
My first.MELISA


My friends had always said that a man becomes a different thing when having sex, but I didn't care because I didn't know what I was anymore. I was not ready for sex but was willing to start. To become a hero, one ought to do things that disprove of common bravery, and for a moment, I believed this was my time to make the hero in me shine. Little did I know that virgins make no heroes in bed.

For days, I made ceaseless calculations but were all wondrously unsatisfactory. My days for sex were still far away. I stood aside and watched my redemption pass me by till one day, that fateful day, my innocence and childhood stereotypes went ablaze in a romance sweeping me away like a storm.

Her name was Melisa, a name that still sounds sweet and perfect in my head. She has always been my special one not because she was my first but because she was my sweetest. Meeting with Melisa was not driven by my curiosity but by natural coincidence.

She had always been in the neighborhood and for some reason, I had not noticed her beauty until she showed herself to me. I was in my senior four and I was looking around our neighbors' houses to see if I could have a suitable candidate to have sex with.

Fortunately, I had the right person to entrust with the task of finding me a soul mate. Melisa and I were great acquaintances of each other. She knew everything I knew and so did i. her boyfriends usually found me a good middleman because it's only me that could get her to do anything or meet anyone. She always did what I begged of her because when she asked the same of me, I did without hesitation. Some people say that "teenage" is infectious when it comes to sex, but I disagree because ours was a mind woven pre-meditation.

Melisa came to me one evening as I was going for an execution, took my hand and requested to move along with me. Mid-way our walk, she started moving her fingertips in my palm. I can't describe the feeling because it was strange to me; neither can I recall the look on my face nor even hers because I didn't bother to look at the both of us. One thing I remember for sure was that I felt time stop and the moment froze. It felt like God was trying to tell me something.

It scared the hell out of me wondering that if just touching my palm felt like this, then what does sex feel like? Melisa took me by surprise, she took off her coat just before we got home, then she got to her bedroom and called my name with urgency. I hesitated because my head was still spinning in the excursion after math. She said she wanted to help plait my hair yet in actual sense, she wanted me to plait her virginah. I was still scared because I did not know a thing about something I always desired. I was also scared that I was not going to be a hero. She managed to get me to her room anyway. Hardly plaiting even two strands in my head, she made me lay my head on her thighs, this l liked but what was coming terrified me so much. The feeling threw me a little off my game, I started seeing my self as a small boy tickling a tiger in a circus parade. While still marveling at my endurance, Melisa stared massaging my shoulders as I keenly heard her start to breath heavily and to hiev. She sounded like some one was strangling her. It would be unfair to say that Melisa was an expert, she was only two sex sessions in front of me though she had not had a man succeed in entering her live in a penetrative sex encounter.

On the other hand, I was so green that I stopped and asked her what I should do next. At this moment, I summed up all my fears and embarrassments and chose to act at sex as a legend. My blood was boiling and I kept wishing I was still a boy, my pants were socking in semen and so was Melisa's vagina, it was dripping from within her pink pants and it was sending waves of warmth. One thing I can't remember for sure is how I lost my shirt, it seems my brain ceased to work and my penis did most of the thinking. A penis has no eyes and no brain but the choices it makes are so effective especially during sex. The blunt head of my penis kept searching my pants trying to come out as though it had a better idea on where it was to enter. I started glooning with heavy breath, with waves of vibrations shaking me like a car engine starting. quietly but panickingly, I took my pants off and heard my penis jubilating, it swang my waist front, head bent towards Melisa's neck and before I noticed, it was hamping between Melisa's thighs just above her knees, and just like that, I saw my first orgasm with a woman (on her thighs). Another embarrassment registered.

Melisa pulled up my under wear which was stack on her bums and gently cleaned the soup from her legs. Her face looked disturbed because she expected a warrior but instead saw a coward. I was so intimidated, playing second fiddle to Melisa; well knowing that it was my natural role to lead in sex. The feeling of second class man didn't last so long when Melisa rode down her under ware. The sight was extreme, my eyes sunk in their sockets as I tried to recon with the 9th wonder of the world. Her vagina displayed the picture of a thick muscle with a platoon of black mambas. I for the first time looked at a live mature vagina in its entirelty. In actual sense, a vagina is a boneless piece of flesh designed in the simplest architecture to give maximum sexual pleasure to men and women. I kept wondering why I had such a different perception of this vessel of joy. This time I didn't think with my head, yes am sure because I watched my penis charge and harden as I sobbed for it to stop. She held me by the neck kissed me deep to the throat and drew me close to her warm body. I felt my penis dangling on Melisa's pubic hair, my body became electrified. I could not feel my legs and could not stand any more, she lay me down, rested my head on a pillow, gently moved her fingers down my chest to my dick head, she then put me between her knees with her vagina dripping on my stomach.. Once again I marveled at my endurance, but putting that aside, the moment of truth had come I had a very desirable appetite and for sure I wished there were three women in bed just for me to test my ejaculation power. She descended down inch at a time till she finally had her bowel deep down my willow.

Different people have different views about sex, but my view is that sex was not anything near my expectations. I felt like I was being punished for thinking that having sex was the best things i could ever do with a woman.

My story begins here, many more times we had sex with Melisa, venturing in all positions and places, normal and abnormal. Eventually nothing seemed to feel so sexy or to quench the emptiness I felt inside. Nothing seemed to calm down my anger brought by disappointment, and after sleeping with Melisa countless times, I came to discover that sex was not a fulfillment but a feeling of completeness with women. I set on a journey to find not sex this time but a fulfillment of sex in something new, something you prefer to call love. Something I prefer to call "compatibility". Melisa was a sex goddess, she knew how best to tame a man's zeal for a woman. She was extra ordinary, with a perfect sense of romance and kin on erotic principles.

She set the bar so high for all women that wanted to challenge me in sex thereafter. As a matter of fact no other woman ever challenged Melisa at the game of sex to the best of my knowledge though for sure some came really close (or so I thought)