
Dancing in the Shadows

In a school of magic, elves, witches, and sorcerers, Emilia Nox Bellerose is the only human. Her form of normal has turned itself upside down when two boys transfer together in the middle of the term, bringing with them an air of mystery that lures you in like a moth to a flame. Working on school activities and group projects is one thing, but little did she know that following them to the woods will lead her to discover dark secrets about themselves than they let on. In a world of magic, curses, mythical creatures, and dark shadows, will she be able to truly find her true self and purpose? Or will she succumb to the darkness hidden within the secret crevices of her world that extends itself and beckons to her?

Harietta_Brews118 · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Shadow Summoner

"You, my dear, are a Shadow Summoner," headmistress Felstead's grim expression was all it took for you to understand that it wasn't something to be excited about. "How? We have yet to find out, but for now, I think it's best to keep it a secret," she added.

You stared at your hands, and then at your friends who stood at the foot of your bed, still looking spooked from what happened, "Aren't you afraid of me?" you asked lowly, "The Elderwood said so herself, that my powers have a dark nature," you kept going, fisting your hands tightly, "I never belonged here, and now I think it best for me to leave," you said lastly in barely a whisper.

"What are you talking about?!" Damara shouted, startling you. "You're a Shadow Summoner, big deal! But that doesn't change the fact that you're so clumsy, you trip on your own feet!" she grunted.

Tears were streaming down her face but she was angry, angrier than she had ever been, "It doesn't change the fact that you eat enough for two and yet barely gain any weight," Sitara added, her eyes red from crying earlier.

"Or the fact that you try so hard at what you're good at, despite already being the best at it," Briony said, approaching you and sitting in the space next to you.

"And it won't ever change the fact that you are our friend," Corvina said gently but with finality, "and if the boys ever heard you say a word of that, you won't even get a foot out of this room," she jested.

The headmistress hesitated but gave in, "It does not matter what you are and aren't capable of with that power, what matters is who you are with or without it," she expressed. "And as the Elderwood foretold, you need only control over it, to not be afraid and succumb to it. And I know just the person who can help," she suggested.

"Well ladies, let's continue this in the morning but for now, continue with your slumber." she bid, but before she left she added, "And please keep an eye on miss Bellerose, Miss Felms is on standby in case…" she trailed off, indicating towards you which was a silent acknowledgment of the situation.

"Thank you," you couldn't hold it in anymore and broke down, "I don't know what I'll ever do without any of you, thank you for being friends with someone like me," you sobbed into your hands.

A moment later, you felt four bodies squeezing you tightly, "Someone like you? You mean someone as amazing, smart, talented, and kind as you?" Sitara pondered mimicking.

"Or someone as warm and thoughtful as you?" Briony added, and they continued showering you with words of comfort, making you ease.

"But what now? What if I accidentally slip up and lose control?" you asked worriedly, the ghost of the shadows still dancing hazily on your fingertips. "What if--" you were shushed by Damara putting a hand to your mouth.

"What if this, what if that? Stop it!" she fumed, "Stop worrying about something that hasn't happened yet, and trust yourself more you know..." she trailed off. "And trust us as well, that we won't let you," she affirmed, giving you a squeeze.

After that, Damara insisted on sleeping next to you, "It's for safety purposes, in case I need to slap you awake again," she pursued, smiling and acting innocent, though she did slap you earlier. You sighed and just allowed it, knowing that this was Damara Pluvio, and she doesn't take no for an answer.

That night, you all chattered and laughed together about the normal and simple things you usually did, all before things went crazy and dark for you. You were the last to fall asleep, but for the first time in nights there were no nightmares, but neither did you dream.

The next morning, you were the topic of gossip at breakfast. Talk about what happened to you the night before has already reached the mess hall, and now all eyes are on you. But the eyes that truly mattered belonged to three boys who sat at your usual table, looking worried.

As soon as you reached, they erupted, "What happened?" "Are you alright?" "Were you hexed?" Caelum, Dorian, and Kieran said in unison. Crowding you, checking your body for any injury, bruise, or damage.

"I'm fine," you pushed them off you gently, sitting them down, then taking a seat next to Briony. Who nudged you, raising her eyebrow at you, indicating towards the boys, teasing. "And no, I wasn't hexed. I'll explain later, once we're not--" you motioned towards the crowded mess hall, filled with prying ears, "in the presence of so many people who could eavesdrop." you finished in a whisper.

They nodded in understanding, "But are you truly alright?" Dorian pressed on, being concerned as usual. You sighed and only gave him an earnest nod, dismissing the question.

