
DANDELIONS. "I scattered in the hope they'd find you along the way."

What if the butterfly effect were real? What if an action as simple as the flapping of a butterfly's wings could cause a tornado elsewhere? ... Astrol Mirae Hae is the only daughter and heir to the Hae empire. She is smart, kind, adorable and bright; all of which changes when she loses her parents at the tender age of five. Chaos soon ensues afterwards as she grows to hate her own kind and realizes that what seemed to be a freak accident, was actually a murder in disguise. Things get even more complicated as she encounters the rich, handsome and charming prince of the Kim empire. Wishes are made, lies are told, lives are taken. The world as they knew it comes crumbling down, and everything hangs in the balance of a wish upon a single dandelion fluff. Their fates might be more twisted, their destinies more entangled than they could've ever imagined. His fallen star, his redemption and his ultimate destruction... [Warning : This book contains some mature content and foul language. Most suited for readers of 16 and above! ]

chizitelu_ujah · สมัยใหม่
43 Chs

Her Again

After the incident with Bora at the pizza place, Astrol swore that she was going to teach Kim Minho a lesson, well him and Zane since Zane was such a cruel person too. The funny thing was that it happened that the two were really close. 'Birds of the same feather really do flock together', she thought. She had decided to visit Nari's place inorder to get basic information about the two, but she had ended up going with plan B ( stealing information from the library ), since Nari was of no help to her at all. They were set to have a general assembly at school the following day and the entire school was going to be gathered at the auditorium. The principal was to award students with outstanding performances from grade 7 up to grade 12 based on their last midterm exams. After which he would play them a video that he had prepared specially for the assembly. She'd gotten the information from her class mentor the other day.

Her plan was to make a video of her own, showing the whole school just how nasty royals could be using Minho and Zane as an example. She was going to delete the special video the principal had prepared and replace it with hers, in the same folder and using the same thumbnail attached to it, right before the start of the assembly. However, her plan proved easier thought out than done. She already had enough information on Zane, but she couldn't even get started with the video because she simply couldn't find anything bad about that darn prince of country V. It was like everyone saw him as an angel and she was the only one that saw him for the devil he truly was. 'How is this even possible?', she thought. She couldn't find any record of him maltreating other people. 'So does that mean that I'm his first target?', she thought again. But then it wouldn't make any sense. He executed every single step in hurting her perfectly and effortlessly. Unless, no one was brave enough to speak or put up anything bad about him since he was a Kim. Still, didn't the royal history keeper see all those things?...or maybe such information was kept more secure.

The only thing she could find was little information like Lucian Minho Kim is the son and only heir of the Kim empire. Even the negative comments she found came from the enemies of the Kim empire as a whole. She couldn't use any of that since they were just obvious rumors aimed at tainting their image. She tried to see if she could hack her way deeper, but as she thought earlier, every important information was secured tightly. She was even lucky to have gotten this far. Just when she was about to give up, her eyes finally spotted a hidden document, and after a while of pushing buttons on the keyboard, she finally saw what she was looking for. Finally, something she could use against him.

"Yes jackpot!", she exclaimed happily. Her eyes widened once more as she re-read a particular statement in the document. 'Marcus Kim, King of the Kim empire arrested and held in police custody', she couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was true that the queen - Ayra Kim - had been handling the affairs of the empire for quite some time, but no one knew why exactly that was the case. The only thing that was released to the public was the fact that the King would be inactive for some time for reasons best known to the empire; since everyone knew what a great king Marcus was, no one bothered to investigate farther, assuming that he was probably ill. Even the people of country V along with their allies never said a thing relating to the matter of the King. She couldn't believe that they managed to cover up something so huge like this.

"What a hypocrite", she couldn't help but voice out as she remembered what Kim Minho had written in some of those texts he'd sent Bora. He had insulted and trashed Bora's late father when his was far worse. 'No wonder that dumbass turned out that way. When the father's like that, what else would you expect from the son', she thought before closing the entire file once the transfer to her flash drive was completed. She didn't care to read on to find out the entire reason why King Kim was arrested. She just gave the document a quick glance and caught up on the reasons of fraud and other seriously allegations before closing the document. Nari would be returning soon and she'd already gotten what she was looking for.

She quickly erased her presence on the computer and ejected her flash drive before Nari came in. After a while, Nari reappeared into the library and Astrol told her that she needed to get home since Nanny Yu would be worried. So, Nari escorted her out of the ancestral library, and as they left, Astrol couldn't help but feel fulfilled. Finally those bastards would be getting what they deserved. Everything turned out to be easier than she thought...

