
Is That A Death Note Reference?

[Day 4]

[Potion Vendor]

[A basket that once a day will produce fantasy-like and mythological food and drink. The different types generated correspond to the current login day but the amount is random. Food and drink may vary wildly]

Ooooooh, let's have a look-see. I have a feeling that if it's mythological food then most of them will only have the benefit of making me immortal which I technically already am.... still worth it though as I could sell these.

[Apple of Eden]

[Amount: 19]

[This apple enhances the physical abilities and mental capacity every bite. It also prolongs one's youth and one apple can extend one's lifespan by 900 years. If fed to a creature without sentience, they gain sentience, consciousness, the mental capacity of an average adult human and the ability to understand and communicate with any sapient or intelligent being]

[Charon's Coin]

[Amount: 66]

[A chocolate coin that when consumed, will grant an extra life. Once revived, the user reverts to their prime with their lifespan reset]

[Love Potion]

[Amount: 49]

[A vial of a glittering pink liquid. When consumed, the user will become infatuated with the first person they lay their eyes on. The effect can be directed by placing the desired object of affection's hair into the vial before consumption. Only those with extremely high willpower can break out of this obsession. If the object of affection say, rejects the user's attempts at romance this can induce a intense period of depression and heartbreak to the point of suicide. The more vials the user drinks, the more extreme the effect]

[The Pills Of Perfection]

[Amount: 557]

[A single pill completely restores the user. It cures all disease, poisons, injuries, contaminants, genetic disorders and even cures mental illnesses. It renders the user the healthiest body possible and prevents them from being afflicted with the same diseases/contaminants as before]

I eat an Apple Of Eden and one of the pills to test the effects. The apple, if used on a regular average adult human would make them the strongest creature on earth if we compared them to regular earth animals like eagles, elephants, cheetahs, crocodiles, hippos etc but no more past that. It also granted me omnilingualism meaning I can instantly speak and understand any language fluently. I tested this when I changed the language settings and realized I could understand everything.

The pill cured any and all discomfort I had, I also just naturally feel great. Any scars or imperfections just disappeared as if they never existed and if the apple wasn't enough, it served to enhance my appearance further. My body was already past the peak of humanity after Day 1 but now I'm just built like a Greek god and that's not an exaggeration, the apple did that.

I've also been experimenting some more with my abilities and when I say abilities, I mean commandments and dreamwalking.

The commandments are overpowered, whenever someone is affected by them I instantly am aware of where they are and their current situation. It's like watching a movie and there is a camera pointed at them. I just know.

As far as I know, I'm the only one who can disable these commandments and reverse the effects. Due to the nature of these commandments, I've been granted a sort of pseudo omniscience through omnipresence as since the entire earth is "my presence" and in this case my presence refers to my surroundings and what I can see so it'd be natural if I was aware of what was going on around me right?

It's like the omnipresence you gain when reading a novel. The way the author describes certain scenes, people and events might not be clear towards the characters themselves but as readers we have a full view of what is going on. There's a little known thing called foreshadowing.

Of course it's not like a constant feed of information where I have a camera pointed throughout every square of the earth 24/7, it only works in relation to my commandments. Whenever someone is fulfilling the conditions needed to activate my commandment, the camera and spotlight is pointed at them and once I decide not to activate it, it turns off and only turns back on once another candidate is spotted. Imagine this but there's around a billion screens turning off and on all at once.

If my mental capabilities weren't superhuman, I'd probably turn brain-dead from the amount of information I'm constantly absorbing at all times. Fortunately, I'm a master at multitasking and parallel processing.

I mean- just now when I was pondering about the day 4 login, I just subjected a italian gangster in italy in a infinite death loop. I drained all the lifespan except for a single day of some south korean rich but horribly corrupt businessman as well as a few million more that I can't be bothered to mention.

Behold! I, the judge, jury and executioner will cleanse and purify this world of sinners with each and every punishment. I'll login with my right hand and kill sinners with my left. I'll take a potato chip... and eat it!

I want to activate my 8th commandment and steal someone's identity to use for myself so I don't have to worry about my personal life being invaded and so I can test out my other abilities but it looks like for it to activate, someone has to lie straight to my face directly.

Here's a fun fact for you, my abilities still work even when I'm dreamwalking so...

I head to a mirror and take on a new appearance, body and identity.

I already went through the trouble of tricking someone into stealing something from me and then stealing their identity. It wasn't that hard actually, so there's no need for a whole flashback about it as it won't add much anyway.

Everybody, meet Jayce Esther. He's a model but his main passion is music. He's a stoic man but he can take a joke and he loves dark humour. His voice is what attracts many people to him and he used to be a radio host when he was struggling with money. That's his backstory or well.... the backstory I made for him anyways.

The real guy is called Edmund Lockland and he lived a life of vice and sin. He used his good looks to leech off of women that pitied his situation and took advantage of their kindness. He drugged women who wouldn't sleep with him and stole everything they had before leaving. He was the perfect target because he wasn't particularly close to anyone and he isn't well known. He was also quite the recluse and had owed a lot of people money so his time on earth is growing short.

All I needed to do was steal his identity, then make his death look like an accident that was set up by his enemies so his death wasn't unnatural nor was it unexpected. He forged many IDs and lied about his life all the time as he was constantly moving to avoid the police and the gangsters after him. He had a lot of terrible injuries, botched plastic surgeries and wore disguises for the same reasons as mentioned before.

The Jayce Esther I'm showing you is if he wasn't a complete pile of shit and didn't let drugs, greed and lust fuck up his life. Basically, his lost potential embodied.

I leave my house but through a hidden exit so just in case anyone is watching they won't wonder why some random dude exited my house despite no one entering or leaving for the past four days.

According to my research, it should be around this time. Between 3 to 4 am. I walk around the city illuminated by purple neon as I turn a corner and head down a narrow alleyway.

???: Oh thank god! I found someone! Do you have your phone on you!? A woman was murdered here! [LIE]

[James Rieper]

[Highly Sinful]

[Serial Killer and Murderer]

[Killed 19 Innocents]

[Jack The Ripper's Descendant]

Anya: Are you sure you want me to call the police? It seems like you were taking your time watching her bleed out.

James:... DIE!

The man was dressed as if he was from the same era his ancestor lived in. He wore an executioner hood though with holes ripped for the eyes. He attacks me with a cleaver but he moves so slowly.

The conditions are met, so I take his voice and drain him of his lifespan before using Omen to put him to sleep. I have an idea.

His gift was the ability to turn invisible when holding his breath. He becomes truly invisible to everything, even cameras, thermals, x-rays, sonars etc. Although he couldn't escape Omen's effects.

His body should still be invisible even after the curse knocked him so as long as no one sees me near this dead mangled body, I should be fine.

???: What were those screeches?

Oh shit, the ops are here. Time to fucking runnnnnnnnnnn because my life literally depends on it. I put James on my shoulder and ran to one of Edmund's safe houses, an apartment in a massive complex.

The apartment is small but manageable. James hasn't used it in months and it's been relatively abandoned and forgotten but since he's still paying for it, the owner doesn't care as long as she gets her money which I can respect.

I clean up the apartment and leave the tied up James in the closet. The length of the sleeping curse depends on how powerful the wielder is, how powerful the target is and the wielder's intent. I intend to keep James in this deep sleep for as long as I can until I have the time to interrogate him about his lineage.

My guess is that the whole Ripper title is passed down between generations with each new generation trying to revive the Jack The Ripper legacy. Could be something entirely different but from what I currently know that seems the most plausible.

Then, I hear a knock at the door.....