"Aren't you going to ask us how we were?" Damara fumed, "We were there too you know," she grumbled, making you chuckle. You talked and had breakfast, dismissing the loud whispers and prying eyes behind you.

After breakfast, you each went your separate ways to go to class, you too were about to go to class when the school announcement began, "Attention to Ms. Emilia Bellerose, please proceed to the headmistress' office. Thank you," and the announcement cut off.

Sighing, you went your way to the office, unable to avoid the curious and scrutinizing passerby, "I heard you were possessed, who could possibly hex such a weak and harmless, witch? Or does that make you human, being powerless and all?" you turned to see that it was Ascian who spoke, looking smug and arrogant.

"I never realized being a legacy meant being an arrogant, petty, and obnoxious boy who only knows how to tease and belittle other people smaller than him." unable to control your anger, you replied coldly, "Or is that what gets it up for you?" you added, smirking.

He got furious at this, "How dare you!" he strode towards you and was about to hit you when a hand stopped him, "Let go of me!" he struggled, but the owner of the hand that grabbed him only tightened their hold, "Argh!" and before you knew it, there was a sound of snapping.

You turned and it was Caelum who grabbed him, looking furious, "Don't ever touch her, or I'll not only break your hand, I'll separate it from the rest of your body," he growled lowly and menacing.

All Ascian could do was cradle his broken wrist and groan in pain, "You'll regret this!" he shouted, as he was dragged away by his friends.

You stood there as you watched Ascian get taken away, likely to the infirmary. And you couldn't explain it but there was this sense of satisfaction that settled within you, making you smirk, "Good riddance," you unknowingly said under your breath.

When you realized, your eyes widened and you clamped your mouth with your hands, "What did I just say?" you whispered. Suddenly, a hand clamped itself on your shoulder, making you shriek, "Kyaah!" but you turned to see Caelum.

Worry and concern were plastered to his face, "Are you alright? He didn't touch you did he?" he grumbled, still furious. He cupped your face with his hands and looked at your face, making you smile, and feel safe.

You held his hand on your face, "I am now," you replied lowly, once again unconscious of it. Your honest response startled him, making him retract his hand and straighten himself up.

He cleared his throat, "I'm glad I made it in time, but next time he antagonizes you, just run," he ordered, "Aren't you the one who said to just ignore them?" he added, searching your eyes for confirmation.

"But what if I don't want to run away?" you replied, a newfound confidence sets in, "What if I don't want to ignore them anymore?" you seethed. And once again, he was surprised by your reply, stepping back and hesitating. His reaction triggered something in you then you were back to normal.

You shook your head, confused, "I'm sorry Caelum, I have to go," you said hurriedly, turning away from him and running away. "What is wrong with me?" you mumbled to yourself.

When you reached the door of the headmistress' office, you took a deep breath before knocking three times, "Come in," a faint reply came from inside and you went in.

When you got inside, the headmistress wasn't alone, another man was with him. He was incredibly tall and lean, his face was long and hollow, and dark circles emphasized his surprisingly dark green eyes. He wore a long coat that hid his figure, making him seem taller. Everything about him felt dark, and there was a sense of familiarity and attachment that beckoned you towards him.

"This is Silas Alvodrea, he is from the neighboring town of Cerevaux, but he is an old friend of mine who happens to have the knowledge of Necromancy," the headmistress introduced him, "and he shall be your teacher," she added. "This is Emilia Bellerose," she motioned towards you, and you only nodded your head.

"I feel it within her, strong and powerful," he approached you, circling you like a vulture, "the most powerful I've ever encountered by far, and if you learn to control it, it shall prove useful to you," he concluded.

"But I can also sense it trying to take over you," he whispered in your ear, giving you goosebumps, and a chill that ran down your spine. "But no matter, I shall help you overcome it," and he was finally in front of you, holding his hand out, offering it to you to take.

You hesitated, "Are you sure I can? I can feel it, it's making me act differently," you said frustrated, "I've been saying things I don't mean, making me act like someone else. Earlier I saw someone's wrist get broken because of me," you said frightfully, startling the headmistress, "and instead of apologizing, I said good riddance!" you yelled.

Silas grabbed your shoulders, shaking you slightly, "This is exactly what it wants! For you to succumb to it in fear, to tempt you into taking control of your weakness, but you have to put a leash on it and command it to your will." he grunted.

You took deep breaths, "I'm sorry, I just feel like I'm slowly losing myself," your voice cracked, "But I won't let it control me, I'll do anything," you said, finally gathering the courage, shaking off the shadows that try to tie you down.