
Daimyō of the land of rain does not want hidden village in his country

Futoi Nobunaga, is this the new name of a transmigrator, his identity? the new Daimyō of the land of rain, maybe naruto fans will recognize this country, basically this world's favorite war zone, your country borders 5 countries and 3 of them are the country of fire, wind and earth, to make matters worse is the Akatsuki's birthplace, but Futoi doesn't want to keep his country backward, he wants to create a strong and prosperous country without needing a hidden village for that, his country must have a national army

Jade_beauty_tits · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs


Large random south america latin country

there was a secret meeting taking place, the most important meeting in recent years as it was a meeting of all the country's generals, army, navy and air force

"Damn it, why aren't we going to do anything, nonsense" a relatively young general looked disgusted and angry

the older generals laughed at the young general's reaction

"general Martineli, please stay calm, it is not up to the national army to intervene in the elections" said a more authoritarian general

Young General Martineli sat up, but his face was still angry.

It turned out that the country was in an electoral crisis, an ex-convict had been elected president of the country, massive evidence of election fraud and foreign intervention was on display, and many people wanted the army to intervene.

however, how did the old foxes of politics not know about the strength of the army? I'm afraid most of these generals have earned a lot of 0's in their bank accounts in recent days

"General Silva, you've been in office for over 40 years, as long as you talk we can make it happen, we can't just ignore voter fraud, clearly it's the damn Americans wanting another puppet!" General Martinelli said

general martineli, only 30 years old, spent his life fighting for the good of the country, has the best grades in the national academy, graduated in military engineering and administration

Throughout his life Martineli always worked hard and with effort he became a general without ever getting corrupted, unfortunately not everyone at that table had his honor

Old General Silva looked at the energetic young Martinelli and sighed.

"general Martineli, go home, find a wife and stop daydreaming, the army will never interfere in this, our duty is to protect and watch over the country without ever getting involved in politics" general Silva

"damn, our country will go back to being ruled by a criminal who didn't even earn honestly, shit americans" Martineli

Furious Martineli got up and left the room

After some time, the rest of the generals spoke again.

"general silva.... martineli i think it might be a problem" said another general

"It's a shame, I was happy to find a talented young man, unfortunately he doesn't understand how weak countries like ours can survive...." General Silva

"Should we get rid of him?" General Trabson

General Silva was silent for a while and finally sighed

"do it...." Silva

'we lost a talented young man.....at least these Democrats pay well, my grandchildren won't have financial problems' thought Silva

2 hours later a news appeared in the media, an army general suffered a serious traffic accident and died

but this news did not call the attention of the people, as the world cup was at its peak


Martineli opened his eyes, he was no longer in his country but in another world

'Shit.... I died and ended up in Naruto's world?' Martinelli

After organizing his new memories he understood where he was.

He looked at himself in the mirror, his new appearance was beautiful, only 15 years old, long black hair and pink eyes, wearing a Japanese nobleman's outfit looked cool.

Martineli then looked at the window, outside the rain was falling from the sky without stopping.

"Futoi Nobunaga.....new Daimyō of the land of rain, what an interesting identity"

Futoi strangely accepted his situation with ease

"this country borders 6 other countries, my people live in the misery of war, these wars have nothing to do with them, the fate of this country depends on the good will of the most powerful countries....it is really destiny" Futoi looked sad

suddenly a sound appeared in his mind

*Supreme country system being installed*