"Easy now, Breeze Plume, easy," Sorah murmured a s he guided the Cloud Butterfly gently downwards towards a clearing amidst the bustling market square of Isle Stratus. After leaving the forest, Sorah decided to stop by her to acquire rations for their journey.
The vibrant sights and sounds of commerce washed over him - a stark contrast to the desolate ruins he'd left behind at Cloud Hamlet.
"Over here kind sir! Over here!"
"We have the best Sour Apples across the Floating Leaf."
"Freshly squeezed Dragon Berries! Freshly squeezed Dragon Berries! Sir are you interested?"
Merchants hawked their wares from brightly coloured stalls overflowing with exotic fruits, shimmering silks, and intricately carved trinkets. The air buzzed with the chatter of bartering and the laughter of children chasing each other through the throng. Despite the recent invasion, the spirit of the Aerithra people remained unbroken. Mainly due to the Zephyr Council's powerful Sky Wardens who had taken action to safeguard the entire kingdom's inhabitants.
"Ah, finally! My stomach feels emptier than a politician's promises," the Rice Guru grumbled as it hopped off Breeze Plume's back with surprising agility for such a rickety figure. "Come along, Master Sorah, we must procure provisions for our journey."
Sorah chuckled, patting Breeze Plume's fuzzy head reassuringly. "Worry not, my friend, we shall return shortly with treats for you as well."
"Kyuu!" The Cloud Butterfly snorted, puffing air through its spiracles as if to say, "And it better be a hefty log this time, not just scraps."
Sorah and the Rice Guru weaved through the crowd, the former drawing curious glances from the market-goers. His tattered robes and the faint, shimmering aura of amber glyphs emanating from his body marked him as someone out of the ordinary.
"Master Sorah," the Rice Guru whispered, sounding similar to dry rustle like wind through autumn leaves. "Perhaps it would be wise to conceal your… unique attributes. Not everyone here may be receptive to such…unconventional displays."
"You're right, while we're here, I should acquire new apparels." Sorah nodded, drawing his tattered robe tighter around himself. He hadn't considered the potential for unwanted attention. His focus had been solely on reaching the Cloud Portal and rescuing his students.
After purchasing and changing into brand new garbs, they stopped at a fruit vendor's stall, the vibrant colours of mangoes, papayas, and starfruits were arranged in an enticing display.
"Hmm…" making up his mind, Sorah selected a few pieces, for a time, his fingers lingered on the smooth skin of a plump mango. He hadn't realized how hungry he was until this very moment.
"Excellent choice, Master Sorah!" the Rice Guru exclaimed, his leafy appendages twitching with excitement. "And perhaps some of those succulent grapes over there? I haven't tasted such delicacies in ages!"
Sorah chuckled as he indulged his companion's request. As they moved on, the Rice Guru's eyes caught sight of a stall piled high with golden ears of corn.
"Oh, Master Sorah, please!" he pleaded on a whiny tone. "Just a few ears of corn? I haven't had a decent cob that truly stir my appetite in...oh, fifteen years at least!"
"Fifteen years? You must have a remarkable memory for such things." Sorah raised an eyebrow, he could have sworn he saw the Rice Guru munching on corn a few days ago; maybe he favoured a specific brand?
The Rice Guru shrugged, his straw hat tilting at a jaunty angle. "A rice guru never forgets his corn, Master Sorah. It's a matter of principle."
"Ok, ok.." Sorah relented, adding a handful of corn ears to their growing collection of provisions. They continued through the market, gathering dried meats, nuts, and a flask of fragrant rice wine.
"Now, back to Breeze Plume," Sorah said with his arms laden with their bounty.
"Finally!" the Rice Guru exclaimed, practically skipping alongside him.
They returned to the clearing where they'd left the Cloud Butterfly. Breeze Plume snorted impatiently and even fluttered its wings as it eyed their provisions. Sorah chuckled and tossed it a hefty log, which the creature snatched mid-air with its powerful mandibles.
"There you go, my friend," Sorah said, hopping onto Breeze Plume's back. "Now, to Cirrus Point."
"And then to the Terravolt Kingdom," the Rice Guru added. Based on his tone, he sounded cowardish, and yet elated. "It's been years since I've had a decent adventure."
Breeze Plume took flight, soaring effortlessly into the twilight sky. Below them, the lights of Isle Stratus twinkled like fallen stars, while ahead, the jagged peaks of Cirrus Point loomed, shrouded in mist and darkness.
