
Chapter 4 : Xie Jianyu's Birth Secret

Longjing Palace's army excused themselves and returned home in a rush. Liu Yichen did not mind at all. He did not even know that Zhang Fengxi went away with a baby in his arms, with Mingyu and Midwife Chen in tow.

The baby cried non-stop when they arrived at Longjing Palace. His cries gave the supreme general headache.

Zhang Fengxi thus sent the baby along with Midwife Chen to his mother, Lady Song. His mother would know what to do with the little boy.

In Longjing Palace's Justice Hall, Mingyu was forced onto her knees.

"Explain," the master of the palace said as soon as he took a seat on his throne. "How come a son of mine suddenly appears in Fuxi Palace?"

Zhang Fengxi was the only living alpha male descendant of the Longjing Palace at present. The child simply had to be his.

The problem was that he never lay with anyone from Fuxi Palace!

Mingyu did not see any reason to hide the truth from Zhang Fengxi.

"Your Majesty, do you not recall having lain with someone a year ago?"


He did. Only that once. But he was certain that it was some unnamed male omega from the Golden Dragon Palace. He was most likely one of the entertainers who were asked to perform at the banquet that night.

Heaven knew the arduous effort Zhang Fengxi took to find the omega in question. Alas, it was as if the man was swallowed into the belly of the underworld.

"Are you telling me that the omega became pregnant with my child, and then Xie Jianyu kidnapped him to blackmail me with the child?" Zhang Fengxi asked.

Of course. Xie Jianyu the Crown Prince could do anything, even something as immoral as this.

Mingyu could barely believe what she just heard.

"Kidnap?" she whispered.


"Your Majesty, did Palace Master Xie tell you that he had your child? Did he tell you to back off and leave the Fuxi Palace, otherwise he might kill the child???"


Xie Jianyu didn't.

"Fine," Zhang Fengxi leaned back to his throne.

"Then, explain where this child came from."

Mingyu shot Zhang Fengxi a pained look.

"Your Majesty, Longjing Palace Master, is it not obvious? Palace Master Xie gave birth to this child barely an hour ago."

Zhang Fengxi clawed into the armrest of his throne.

"I can punish you for slandering your departed master," he shot Mingyu a murderous look.

Mingyu broke into a burst of crazed laughter, not unlike Xie Jianyu's back then.

"Longjing Palace Master, what do I slander my master for? If you do not believe me, please check my master's corpse for any sign of giving birth. Midwife Chen stitched him up just an hour ago!"


If Zhang Fengxi wanted to, he could rush over to Wuyang Palace to reclaim Xie Jianyu's body, but why should he do that? He was going to be the laughingstock of the entire heavenly realm if he let himself be deceived by this young beta woman!

"It was really the crown prince who gave birth to the baby," Mingyu repeated. "You lay with my master a year ago. The baby is the result of your encounter back then."

Zhang Fengxi recalled the night it happened.

He regretted it the most, because it was the one time he cheated on his beloved Wenyuan.

Although Wenyuan forgave him for his trespass, Zhang Fengxi was unable to forgive himself. It was not only because of his sense of justice. It was also because of the inexplicable attraction that he had toward that male omega.

Zhang Fengxi still remembered the moment his rut kicked in that night.

A slave to his primal instincts, he chased after the beauty who emitted the intoxicating pheromones.

The omega's sweet and alluring scent caused Zhang Fengxi to lose all his senses and become an animal.

After a night of passionate entanglement, Zhang Fengxi awoke to an empty spot next to him.

Only the sweet scent lingered, along with traces of blood and their combined body liquid on the bedsheet.

It was Xie Jianyu, a small voice in Zhang Fengxi's head spoke up. It was Xie Jianyu.

You slept with Xie Jianyu and impregnated him that same night.

He gave birth to your son.

Your son.

Your son!

"But... Xie Jianyu is a male alpha," Zhang Fengxi could feel his head starting to spin. "A male alpha cannot possibly..."

Mingyu's tears rolled down her cheeks as she divulged the secret that the entire Fuxi Palace inhabitants knew but never spoke to anyone else before.

"My master, the Fuxi Palace Master Xie Jianyu, was born as a male omega," she explained with a broken, mournful voice.

At the end of Mingyu's words, Zhang Fengxi leaped from his throne and rushed to Wuyang Palace.