
Chapter # 37 Nelson Factor

Attack on the dock greatly shattered john carpenter. He didn't expect anything like this. Alan was also very annoyed. Finally john remember his new alliance with Nelson crime family. He decided to call Carl Nelson.

"Hello Carl, its me John" John started the conversation.

"Hello my friend how are you?" Carl warmly replied.

"I am fine. But there is something very important I need to discus with you" John's voice was full of worries.

"Yes my friend I am listing" Carl became curious.

"Last night Eastern wolves and red eagles ambushed us at valmura dock. They not only killed our men but also took our arms and ammunition loaded on the boats. John informed him about the last night incident.

" Oh I am really sorry John, indeed it is a great loss" Carl replied with sympathy.

"But as far as I know Eastern wolves never go beyond Victoria city" Carl asked with wonder.

"They made an alliance with Red eagles after the skirmish at fish market" John replied.

"My friend I am sorry to say but it is all your fault. why you provoked them when you are at war with Red eagles" Carl neutrally assessed the whole situation.

"I admit, I made a big mistake, I should not messed with Kevin Smith" John replied like a man who lost everything.

"Don't worry John, these kind of things are norms in our business" Carl comfort him.

"But my reputation has been destroyed Carl" John voice was broken.

"You will get many opportunities to restore it don't worry" Carl replied.

"I am not concerned about Alex. I know him he is a coward man. My only concern is Kevin smith" John was really afraid of Kevin.

"Hmm... Kevin Smith... you are right he was indeed a brave and intelligent man" Carl admitted.

"They are very strong Carl. They have strong connections in locava. They easily smuggle anything they want from there. Their clients are powerful mafias and criminal groups of the country. Because of them we are limited to Mayfair town." John shared his grieve with Carl.

"I know Kevin is very powerful in southern coast. And now its seems like he is trying to flex his muscle in valmura too" Carl replied with concern.

"Their alliance is the biggest threat" John repeated his old fear again.

"I will ask Admond to help you in this matter. I hope he will be able to pass legislation against Red eagles in the city council" Carl finally agreed to help.

"Who is Admond?" John asked.

" He is my old friend and member of the ruling party and the city council " Carl informed him.

"But I want Red eagles name in the police investigation" John's suddenly requested.

"we all know they did this. But why you want me to put their name in the investigation" Carl asked with curiosity.

"I know Alex is coward. The news of their name in the police investigation for the valmura dock massacre will surly disturb Him"

"Then?" Carl was eager to hear John's Plan.

"I am sure he will do something stupid which will be beneficial for us" John replied.

"But you forgot Kevin Smith" Carl reminded him.

"That's son of bitch" John cursed him he really forgot him.

"So what should I do" John helplessly asked.

"You will keep yourself calm and leave this matter for me" Carl really proved himself a good Friend of John.

" Thanks Carl you are really my faithful friend" John thanked him.

"Carl our consignment, They took all our arms and ammunition what should we do now" John asked.

"Don't worry, Send the list of your desired arms to my assistant. He will arrange them for you as soon as possible" Carl immediately solved his problem.

"Thanks Carl, You freed me from worries" John thanked him again.

"Its my pleasure to help you john. Now I have to meet someone. we will talk later. Bye" Carl concluded the conversation.

"OK My friend Bye" John hang up the phone.