
Hollow Hills Heads Meetings

The referee said out loud, the cheering increased and the people started calling Tender repeatedly.

Some at the high table grimaced. Noah should have lost. Why didn't he concede to the terms of the agreement?

With a twisted arm, Noah was not allowed to fight the rest of the team and he was taken to fist his arm.

It was not broken but dislocated on the shoulder and the elbow. If Noah's bones weren't strong, his arm would have been broken given how brutal Gentle Mane was.

"You did the right thing finishing the fight fast. But if your bones are weaker, you would have been disqualified!"

Noah nodded, the fight was fast and precise. Using his head to slam the jaw of Gentle Mane proved to be the key that settled the fight. And also, using a full long swing to strike the chest aggravated an old injury.

Noah was not allowed to watch the rest of the fight for a reason. They had known that he could strategize against them but he didn't care. 

In the middle of the night, the leaders of the Hollow Hills sat and discussed the Collective Tournament.

"We already know who can fight and win the most matches. I believe we should just choose them and forgo our tournament" Third Head said

"No. It's all about Wins. So, only winners can go forward!" Leader HH said. He was the overall leader and he sat in a high chair.

"I agree. But why with the hate against Tender? He is a powerful boy and never loses a fight. But you guys are doing everything  to undermine him." Gaggard, the Fourth Head said with a heavy gaze on everyone.

"Gaggard is right. We should support him and raise him. I decided that my girls will message him after every fight." A woman with heavy makeup, Second Head said. 

But the rest of the Heads glared at her but didn't say a thing.

"His actions aren't unprecedented. He was full of trickery and that will not work in a real fight. You do know that in a Collective Tournament, some of us will fail if we participate. Geniuses from all over our Alliance Underground Pits will be there. Some of them will have great talent and Sacred Arts."

"That is more reason to raise him properly. His Eyesight is great and something hard to counter among our fighters. But it will be easy to meet others like him in the Collective Tournament. However, if we groom him well, we may see wonders!" Second Head, Sisi the woman examined.

"I refused. He is not worth it. His talent is limited. Even with a fist, he doesn't have enough strength to take down some strong opponents. So we will be wasting our resources on him" Leader HH said.

"You don't want us to be biased but you are clearly biased. You just don't want to support him because he was under me and I refused to sell him to another handler. But know this Tender Slap is your only hope. Last time, only three people reached the quarter-final and they were decimated which made them unable to fight in groups and achieve the Grand Prize in Grand Tournament. You will lose again and your reputation will fall!" Gaggard said.

"No. We have Silver Wolf, Moon Wrath, Roaring Beast and alike. Fury Fist will recover too. We know they will do great. Tender Slap will not change the equation." Dango, the Third Head. He is an old man that didn't like Noah from day one.

"He will. Noah's strength is not Eyesight but his recovery. His bones don't break easily, and no matter the injury he will recover in 2 to 6 days. If we can get him to reach the Grand Tournament even if he fails, then it was a win for Hollow Hills Underground Pit" 

The referee said. He was silent all this time and as he spoke everyone listened.

"I thought of giving him a Prom but later I realized that will slow him down. He has potential. Indeed!" Referee added.

"I respect your insights but my assessment begged to differ. Some bloomed fast, but they can only play within a certain range because their strength and speed are limited. Not to mention he limited himself by using his palm as a means of attack. That is not something that can go far. It was like Crimson Claw, that arrogant kid overestimated himself. We sponsored him but he got decimated the moment he was facing a true monster!" Leader HH said.

"I agree. Leader. But I have a suggestion. We shall test him to his limit. Match him with Moon Wrath!" Referee said.

"I didn't agree. Moon Wrath is in Group A while Tender is in Group B. That's unfair." Gaggard panicked.

"So, Tender Slap is disqualified!" Leader HH said


That night Noah was deep in sleep but he was woken up by Gaggard's shouts and curses about him being nine of the founders of Hollow Hills but everyone wanted to take him down for some mistake he had made.

Noah went back to sleep. 

Dark Servant on the other hand stayed awake in case there was something that would cause some danger to his Master. Noah liked the boy because he has two qualities.

Number one, he knew how to take an opportunity and work hard to the best of his ability. As Noah has subjected him to painful stretches and exercises in their free time but he never complained or showed his face he doesn't want it.

Number two, he worked extremely hard and he was even trying to mimic Noah in some of his actions. 

Noah wanted to confirm only one thing, and that was if he was loyal. If he is, then Noah will push him higher and higher as long as they are together.

"Good morning. Master Gaggard want to speak with you!" Dark Servant said the moment Noah woke up.

As Noah met Gaggard, he found three others angrily looking at him.

"You are supposed to fail against Gentle Mane!"

"No. He is not worthy. He falls into my attacks with ease. Not to mention, he insulted me!" 

"You think you are smart. You never plan to lose. Okay. Here is the last bargain. 1000 Golds" they opened a box with shining coins. "...and Palm Prom," one of the men said.