
daily life with monster girlfriends

this is not my novel i uploaded here so I can read it here

iwin011125 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs


Chapter 35: An Unexpected Guest

I hear birds chirping outside and open my eyes. I'm lying with a blanket tangled with my legs, my penis pressing into the mattress, my butt exposed to the elements.

I turn on my back and check out Zombina, lying naked beside me, facing up. For a few moments, I check her out, her face turned towards the window, her breasts firm, her cock limp.

Without thinking, I take it into my hand and hold it up, its head facing me, thinking about its length, remembering what the cocks of three of my girls feel in my ass.

If I am 6, Draco is 5, Zombina 6.5. Tio is 14. A few more inches and her cock would be longer than all of ours combined.

Chuckling to myself, I lie down on Zombina and kiss her lips, her cock in my hand.

She squirms, smacks her lips, opens her eyes with a weary groan, her blinking heavy.

"Last night was something, huh," I say pecking her lips.

"Yeah," she manages to say, trying to move and failing.

"Eight times, can you believe that?"

"No," she says with effort.

"Whoa, honey, are you all right?"

"I am. Just a little stiff…"

"Huh?" I look down at her penis, flaccid in my grip. "You don't look or feel stiff to me."

"Not that kind of stiff, baka." She blushes. "It's my whole body that's stiff. Being a zombie and all, my body tends to do this when I wake up."

"Oh, so that's why you're mostly late for breakfast."


"I see. What can I do to help?"

"You can rub my feet, or you can…"


She mumbles with a blush.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that. I don't speak zombie."

"Kiss my cheeks!" She yells and blushes, turning her eyes away, her voice a whisper. "If you don't want to, I won't complain."

"Aw." I raise myself over her, my cock hovering over hers, my hands on the side of her face, she looking at me with a blushing passion. I lower myself, peppering her cheeks with kisses. "I'll get to your feet once I'm done here, which shouldn't be soon."

"How was last night?" I slap Draco's butt on my way down the stairs as she walks in front of me.

She yelps on this unwonted form of greeting and jumps. Seeing me, her features relax.

"It was good," she answers with a little smile.

"Yeah?" I put my arm over her shoulders, noticing that both of us are naked. "Who did you sleep with you?"

"I'd rather do it with you but…" she answers with a blush, leaning into me, and on the satisfied look I give her, she smiles wider, wrapping her arm around my back, "I slept with Smith."

"Looks like it went well." I enter the kitchen. "Good morning, Cerea, Mero."

"Good Morni… Kya!" Cerea, who was turning her face towards me, screams at my nakedness.

"Oh, this is so…" Mero goes into the familiar posture. "While you go to work, this he-woman forces all of your wives to have sex with her and impregnates them. While you think they are your children, they are actually your mistress's. You find that out because your daughters have tails and then you…"

"Oh, Mero." I kiss her forehead and hold her face in my hands. "My daughters will have tails, or horse legs, or spider legs, or they would be taller than me. Zombina can't have children, and Smith and my daughter will be normal… hopefully. No need for you to worry."

"Where is Zombina?" Cerea asks with a blush, trying to look unconcerned.

"She has a stiffness problem in the morning," I answer.

Cerea covers her blushing face with the tray she has in her hands.

"Not that kind of stiffness," I amend, "but there's no point in saying that anymore."

Clearing her throat, Cerea resumes whatever she's doing.

"Wanna sleep with me tonight, Cerea?" I run my hand on her back and pause on her buttock. "What do you say, girl?"

After pausing and turning off the faucet, she turns to me, pecks my cheek and canters out of the kitchen.

"Ow!" A crash is followed by Miia's exclamation. "What's wrong, Cerea? Why are you running in the morning? Is this your idea of a morning walk?"

"So what's the game plan today, Darling?" Smith asks as we rinse our mouths side-by-side in the restroom after breakfast.

"Simple." I walk away sprinkling water from my hands. "I will go out alone for shopping, hoping to sniff the culprit out."

"Don't you think that's risky?" Smith follows on her bare feet and dries her hands on the same towel as me

"I need to buy more towels." I let her have the towel, having dried my hands. "I'll take my cellphone with me and stay in constant contact. Keep our Military Personnel on standby. This'll be a long shopping day. I don't want to drag anyone with me."

"If that's what you want." Smith puts her arms around my neck, rises on her toes, and kisses me. "Just be safe, okay, Darling, for my sake?"

"With pleasure, my love." I return the hug.

