston who had become like a frozen log. "Hey statue, you know what I think, I think you need an extremely muscular woman with lots of abs because it will take all her strength to thaw that frozen heart of yours", Minjun remarked making Minho fall off his seat in laughter, and Zane to chuckle hard while Auston, who'd been so unfazed, nearly spat his food out through his nose the moment he heard Minjun's words. Minjun smiled in content knowing that he finally managed to rouse a reaction from his oh so quiet friend. Auston on the other hand could only blink twice as he, along with the entire cafe, watched his friends laughing wildly at him. He couldn't help but wonder how all his past life decisions had led up to this particular moment as he let out a helpless sigh. These friends of his were truly something.


Author's Note:

This is the latest release, and I'm finally glad that I got to introduce these lovely guys or the crazy four as they're called. The fun only continues from here and I hope that you grow to love these characters as much as I do. Don't forget to always leave comments and let me know what you think of the book so far. Gifts and any form of appreciation will be highly valued and will encourage me to release more chapters.

With love,
