
Dagger Queen [New Book]

Are main character Luna Nightwing is going to adventure in the multiverse of anime. During her life she thought the world was boring and wanted to have fun in the world of anime. Sometimes the real world can be boring, so she wanted to be in an anime world. With her supreme skill called Queen of Daggers she will visit worlds in anime and see enjoyment in life. Instead of a boring life which is the real world. A goddess wanted to give her a chance to visit anime worlds due to her seeing that earth isn't special. That goddess was Gaia the goddess of earth who loves all beings in earth. For the record I am very bad at English. So don't mind grammar.

Autumnish · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

The Trials Begin

Luna is put into the world of swords and is started to get use to her knew body. Who knew being a goddess made you so light compared to being a high human?

Alright I finally got Judgement time to start my adventure as the Queen of Daggers.

Then I said Status.

Yes Mam Yuri said.

Name: Luna Nightwing

Age: 16

Race: High Elf Goddess

Class: Queen Dagggers

Level: 1

HP: 50000/50000

MP: 10000/10000 (Sealed)

STR: 250

DEX: 250

AGI: 500

MAG: 250 (Sealed)

DEF: 250

Luck: ∞

Charm: ∞

Points: 0

Supreme Skills: Queen of Daggers, Maximum Mind, Maximum Capability, Maximum Luck, Infinite Charm.

Unique Skills: Maximum Limit Break Overload, Maximum Experience, Supreme Elemental Magic (Sealed), Dagger Secret Arts, Dual Wielding, Chaos Slaying Magic (Sealed).

Skills: Increased Magic (Sealed), Increased Strength, Increased Dexterity, Increased MP (Sealed), Increased HP, Increased Defense, Maximum Agility.

With everything prepared I log into SAO and start my journey of course me knowing what will happen I of course don't change my appearance.

In this world of Judgement, the creator of Judgement is made by Julius Suzuki which I found interesting. So, the basically the story is different due to me being in it.

With my login I of course select a dagger as my weapon of choice of course me knowing I'll have my evolution dagger I really don't care about the dagger i get at the start.

With this the journey of SAO began and the first thing i did was go into a field of monsters to level up after all I need levels fast, I knew a teleportation was going to happen so I just grinded none stop and kept on grinding until my HP was low. In the end i killed around. 2,000 wolves before the teleportation. Wolves give around 200 XP. So, I gained around 400,000 XP at the start of the game which got me to level 19.

Game Stats Judgement

Character Name


Level: 19

Class: Dagger

HP: 5000/6000

STAMINA: 500/600

STR: 15

AGL: 25

DEX: 20

DEF: 15

LUCK: 500


With my points I added them evenly, but most of them went to AGL and DEX.


STR 40

AGL 50

DEX 45

DEF 35

With these stats I was very happy, and then the teleportation happed of course my appearance didn't change so I really didn't care all I wanted to do was be a solo player and grind to be the best of course my new mother Gaia would want that.

Then I saw a male character called Sol leaving as fast as possible to the next village of course me being smart followed him knowing he might be a beta tester.

After following him we talked, and he explained to me the best quests to do. After being surprisingly the first on to finish all the quests I gained nowhere near the amount of EXP I would gain from killing mobs, but i got some unique armor due to being light speed ahead of everyone.

What is interesting is that what the armor set was called. No realizing this armor set was a gift from my mom I just equipped it and i realized it was a growth set which made me so excited.

Red Cosmo Armorer

With my armor settled for the adventure I was ready for the challenge after all the quests and continent grinding no stop, I got to level 35 which is remarkable the highest level on floor one was I think twenty.

Status I said I already put all my points towards the stats I wanted too. It's been a month sense it and apparently the best players are discussing to take down the boss. me of course was fine with it Afterall It would be helpful for us to finish this quickly. I put on a dark red neck gaiter face mask over myself and a hoddie to hide my appearance. So of course, people knew i was strong after all every knew the mysterious Demon Queen. I don't know why people called me a demon Afterall if they knew what i looked like i would be called a goddess. Unknown to me this would happen Afterall i would lose my hoodie and neck gaiter during the fight and people would see my face and armor.

We were preparing and teaming up with partners of course me being solo I didn't want to be with anyone then I saw someone i knew named Sol with another girl called Stella so i Sayed hey do you want to team up for this raid battle. Of course, both of them knew they needed someone to be vanguard, so they said yes. With that my first battle where which would be my hardest, I would need to take stuff seriously and use my Dagger Secret Arts perfectly. Of course me expecting it to be the same boss was what I expected, but I was completely wrong it was Warhammer Ogre which was interesting they are much stronger then the first floor boss in SAO me not knowing the first floor on SAO was only a little bit weaker then this one.


This isn't the manual for the first floor a lot of players said the BETA players lied to us. Of course, me knowing this I decided to say change of plans this guy is focused on strength and defense instead of agility and strength. If we want to win, we need to be fast and use dexterity to win.

With that everyone charged we were slowly getting the boss EXP low that until his sword changed into something I knew was stronger I could see the aura difference. Of course, the system i had said.


Thanks Yuri I kind of figured that out.



Change of plans leave this area he's changed from defense to strength to focus on agility GET OUT OF THE WAY.

I was by then too late are squad captain was dead I tried to heal him, but he said its fine you aren't a beta tester, but you are clearly skilled save them.

Okay Sol, Stella you are ready?

With that we began charging into switching off and fighting over and over.

In the end we finally killed the boss with me using one of my best skills from leveling up Dagger Secret Arts in the real world.


With that my Dagger abilities are made for precise killing when in the zone I only focus on killing my target my target being the ogre. Sol and Stella STEP DOWN. My Aura was surrounded by bitch blackness and with my DEATHS DISCIPLE Best Skill I used Eclipse Art which is a 12-hit combo which can devasting to enemies.

Afterall the fighting we won people had doubts I was a beta tester, but Sol took all the blame and with that the first floor was done with me getting 80% of the Experience. Due to me dealing the majority of the damage. With that the first floor was finished and I surprisingly gained 5 levels due to my unique skill Maximum Experience.

Game Stats SAO

Character Name


Level: 40

Class: Dagger

HP: 5000/6000

STAMINA: 500/600

STR 60

AGL 70

DEX 65

DEF 55

LUCK: 500


DING! Heavens System is giving you a chance to get an awakened class. Due to being an extremely overpowered player you have a chance to get an extremely overpowered class in the world of SAO. Would you like to get a stronger class then Dagger??


Thanks for reading the story really thank you!!!