
DAISY; Mysteries Untold

If shadows could hide, Daisy would be the perfect home. Welcome to her world; trying to find a balance between life and death, hopes and misbelief. Still, she journeys into it Will her strength carry her through or will she end up becoming another body in the bag, waiting to be buried, six feet under?

othuke_gideon · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

The Graveyard is Home

I got to our house finally, I just imagined coming home to meet something different. Probably a home full of joy, probably. I got into the sitting room and though I had lived here all my life, I looked for a clue. Something to give me an answer at least. Nothing just seem to be here, just old furniture. I scanned everywhere but where would mum put a key? Surely. It would be in her room but I have no key to it. Let me go ask Ash then. Even if I have to summon him, I left the sitting room to my room. But really how do they summon a spirit?

I got to my room and as usual it laid on the floor like a toy. I needed directions right now and it has it. So how do I wake it.

I went towards the box and dragged it out, I would just break the lock, I thought. Sincerely the box was heavy, what is in it? I placed it by the side of the bed and looked for a hammer. I searched around my room and I finally saw dad's hammer. I wasn't ready to ask how it got there. Let me just get this box open, ready to smash. I held the hammer and was about it when it happened. A sudden wind rushed into my room like as though another presence was there. I could feel the chills down my spine. "Don't you dare!" He spoke back with so much anger. I turned to see Ash or should I say a man. He looked dead but alive, his clothes were torn and blood dripped from his waist side. He looked like a zombie. He held Ash in his hand. I became so afraid but had to ask, "who are you?" I stuttered in fear. "You don't need to know me, but just know that box is my home" He spoke as black blood kept dripping on the floor. I looked at the floor but there was no blood, what exactly is this! "I needed answers and this box had it, I wanted to smash it again" "Stop it!" the air got thicker and the room seemed dark. " I don't care if you came from the pit of hell, my whole life has been ruined. So if you want to kill me. Feel free!" I couldn't take it anymore. Sincerely he looked more scarier every single minute. As though he was becoming more dead than alive. "Don't hurt her!" He spoke calmly. But wait? Did he just call a box her? How is that possible? "I don't understand what do you mean by her?" I wanted to know. "Thats all for now, please place the box under the bed. Light isn't good for her" he calls it her again! Then he disappeared and was no where to be found. Daisy are you now seeing ghosts?

His effect was still very strong in room, as though he was still there.

I heard children laughing, women screaming, shouting everywhere. I was in my room but it felt like I was at a play ground.

I looked around to find out why but no answer. Alright, "daisy it is all in your head!" I said to myself. Yet, for the first time my head was totally silent, no monsters talking. I clenched my fist trying to remain calm, first thing first; The box. I looked at the inscription on it; 'The Graveyard is Home.' which felt as though it was inscribed with blood stains. It looked as though it was dried to the body of the box, the red colour was still clear. If I was to be sincere, it felt like the voices where coming from the box. A woman, a child and certainly pain. What is in the box and why is it in my room?


I held the phone tightly and looked around for answers. I had to calculate my next move. I got a new call; I was confused because I thought it was rakas.

"Hello, I tried to pick the call."

"Meet me at the place you were supposed to die!" Rakas spoke on the phone. He had called me again in my panicking.

"The bridge!" I stuttered in fear. "Oh yes my dear and this time we follow script" he gave an evil laugh to remind me of inabilities. "How?" I was ready to speak back to the beast. "It's quite simple, you tell me where mummy is and then you die!" He spoke in a melancholic tone (pure evil). "And don't try anything stupid, we have daddy under our watch" he shut my entire body system by that. "No! Don't you dare." I was feeling like a pawn in this situation. "Don't shout you love your family right? So make your choice save mom or kill dad" I was dumbfounded to reply. "We are watching you, so you either do it the easy way or otherwise...." He ended the call. I felt like smashing the phone. How can I choose?

I love my mom and dad so much.

And I am the reason why Mr Frank is in trouble, he has no one to call.

If I call the cops, they would kill my dad. If I go they might kill my mom and Mr frank.

What is the next line of action? oh God! why am I little?


Are demons friendly?

Is there a home in hell?

It felt as though my room became possessed by demons. This is my room I can leave for demons. I took the box back under the box and the voices were gone.

So demons love darkness? How about talking to them in the dark. I am not afraid, I am just tired.

I walked out of my room and it was like I was leaving a gathering of people. My room felt like a meeting, all for demons and I know my mom knows about it. Yet, what do they have against her?


"Please sir, I am going to the Central hospital" I stopped a man with flashy Peugeot car. Sincerely I am breaking all the rules I promised myself. How can I ask a stranger for a lift? "Oh no problem, I am passing there" the man had so much grey hair. " Thank you sir" I entered praying not to encounter evil. My plan was simple, go to the hospital tell doctor John to alert the cops. How about Nurse Nancy? I would have to avoid her then and what if Madame comfort sold me out. But you are being followed? My brain kept bringing more reasons not to go. This time I was in charge, I kept quiet and thought deeply. "Stop sir" I signaled him to stop at a particular street. "But the hospital is still ahead" he gave puzzled gaze, like who is this young lady. "I know sir but I have to come down here." I quickly came out and waved him goodbye. I confirm if any car stopped by. I scanned the streets but no one. "Alright Daisy, run!" I ran towards the hospital, going through people's shops and stores. Why? It's quite simple, the idea is in to create distraction.

In the history of running in school, I can say this is running. I panted for air, people wanted to know why I was running, but who cares. I took a sharp turn I remembered Mr Frank took it the day he picked me up. I checked from behind I was not being followed. How about the hospital?

Well when we get there, we would enter. But I can't lose my dad and mom!

I needed water at least but I ran for my life as though water is a want.


I stood in front the now shattered window trying to understand why mom never fixed it. Glass pieces from our previous encounter was still on the floor, the blood stains from Mom's hand was dried up on the floor. I just wanted to understand why it was always open. I walked closer to it, trying to avoid the glass pieces on the floor. By the window there was blood stains, this time it wasn't fresh. It was as old as the one on THE BOX. What happened here?