"Want to sleep with me tonight?" She pushes her pelvis against mine.

"No can do, sweetheart. I have a commitment with Cerea tonight."

"Too bad." She lets me go after another kiss on the lips and one on the cheek.

"How about tomorrow night?" I pat her ass as she turns.

"You got it."

It is night when I step onto my lawn.

I knock on the door with several shopping bags hanging from that hand, my other hand occupied, not with the cellphone, which is in my pocket.

"Welcome home, Darling." Miia opens the door, happy as a daughter welcoming her father home. "Any success with…"

When I walk in, Miia screams, sways for a second, and faints.

The hallway is run over by the rest of the girls in the following moments. When I turn after closing the door, everyone is gasping on seeing the reason of Miia's loss of consciousness.

"Who's that, Darling?" Smith asks, flummoxed. "Or rather, what?"

"I don't know. Let's go to the living room. Bring Miia."

I keep holding on to the blue, headless, female body dressed in what looks like a black battle suit. The body is holding a scythe in her hands.

"Did she decapitate herself?" Zombina asks as Tio places Miia on a couch with a huff. "How stupid do you have to be to decapitate yourself with your own scythe?"

"Bring Miia here, Tio." I pat my thigh. "Put her head here."

As I sit down on the couch, the blue body sits besides me.

Tio places Miia's head in my lap. As she retreats her hand, the tips of her finger scrape my ball-sack and my shaft. She does not scream and jump away in embarrassment.

This was a deliberate act of feeling me up.

Smiling, I run my hand on unconscious Miia's cheek, while holding the hand of the blue body.

"So, Honey, are you going to answer our questions?" Rachnee asks with her hands folded on her massive breasts. "Who is she and where did you find her?"

"I found her on a street-crossing when I was coming back."

"So that's why you asked me to hold." Smith adjusts her glasses, referring to the phone call we had on my way back.

"Exactly. I couldn't just leave her there when she seemed in need of help."

"And the fact that she does not have a head didn't dissuade you?" Smith asks.

I laugh. "What I have seen with all of you, nothing comes as a surprise. Just this morning, I picked up Zombina's set from the bathtub."

Zombina goes red in the face. "You don't have to tell that!"

I laugh as she slaps my head and shoulders again and again.

"That was Zombina's?" Rachnee asks with a faltering voice and ragged breath. "I… I thought…"

"What's wrong, Rachnee?" I ask her, looking alarmed but not feeling it. It's just another awkward sexual situation.

"I thought it was a toy and… pleased myself with it," the last part is said in a mumble.

"How did you please yourself?" I swallow.

"Nothing much!" She flails her hands in front of her, casting sideway embarrassed glances at Zombina, who is staring back at her with a face as red as her hair. "I just…" she fidgets, "rubbed it between my breasts."

"So that's why I was feeling drained." Zombina punches her left palm with her right hand balled into a fist. "I came from the pleasure."

"I hope you do that again, Rachnee," I grin, winking at my spider-girl, "with Zombina's balls attached to her."

Before the discussion can go on, Miia squirms and opens her eyes.


"Miia, welcome back. You slept well?"

"Ah, yes. What happened to me?"

"Well, you…"

"Kya!" Miia notices the headless one on my side and sits up.

She hides behind me and peeks at the girl, who is calm on my side. When I let her hand go to scratch my nose, she gets antsy and flails her hands until she finds my hand again.

"What're we going to do about her?" Smith asks. "Let's get that problem solved first."

"We'll have to look for her head."

"Art thou certain she has misplaced her head?" Cerea asks with hesitation. "What if she is a headless creature?"

"Cerea's got a point, Darling." Smith folds her arms on her buxom breasts. "What if she belongs to a species that doesn't have heads?"

"Has anyone ever heard of a species that does not have heads?" I lean forward, elbows on my knees, holding a blue hand in my right, Miia's white hand in my left.

There are sounds of negation.

"Then let's go." I stand up. "Rachnee, you'll stay home and watch whatever-her-name-is. Draco will stay here with you, so will Zombina. The rest of us will go and find her head."

"Should I call someone from my department?" Smith says cradling her phone.

"No need. I don't want to drag your career into our personal matters. You should stay home too, Smith. You're tired. Catch some sleep."

"Don't mind if I do." She yawns and walks towards the door connecting the living room to the stairs. "Don't worry, Darling. I'll be in my own room, not yours. Take Cerea in there without worries."

"Whatever is she babbling!" Cerea lowers her red face.

"Come on, girls. Time's a wasting."

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