The moment Nari and Astrol left the library, Mr Chen finally stepped out from behind one of the shelves. He glanced at the computer that Astrol had just finished using a while ago and smiled faintly, "So this is how it all begins", he muttered to himself. Half an hour before Nari and Astrol arrived, he'd actually been working on that computer when he suddenly received an urgent call. Since he was in a hurry, he couldn't completely secure all his work in the royal archives and left to attend to the issue. After he had settled everything with a few more important calls, he was about to return to the library to close up the computer, when he suddenly had a short vision relating to the lost princess. He had actually been having a lot of visions relating to her lately but he couldn't fully understand the turn of events. After that brief vision, he thought things over for a while before abruptly deciding to turn around and walk away leaving the computer the way it was instead. He eventually decided to play chess with one of his male servants as he waited shortly for their arrival.

After Nari and Astrol had arrived, the two made their way to the elevator and down towards the library after speaking with him. He already knew of Astrol's intentions, so he stood and followed the other route leading to the ancient library. It was a stairway that he'd put in since he preferred taking the stairs to using the elevator. It was like a private passage way for him since everyone else took the elevator. Once he was down, he quietly snuck up on them and hid behind one of the shelves where he could get a clear view of everything. He listened to their conversations and saw how smartly Astrol had managed to get his daughter to leave the library. He witnessed every other thing afterwards. Nonetheless after seeing all that, all his visions finally made sense to him. He couldn't believe that this was how fate wanted things to play out. "So this is how they finally meet", he uttered before finally shutting off the computer.


The next day;

The bell had already gone off at both the school blocks (senior and junior), and the students and staff were briskly making their way to the auditorium. Astrol had told Nari to go without her, using the restroom as an excuse, and promised to meet up with her later hence Nari nodded and left. After Nari left, and everyone seemed to have gone, Astrol immediately rushed to the IT room where the computer needed for the presentation was kept to be brought into the auditorium later. She then started with the second phase of her plan and within minutes everything was done. Afterwards, she quietly and stealthily left the place since the Principal would soon be entering with the IT head to pick up the computer. Sneaking around and hiding herself like this had never been a problem to her. It was one of the skills she'd mustered that helped her in escaping those perverted male servants back at the Hae ancestral mansion.

Astrol left with a satisfied smirk on her face after everything was done. But unknown to her, a pair of silver grey eyes spotted her the moment she stepped out of the IT room like a ninja in broad daylight. She'd also unconsciously dropped something while getting away. Kim Minho had arrived late to school. He had been constantly traveling back and forth from country Z to country V with his mum because of certain issues that arose in country V. He had missed out on a lot of school work since he wasn't around most of the time. His midterm exams had also been scheduled later on for him so that he could catch up on all the school work he'd missed. He arrived in country Z late at night the previous day which was why he arrived late to school.

He had just finished arranging some of his things in his locker and was leaving for the auditorium, when he spotted a feminine figure from the hallway, sneaking out of the IT room like a thief. 'Her again', he mused with slightly wide eyes as he realized that she was the same girl he saw at the library back in middle school. He then saw something fall from her bag before she disappeared into the corner. After she was gone, he walked to where she was previously and bent to pick what it was that she had dropped. He realized that it was a flash drive that she had left behind and decided that he would return it to her later. "Dude you're back again?. Are you some sort of magician that you keep appearing and disappearing like that?", Minjun asked with pleasant surprise written all over his face. He'd just stepped out of the male restroom when he saw him standing there. Minho tucked the flashdrive safely in his pocket and turned to face Minjun. "I missed you too buddy. I'll explain everything later, let's go find the others first", Minho stated as he hooked his arm round Minjun's neck and they both started walking in the direction of the auditorium.

At the auditorium, the assembly had almost come to an end and it was now time for the Principal to play his special video for the students with the aid of the school projector. As soon as the video started, the entire auditorium fell silent as everyone's mouths hung open at what they were seeing. In the video, a robotic voice was speaking in the background as some videos and pictures of Zane swarmed the screen. The voice was talking on some of Zane's mean and cruel actions towards people, specifically the ordinaries. As if that wasn't enough of a surprise, the next image that came up on the screen made everyone's eyes almost pop out of their sockets...


Author's Note:

I hope everyone is enjoying the book so far. I'll be trying my best to update regularly as the chapters are longer this time around. Wish me luck by showing your support and sharing your opinions. They matter a lot to me and will help me improve.

Much love,

Your favorite author.