
Chapter 222: To Sex

Olivia POV

After long naps, sleep not really a thing for us the last day or so, the kids settled back into their own rooms. Kevin called Skyler, and the two talked for hours. Catching up on everything Kevin had missed while away, promising up and down to catch up on the kissing too as soon as they could see each other again.

We all gathered for dinner with a place set for Jenny. We ate, drank, and were merry, mostly just happy to be together and alive. There was nothing like nearly getting murdered to really make you appreciate life.

When we were all stuffed full of goodness, the kids went to bed. Jenny also retired to one of the many guest bedrooms, within earshot of Hope’s nursery via the baby monitor.

Left to our own devices, and with little else to think about, Ellis ventured down to the vast wine cellars that spread out beneath the house like a system of catacombs. Finally coming back up with a bottle of the really good stuff.