
Daddy’s Beloved Baby

If her past had to pass bitterly because she deliberately chose that path to make himself equal to her lover, now she has achieved what she wanted to target in her life. It's just that whether a girl named Jennifer Dean will dare to step back to make a new love story with her ex-lover or will she continue to be shackled by blaming herself and run away, not daring to face what she did before explaining what happened? Will Jenni change her mind with her previous intention to return to Daniel if one day she thinks she is equal to her lover in the past? Or does he prefer to live comfortably with his beloved baby that Daniel doesn't know? Sequel Of: Mr. CEO, Paint My Love in Your Heart

Gldseya · สมัยใหม่
130 Chs

Began (2)

"Don't you need my help to cook?" Jenni asked in response to the sentence that Daniel had just said.

A shake of his head Daniel gives a quick response to Jenni, his girlfriend who will soon be his wife. To be honest, Daniel had hoped that this moment would last forever, which meant he had to speed up their marriage right?

Things like that crossed Daniel's head several times.

He hoped that in the future his and Jenni's relationship would run smoothly, without any obstacles.

"Okay, I will comply with your request," Jenni said, finally giving in to Daniel.

Shortly after, Daniel headed to the kitchen to check the ingredients for the food that was still available there, because to be honest, while he was there, he didn't cook often, because he didn't want to feel alone for long in the apartment.