

There's a man on the road in my dreams. He is tall, with black hair, and his eyes are as dark as the night sky. His coat is in shambles; it is torn to shreds from the top down. The man has an ugly swelling scar on the right side of his face. I couldn't find it hard to believe that he is sneering at me or that the fact that the moon is hitting him just right showing me his sharp canine teeth. I freeze in place, I am close enough to him now that I can see the clear outline of a knife hanging from his waist. My body reacts and goes cold, stiff with the knowledge that the man before me, is going to kill me. I take a deeper look at him; his figure is crooked and his eyes hungry with lust. I let out a startled gasp. He then licks his lips and winks at me. He opens his mouth more to show me his razor sharp teeth. He takes a step towards me with his mouth still agape and all of a sudden I am consumed in darkness. I wake up screaming with cold sweats, shivers running down my back, I move for a glass of water somewhere behind me. Once again the man is in my way, but this time I know him. I know his face, even in this angelic state. I know him, I know him as Luke. He is my fiance. I don't want to marry him. All that I know this man is pure evil and I will do anything to get away.