
DANDELIONS. "I scattered in the hope they'd find you along the way."

What if the butterfly effect were real? What if an action as simple as the flapping of a butterfly's wings could cause a tornado elsewhere? ... Astrol Mirae Hae is the only daughter and heir to the Hae empire. She is smart, kind, adorable and bright; all of which changes when she loses her parents at the tender age of five. Chaos soon ensues afterwards as she grows to hate her own kind and realizes that what seemed to be a freak accident, was actually a murder in disguise. Things get even more complicated as she encounters the rich, handsome and charming prince of the Kim empire. Wishes are made, lies are told, lives are taken. The world as they knew it comes crumbling down, and everything hangs in the balance of a wish upon a single dandelion fluff. Their fates might be more twisted, their destinies more entangled than they could've ever imagined. His fallen star, his redemption and his ultimate destruction... [Warning : This book contains some mature content and foul language. Most suited for readers of 16 and above! ]

chizitelu_ujah · สมัยใหม่
43 Chs

His Deranged Highness

At New Dawn Highschool;

Astrol sat down with Bora and Nari to have lunch together. While they were eating, Astrol heard the students sitting behind them talking seriously about the incident from yesterday. 

A whole 24 hours had passed since Kim Minho's collapse, yet people still talked about it like it had just happened few minutes ago.

She couldn't even count how many times she'd heard his name in the past hour.

Earlier that morning the principal had informed them during the assembly that Kim Minho was simply sick and had collapsed from fatigue so there was no need to be worried. The whole school immediately felt bad and everyone started posting 'get well soon' messages on the student forum with the hashtag 'our charming prince', which quickly trended on the school platform, with everyone hoping that Minho would probably see theirs.

"Have you heard anything on Kim Minho yet?", Bora asked Nari and Astrol found herself looking up expectantly at Nari for an answer. "Nope...not really. I guess whatever happened must have been bad because my Dad refused to tell me anything other than that Minho's sick, but would soon feel better", Nari replied with shrugged shoulders.

"Have you tried asking him yourself then? I mean I'm friends with him but you two are way closer, so he'll probably say something to you" Bora stated. "How could he be sick all of a sudden though? He didn't seem sick at all yesterday morning", Astrol voiced her confusion. "Well I haven't really been able to reach him so I can't tell you anything for now. As for how he fell sick? It's probably the change in weather. I did talk to Minjun though and he assured me that Minho was fine", Nari answered the both of them, before taking another spoonful of food.

She hoped no one noticed how nervous her voice sounded. It wasn't like she was lying, she hadn't actually been able to reach Minho, however, she did know about what really happened since Minjun had explained things to her.

She knew that a lot of students were suspicious of the alibi of Minho being ill even though it was a reasonable one. She couldn't even blame them for finding things suspicious. Almost everyone knows how protective the Kim empire is of their heir. They'd even seen it for themselves with Minho's security alone. So some thought there was no way Minho would've even been allowed to come to school that day if he was really that sick.

Nari did trust her friends but she couldn't just tell them what happened. It would mean that she would also have to tell them of Minho's traumas and the hell he'd experienced while growing up. Such things were kept as a secret to protect the Kim empire and their line of succession. They weren't hers to tell. The queen had already faced some backlash for covering up the King's arrest by making information on the King's whereabouts discreet. 

If the empires enemies were to find out about the former King's fondness for domestic violence, they'd have more reason to clamor for the dissociation of the Kim empire. The worst part is that they would end up roping Kim Minho into it by making comparisons between him and the former King since they know Kim Minho's a very key figure to the empires survival. They'd make him seem as monstrous as his father, and it wouldn't help that Kim Minho looked a lot like his father either.

Bora's gaze lingered on Nari for a while before she carried on with her meal. She couldn't help feeling that Nari wasn't being honest with them, but she didn't push the topic.

Nari, noticing Bora's gaze at her, immediately changed the topic. "Oh girls, I have to go now. My private lessons will begin soon and I can't afford to be late". 

"That's right, you really can't afford to annoy Auston the great. Good luck with that", Bora jested making Nari and Astrol laugh in turn.

Although Bora was joking, Astrol could tell Bora meant what she said, who couldn't?. Even she knew just how intimidating the stoic prince could be. 

Astrol found herself wondering if she would've still gone through with her plan if it had been Auston's name she'd found in her locker and not Minho's. However, knowing how hurt she'd been, especially when Bora got involved, she knew she would've still gone through with it, but heck she would've hesitated and been a lot more careful in executing her plan.

Nonetheless, she knew it didn't matter who a person was, she'd get rid of them if they happened to stand in her way of finding out the truth behind her parents death. She'd get justice for every single person in her bloodline that had been wiped out without a second thought.

Astrol eventually left the world of her thoughts and she reached into her backpack for her phone. She'd almost forgotten to inform Nanny Yu that she would be visiting the elderly home after school today for a special arrangement. She didn't want her to end up getting worried if she arrived later than usual. 

As she scrolled through her contacts on WeChat, she came across a particular contact which she'd saved as 'His Deranged Highness', with lots of angry emoticons attached.

She remembered how Minho had cunningly gotten her to give him her number. She was so pissed off at the time because she hated that he was easily having his way with her. So she ended up saving his name as that.

