
Dan God's Harem

The world of fate is filled with top tier waifus loli and traps. For some that is troubling even wrong but for degen- I mean man of culture Jack Thompson. Who now has reincarnated into this world with the powers of Chen Xiang from World Defying Dan God. So of course that means he is not only overpowered but also not bound by this world's laws.Let us all sit back to watch as a man does whatever not matter how sickening it is. Warning this story will have a character that will stick his dick in anything he finds attractive regardless of age or gender. Of course they will have be at the very least cute. If this is not appealing to you then just don't read because I have no intention of changing anything. Also if you have ideas for with girls then please leave a comment. (Astolfo is guaranteed)

Black_knight12 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Chapter 11

Done with his pills Wu Wang withdrew the pill furnace made from his spiritual sense and the room was instantly filled with a fragrance. Calling the smell appealing would be a complete under statement. As the three girls enjoyed the scent saber's mouth could not help but to water as her stomach growled. Wu Wang cracked a smile at her reaction of covering her stomach and blushing when it growled. In the show although few and far between Saber's cute moments were really enjoyable. He of course planned to make sure that Saber gets to enjoy her time. With a smile on his face Wu Wang took out some more herbs to refine a different kind of pill. As quickly he started Wu Wang finished the pills give one to each of his servants. Not hesitating to eat something that smells taste Sader threw it in to her mouth. When she did once the pill landed in her stomach a burst of energy flowed throughout her body. As the energy coursed through her body Saber could feel that her spiritual body became more material. She began to wonder if there is anything her master can do. Done refining Shiro's pills Wu Wang started to consider how he will be doing thing moving forward.

First of all he needed to get both rider and Sakura away from Shinji. He also had to prepare to fight Gilgamesh. More importantly how to take his gate of Babylon from him. While Wu Wang hated Gilgamesh's character he most admit his noble phantasm is sweet. Right now Wu Wang can fight Gilgamesh for a short while before losing. For now he decided to take things slowly anyway. Besides their is something even more important to do. Wu Wang cracked a lustful smile at Shuten-Douji. Finally he will make a move on one of his servants. As for why it has to be Shuten-Douji. Well that is simple in terms of who is most willing it is her. Medea on the other hand needed more time to see how genuine he is. Sader will probably cave when she sees how close to the others he is. Wu Wang was about to meditate when suddenly there was loud explosion. He got up leading his servants to the source of the sound. Rin quickly ran to see what was going on as well. Once they arrived, what greeted them was a man that was more of a mountain of muscle.

Rin: What the hell is that!!!!!

Wu Wang: That my adorably sweet Rin is the berserker servant trying to brake the barriers I set up.

While he was mocking Berserker's attempts at braking his formation. He made sure to speard out his divine sense. At almost immediately he found berserker's legal loli master.

Since she was here already Wu Wang felt it important to show off a little. With that in mind started to leisurely approach berserker. Seeing what he was doing Saber almost jumped into action but was stopped by Rin.

Rin: Relax I have known that idiot for years and there two things he likes to do most.

Pausing briefly to make sure everyone is paying attention Rin then continued.

Rin: One is flirting with anything both beautiful and feminine. The other is to show off for the targets of his flirting.

Everything Rin said was a hundred percent true but was missing something else. While be a de..man of culture Wu Wang did in fact like to face strong opponents. In fact over the years he would often sneak out to anyone to fight. Sadly since Fuyuki city had two powerful mage families there was rarely an opportunity. Still his lust for battle continued to grew but he kept it under control. That is until today when he stood in front of berserker. Finally Wu Wang was mere inches away from berserker.

Wu Wang: Let us take a look to see if your bite is worse than your bark.

Detecting the insult berserker let out a roar and swung his weapon. Wu Wang casually dodged the attack returning an attack of his own at berserker. He sent kick at the beast's stomach that sent it back a dew steps. The kick was quickly followed by an assault of fists. It punch caused a bone breaking sound to fill the night air. Finally after about a minute Wu Wang stopped attacking. One look was all it took to see just how much damage he inflected on berserker. Bruises covered his body as well as the blood that seeped from the parts of his skin bone stuck out. If these wounds were on a normal human they wouldn't be alive. To berserker however they were mere annoyances.

Seeing berserker still standing about to swing at him again Wu Wang's face broke into a bright smile. The spectators on the side watched with looks of shock. Saber was the most surprised to see her master not only keeping up with the monster ,but also smiling like he is having the time of his life. The fight went on with Wu Wang starting to use his white tiger true qi. Killing intent filled the air with each strike he made on berserker's massive body. Their battle was something that would normally only exist in legends. Eventually berserker did something that no one would have expected. He actually dropped has weapon to fight Wu Wang bare handed.

Wu Wang: Would you look at that even as a mostly mindless beast you still remember how fight with honor.

Although he said that Wu Wang knew that berserker did in fact have a little bit of a consciousness. It was obvious if you looked at the way he protected Illya with his life. Think there an idea popped in to his head. What if he altered the grail to create new servent classed. His thoughts were interrupted by berserker charging at him while throwing a punch. Seeing it coming toward him Wu Wang threw one as well. At the same time their punches landed on each other's bodies. After that first blow their battle quickly turned into a boxing match. If there was an announcer near by they would be calling their fight a slugfest. Part way through Wu Wang started to laugh like some one having the time of their life. Strangely he was not the only one in fact berserker joined him.

Even after an unknown period of time had passed the two still continued to beat the crap out of each other. Wu Wang had lost a few teeth with bruises covering his body. Berserker was of course in no better condition. Finally an end to their pissing contest came in the form a young female voice.

???:That is enough berserker we only came tonight to say hello to other masters.

Receiving his orders berserker reluctany turned to leave his fun.

Wu Wang: Hey I know that you are there Illyasviel Von Einbern so to let you know both you and your mother will be mine. Don't about how I will do it but I will. Also keep an eye on my new playmate because I will drop by to play offten.