As they flew, a sense of urgency gnawed at Sorah. Every passing moment felt like an eternity, knowing his students were out there, alone and afraid. He could almost hear their voices calling out to him, pleading for help.
The Rice Guru, sensing Sorah's growing agitation, placed a hand on his shoulder. "Patience, Master Sorah," he said gently. "We are on our way. Your students need you at your best, not consumed by the curse's fiery grip."
Sorah glanced down at his hands, where the Sage Curse glyphs pulsed and shifted, their golden glow intensifying with each surge of his emotions. He took a deep breath, attempting to calm the storm within. The Zephyrswept Waltz's movements flowed through his mind, bringing a sense of peace and focus.
"I know, Rice Guru," he replied with controlled emotion. "But it's hard not to worry. They are like my own children."
The Rice Guru nodded understandingly. "I know, Master Sorah. But remember, worry is a thief that steals joy and clarity. Trust in your training, in the power you wield, and in the bonds you share with your students. Those bonds will guide you to them."
Sorah closed his eyes, focusing on the Rice Guru's words. He envisioned his students, their faces etched with fear and hope, and felt a surge of determination. He would find them. He would bring them home – alive!
Breeze Plume landed softly on the windswept cliffs of Cirrus Point, its wings folding gracefully as it settled on the rocky terrain. The night sky was clear, no stars could be seen due to the imposing wind serving as a barrier for the entire floating kingdom. A cool breeze whipped at Sorah's face, carrying the salty tang of the nearby stream and the earthy scent of pine trees clinging precariously to the cliffside.
"This is it, Master Sorah," said the Rice Guru hushed in reverence. "The gateway to the Terravolt Kingdom."
Sorah dismounted and swept his gaze across the desolate landscape. The cliffs stretched out before him, jagged and unforgiving, their edges disappearing into the swirling mists below. Somewhere among these treacherous rocks lay the hidden Cloud Portal, the key to their mission.
"Lead the way, Rice Guru," said Sorah steadily despite the trepidation gnawing at his insides. "Time is of the essence."
"Certainly." The Rice Guru began hopping nimbly across the rocky terrain with his straw hat bobbing with each step. He led Sorah towards a cluster of towering rock formations that stood like silent sentinels against the waves below.
"The portal lies dormant within these stones," the Rice Guru explained. "We must awaken it using the ancient Cloud Script."
He withdrew a small pouch from his robes and retrieved a handful of glowing dust. With a practiced hand, he began tracing intricate symbols on the rock face, the dust was shimmering as it formed the characters.
Sorah watched in fascination as the Rice Guru worked, his movements fluid and precise. The Cloud Script was a language of power, each symbol were carrying layers of meaning and energy.
As the final character was inscribed, the rock formations began to hum with a low vibration, moreover, the air around them began crackling with energy.
"Stand back, Master Sorah," the Rice Guru warned as it hopped away from the rocks.
The ground beneath their feet trembled as the rock formations shifted and realigned. A swirling vortex of energy then erupted from the centre of the cluster, crackling with ethereal light at its edges.
"The portal is open," the Rice Guru announced, seemingly amazed by himself. "It will remain active for a limited time. We must act swiftly."
Sorah stepped forward, he could feel the muscles in his heart pounding like a drum. He glanced back at Breeze Plume, who watched with large, luminous eyes and said:
"Stay here, my friend," Sorah was concerned for his steed's safety. "I've foreseen many hectic battles ahead and I don't want you getting hurt."
"Kyuu!" Breeze Plume chirped in defiance to what Sorah said. "Kyu! Kyuuu!" It moved closer with a fierce look of resolved to accompany Sorah no matter the levels of danger ahead.
"Oh…" Sorah was slightly startled but he quickly understood Breeze Plumes feelings. This little friend had accompanied him for quite some time now ever since he rescued it from the brush of death in the Maggot Pit. "If that is your wish to accompany me, then I'll allow it."
"Kyuu! Kyuu!" Breeze Plume was elated hearing this. It snuggled even closer to Sorah.
With Breeze Plume and the Rice Guru by his side, Sorah turned and faced the swirling vortex.
"Ready, Master Sorah?" the Rice Guru asked dryly.
"Let's go get my disciples back." Sorah took a deep breath and clenched his father's staff tighter. With a final glance at the sky, he stepped into the portal followed by the Rice Guru and Breeze Plume.
The vortex's energies engulfed them, swirling around them like a tempest.
"May the winds of fate guide us," the Rice Guru's words echoed faintly as they were pulled into the swirling void.
Thanks for the Collections and Stones!
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