
Chapter 261 : Restitution (11)



"Master! Master!!!"

Heaving and panting, Xie Jianyu opened his glassy eyes and looked at her two maids. Their eyes were swollen from crying too hard.

"Master, waaaahhhh... You are finally awake..."

Xie Jianyu closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. He needed to clear his head.

"What happened...?" Xie Jianyu asked a while later, when his mind was less of an utter and complete mess.

"Master... Hic, I am so sorry," Mingyu hiccuped. She took one of Xie Jianyu's hands and pressed it against her cheek. "I am sorry. I made you see horrible things."

Xie Jianyu gave her a weak smile.

"You showed me the ultimate loyalty, almost at the cost of your own life. How could I ever find fault in you?"

Mingyu's shoulders shook from heart-rending sobs.

"Master... Wahhh, Master..."

Qingyun put her arms around Mingyu and cried on her shoulder.

"Mingyu, you suffered so much. My poor sister..."