
Daily Life With a System

Lin Xiao was your average high schooler, cruising through life without a care in the world. That is, until he stumbled upon this weird system called [Supreme God System] that decided to shake things up. Suddenly, his daily grind included stuff like doing 10 pushups for what felt like zero gains in strength. But here's the kicker: Lin Xiao wasn't exactly jumping for joy at his newfound "powers." "Come on, give me some super powers" [Space Control Rewarded] "Wait, why did you give my lazy cat superpowers instead of me?" And before he could even process it, his furball is zipping across the room like it's auditioning for a teleportation gig. ..... Few Years Later "Huh? What do you mean my cats have taken over half the universe??" Lin Xiao glanced at his adorable cats curled up on his chest and said, "No way."

Samay04 · สมัยใหม่
147 Chs

New Skill

After the police visit, Lin Xiao was left feeling unsettled and uncertain about his next steps.

To distract himself and regain some sense of normalcy, he decided to focus on completing his daily missions and spending time with his cats, teaching them about the world and basic common sense.

He sat down in his room, with Lil' Blackie and Xiao Bai sitting attentively in front of him. "Alright, today we're going to go over some more things about the human world," he began, trying to sound enthusiastic despite the lingering worry in his mind.

He went through the basics of how people interacted, what common objects were used for, and simple etiquette.

The cats listened intently, occasionally tilting their heads or making soft noises in response. Lin Xiao found some comfort in this routine, feeling a sense of responsibility and purpose.

After a few hours, Lin Xiao had completed all the daily missions.

He felt a small sense of accomplishment, although the weight of the recent events still lingered heavily on his mind.

He decided to check his status window to see if there were any updates or changes.

[Status Window]

Name: Lin Xiao

Race: Human

Class: None

Level: 2

Experience Points (EXP) to Level Up: 160/300

Strength: 9.5

Stamina: 8

Intelligence: 10 (Skill unlockable)

Mana: 103.5

Charisma: 6

Stat Points: 0

Skills: Strength Sharing

His gaze lingered on the line that read: Intelligence: 10 (Skill unlockable).

"System, what does it mean by 'Skill unlockable' next to Intelligence?" he asked aloud.

A soft chime signaled the system's response. 

[When any stat reaches 10, it unlocks a skill related to that stat. You can choose to unlock the skill whenever you wish]

With his curiosity piqued, Lin Xiao decided without hesitation. "System, unlock the skill related to Intelligence."

Another chime followed, and the status window flickered. A new line of text appeared under the skills section.

Skills: Strength Sharing, Photographic Memory

Lin Xiao's eyes widened. "Photographic Memory? Does that mean I can remember everything I see now?"

[Yes] the system confirmed.

[Your intelligence has granted you the ability to recall images, text, and events with perfect accuracy]

The implications of this skill began to dawn on Lin Xiao.

He realized that it could be a game-changer, not just for his schoolwork but also for his investigations and understanding of the strange events surrounding him.

He decided to test his new skill. He picked up a book from his desk and flipped through its pages rapidly, trying to take in as much information as possible.

When he closed his eyes, he could see every page as if it were right in front of him. Every word, every image was crystal clear in his mind.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but grin.

This was incredible. Not only did he now have an extraordinary tool for his studies, but he also had a powerful asset in his quest to make his daily life better.

While Lin Xiao was checking his status window, he saw that he still hadn't done the 'Give a gift to your mother' mission yet.

At first, he wanted to do it on the weekend, but this memory wipe incident happened and due to that he couldn't. 

Wanting to complete the mission of buying a gift for his mother, Lin Xiao decided to head to the market despite his lingering fear of being watched by the police.

He reasoned that engaging in an innocent activity like shopping might help alleviate some of the suspicion surrounding him. With this plan in mind, he prepared to leave the house.

"Stay here and keep an eye on things," he told Lil' Blackie and Xiao Bai. The cats meowed in acknowledgment, understanding the importance of staying hidden for now.

Lin Xiao grabbed his wallet and made his way downstairs.

He informed his mother that he was going out, giving her a quick excuse about meeting some friends.

His mother nodded, reminding him to be careful.

As he stepped out of the house, Lin Xiao took a moment to scan the surroundings.

The familiar streets of his neighborhood seemed unchanged, but he couldn't shake the feeling that someone might be watching him.

He tried to stay calm and focused, walking purposefully toward the market.

The market was bustling with activity, filled with vendors selling all sorts of goods.

Lin Xiao took his time browsing through the stalls, looking for something that his mother would appreciate.

He considered various options like a beautiful scarf, a set of elegant teacups, and even some fragrant candles.

Finally, he settled on a delicate ceramic vase with intricate floral designs.

His mother loved flowers, and he knew she would appreciate having a new vase to display them.

Satisfied with his choice, he paid the vendor and wrapped the vase carefully to avoid any damage.

As he made his way back home, Lin Xiao couldn't help but glance around, trying to spot any sign of surveillance.

Everything seemed normal, but his heightened awareness kept him on edge. He reminded himself to act natural and not draw any unnecessary attention.

Back at home, he presented the gift to his mother with a big smile. "Mom, I got you something," he said, holding out the wrapped vase.

His mother looked surprised and delighted. "What's the occasion? You want something from me? This is the first time you've given me a gift."

She unwrapped the vase and admired its beauty, her eyes lighting up with joy. "It's lovely. I'll put it on the dining table right away."

Lin Xiao chuckled. "No, Mom, I don't want anything. I just thought you'd like it."

His mother smiled warmly and gave him a hug. "Thank you, Xiao. It's beautiful, and it means a lot to me."

[Mission Completed - Buy a gift for your mother - Reward: +0.5 Intelligence, +50 Exp]

Seeing the notification Lin Xiao felt a sense of accomplishment and relief and then Lin Xiao headed back to his room.

He had completed the mission and managed to make his mother happy, which brought a small sense of normalcy to his otherwise chaotic life.

As he entered his room, Lil' Blackie and Xiao Bai greeted him with curious meows. Lin Xiao smiled at them and petted their heads.

The cats purred in response, seemingly understanding his happiness. Lin Xiao took a deep breath and sat down at his desk.

As he contemplated his plans, Lin Xiao couldn't shake the lingering unease about the police visit and Zhang Wei's condition.

He knew he needed to stay cautious and alert, but for now, he allowed himself a moment of peace, savoring the small victory he had achieved today.

First one. a chill chapter.

Enjoy :)

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