
Deep 8

"The further you sink, the easier you can become a Rank 9 Master!" A voice said. Noah looked up and met a gaunt man in a dark brown.

"My name is Clerk Mew. I'm your helper here. The more you win fights, the more you will achieve other things. But you can't order me!" 

It doesn't matter to Noah but one thing does matter and it was his fever and headache has come back strongly.

He was then guided to an empty room. Only water was provided the whole day. The next day, he entered a hall that had thousands of rings, and kids of different sizes sitting inside.

"You are to defend your ring for 2 days. It's like being outside in the lineup cage. But here you have to fight because we decided that!"

Noah sat in the centre and a moment later a kid came. Disloyal Mirror and Muscle Lock. That was the key to the fight. In two days he fought 10 fighters, 5 for each day.

He then was guided to another hole that had White Cheese ground. He dived down and his body melted the cheese with ease.