A slight smile crossed her lips as she glanced at his contact again. 'Maybe I should send him a text later?'. It would be rude if she didn't when she had his number, especially after how sick he seemed. After all, he had treated her nicely as a friend even though she knew he was just messing with her.


At Kim Mansion;

"How are you feeling? And don't tell me you're fine because I already heard that from Dr Harry and Dr Su. Thankfully, all your therapy sessions really paid off and your physical and mental health didn't seem to respond as badly as before", Uncle Chan stated. 

"So, how are you really?"

Kim Minho let out a deep sigh. "To be honest, I don't even know how I am....I'm actually just worried about mum. Did you really tell her about everything that happened yesterday?"

Uncle Chan could only massage his temples on hearing such a ridiculous question. How could he even ask that?

"Are you for real right now Lucian Minho Kim?!

You had an outright panic attack yesterday and only fully woke up this morning. You know how badly your body responds to your attacks, it's like you subconsciously start shutting your system down.

Some videos were even taken and a few circulated online before we took everything down. Now people are using it to slander the empire, saying things like if we can't even take care of you, then how will we manage to care for the people. You know how these sharks are, they look for the slightest opportunity to attack because they badly want the Kim empire to fall apart since it's the center of royalty, or do you need me to remind you in case you've forgotten?

So please, please just tell me what part of that I shouldn't tell Ayra your mother and the queen?" Uncle Chan scolded.

Seeing that Minho only remained silent and now lowered his head, he felt upset too. But he needed to remind him how serious the situation was. Not to talk of how bad it was that Marcus was able to reach him like that.

He knew Minho was only worried for Ayra, especially after hearing what Marcus had told him over the phone, but she deserved to know no matter what, at least as his mother.

Uncle Chan looked back at Minho again. He couldn't explain how relieved he was to hear from Minho's doctor and psychologist that his body and mind were fine even after he'd been unconscious for so long. He'd really grown attached to the kid, and he also knew that Minho was desperately trying his best to get cured from his traumas. 'Maybe I was to harsh with him'

He walked towards Minho and sat next to him on his bed. "I'm sorry", he heard Minho say. "I can't believe I actually passed out like that even after all these years". At that Uncle Chan placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, don't worry about it too much. You were only taken by surprise and I'm just glad that you're okay. Your mother is the most", he reassured but Kim Minho only remained quiet.

"Uncle Chan?"

"Yes Minho"

"I, I'm scared. What if I don't get better?. I can't keep freaking out whenever someone mentions my father, and what if I end up collapsing in an important event? or worse if I end up having a panic attack in front of everyone and the media can't be stopped?"


"What if I end up disappointing everyone and can't be the King Country V needs?"

"Look at me", Uncle Chan uttered gently and Minho slowly rose his gaze to meet his. Uncle Chan felt devastated by the look on Minho's face. He'd hoped Minho wouldn't be this affected. Marcus's little joke had definitely opened up a scar. 

"What happened to the Kim Minho I used to know? Since when did you start thinking so negatively?

Everything is going to work out in the end okay?, you just have to believe it will, you have to believe that you can make things work out in the end. I believe in you, in those eyes as resilient as metal itself. In that clever head that always sees the bright side in the worst situations", he pointed to Minho's chest, "And in this stubborn heart that loves too much for its own good", he finished off lightly.

Kim Minho felt a bit overwhelmed by his words and the sense of surety that came with them. He had no idea how much he needed to hear those words right now. "Geez, I guess I really can't afford to disappoint you all now".

"And you won't"

"Of course I won't, I'm a Kim aren't I", he scoffed with a smile, and Uncle Chan smiled as well. That confident royal arrogance was back...Kim Minho was back.

"Oh before I forget, get ready we'll be leaving for country C this evening. Your things are already packed and we'll be leaving in the next two hours", Uncle Chan informed.

"Country C? We're going to see mum, but why? Isn't she busy with work over there", Minho asked confused. "She is, but after what happened, your mum really wants to be as close to you as possible. So you'll be gone for a few days while we try to handle things here and back at country V", Minho nodded in understanding.

"What about the guys?". 

"Right, they came over yesterday after school but you were still unconscious and receiving treatment. Their parents were also of big help yesterday. Don't worry, I've informed them and they'll be here in an hour or so", Uncle Chan replied.

"Oh and about your phone, we got you a new one along with a new number. You can transfer your files and contacts into your new phone from the cloud when we arrive later", Uncle Chan added.

"Too bad, I really liked that one though"

"I know, but we can't risk it. Marcus must've bugged your phone. Besides you'll like the latest version that'll hit the market later"

"Uncle Chan, can I use your phone and talk with mum then. I haven't spoken to her at all since yesterday", he said and Uncle Chan realized that they'd been so busy with his check up and therapy session, that Minho hadn't gotten the chance to speak with Ayra yet since he'd woken up, and Ayra had called so many times already. 

Uncle Chan took out his phone and dialed Ayra's line. The call got connected on the first ring, and Uncle Chan left to give Minho some alone time with his mother.

Outside Minho's room, Uncle Chan leaned on the wall as his thoughts drifted to the previous day. He thought of Ayra and Minho and couldn't help but wonder how his older brother could harm such amazing people in his life.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have backed down back then", he muttered through gritted teeth.