
Daily Life with discount system

This is my first Fan-fiction novel. Sorry about the grammar as English is not my first language. This fan-fiction is write by feeling which there may be some grammar issue.

KWSeng · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs

Elementary School

Tomorrow is the day I start elementary school. My first school after I get reborn.

There will be no uniform wear in the school that I am attending in. For 6 year straight no need to wear uniform, quite a freedom choice of clothes. Of course obviously no flashy clothes. Just some basic colour clothes will be allow.

The school require us to buy a randoseru bag. Mine is the black colour. It's was quite expensive, about ¥60,000. Well I get to earn back ¥6000 through the discount.

It was suppose to last until I graduate my elementary school, about 6 year. It's can last quite long which is a surprise.

I can't seem to fall asleep. Maybe I too nervous or too excited. I don't know. I wonder whether Megumi is the same like me. Let check.

'Hey you asleep?'

'No I awake'

Haha she the same so I call her immediately.

"M-sama?" She sound a bit confuse

"It's nothing, I can't seem to fall asleep so try to find you to chat"

"Ahhhh~ naruhodo. It's M-sama ready for school tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I already standby my bag and stuff. For the bento, mama will do it"

"Well knowing you, there nothing to be nervous about M-sama. You will fit right in"

"Thanks Megumi. If you got bully at school, remember to tell me. Good night"

"Hai M-sama, Oyasuminasai"


Someone is poking my face. "Morning mama" while still closing my eye

"Ohayo, it's time to wake up M-chan. You need to get ready. It's morning already"

I open my eye slowly and notice mama is beside me hugging me." Mama, what are you doing?"

"...waking you up?"

"Then why are you hugging me!!?" A bit confuse

" I mean you look very cozy so teehee~"

" Mama you suppose to wake me up not join me"

" but I did wake you up"

" Fine let me go, I need to get ready for school"

After a few this and that, I bring my bag and wait for mama at the door"Mama are you done yet?"

"Coming" as she walk to the door"Let go M-chan"

Well it just took about 30 minutes and we have arrived to my elementary school. Since it the first day so mama decide to accompany me to school.

Well not only my mama, I saw many other parent also accompany their kid too. I even see a few kid crying too.

After we arrive to the entrance of the school, I ask one of the parent to help us take a photo of Mama and me at the entrance. It's kind a like a tradition, something like keeping a record of your journey.

I hug my mama and bye, then I go to the hall where the welcome ceremony take place.

Even if it an anime world, some thing never change, the headmaster hell speech. It's the same everywhere-_-". After a few moment of the hell like situation, finally the student all move to their classroom.

-Classroom 1-2

After we arrive, the teacher in charge started to arrange our seat. You know the legendary protagonist seat, the seat second to the last row next to the window. My seat is behind him. The back of the row next to the window.

After the is seat is arrange, the teacher start to do a simple ice breaking. After a few introduction, I managed to get a few information.

The teacher name is Futami Moriyama. I don't recognize the teacher, only a bit familiar. Maybe because it's elementary so they don't have much anime character here. Most anime started in middle school or high school.

The reason why I say is familiar because I sported a very familiar student. It's totally an anime character too.

I mean it's too fucking obvious. It's almost like tell me that I'm the main character. I mean there is a fucking adult sitting in the last row next to the door, my other opposite. It's name is Atsushi Miyagawa.

I remember it's from an anime 'Recorder and Randsell'. If I not wrong this mc will always get into trouble due to his adult size body.

I better stay away from him. I mean we can be classmate but I don't want to get into any trouble so yeah you know.

As for the protagonist seat infront of me is a black hair kid name Shouta Handa. Yup its that ecchi loli anime 'Paradise of Innocence'. It I not wrong the plot supposed to start in 5th grade and now is 1st grade so this kid is still a kid.

With this two anime, I can already make a simple deduction. This world should be an ecchi world .Maybe a little fan service here and there will be happening soon. I can feel it.

And the seat beside me is a black long hair

girl. Her name is Nako Sasaki, one of the main character from 'Paradise of Innocence'.

For some reason when I know this girl is sitting beside me, I feel like teasing this girl.

No no no. Bad me bad me. She still 6 year old, control yourself dumbass. Haha a bit excited because finally get to meet an anime girl even though is still a bit young.

I also manage to be friend with both of them too. Shouta is a bit annoying kid but Nako is different. She is a polite girl.

Since it's the first day, there nothing much to do. Most of the time I was chatting with Nako and Shouta. Before you know it school has already end.