
Floating Sig

The technique follow the same path but with different weapons that include, Shamshir, Axe, Spear, Doubke daggers, Hammer, and Long Sword.

The 1st Style was the most important and complicated that gave noah hard but 2nd Style was simple but deadly. 3rd Style was similar to 2nd but it was bit complicated to execute and more deadly. Noah has seen it being used by the match.

Those that became Knights were also training but in just short days they mastered the other weapons.

Then there was a horn blowing, and then drum hitting. It was during sparing. Noah was busy fighting Armir that kept defeating in every match. He has reached Harmony Stage after all.

Master Jasmine and Jasmir look at the cloud with a frown, they knew what this was and they have been anticipation it.

"Do you think we will have good result with this!"