
Chapter 278 : Grandma’s House

Chapter 278: Grandma’s House

Kevin POV

Everything smelled old but in a good way. That strange but recognizable scent houses could get when they’d been around that long. The Peterson house didn’t have it, at least not the same way. The house we were in had a lot more old wood.

There was no point in trying the door. The room was on the second floor, and even if I got out, I might get caught going down the stairs.

Ken could go, just so we could know what was going on, but I’m not sure he would understand anyway. He was just a kid.

He played with some of the toys that filled the room. The picture window looked out to view the massive land behind the house.

Hope crawled about like she always did, exploring everything she could find, taking several laps of the room before she got too tired to go anymore and found a pile of plushies for another nap.

She never cried, not even when we arrived. Just looked a little confused, until she knew what was happening.