
The Man with Diamond Hands

His breathing was steady, but his heartbeat was erratic. He was nervous, a feeling that was becoming much more common to him. A feeling that he was no closer to getting used to than when he first started.

But it was not nervousness for himself.

It was nervousness for his brother.

Scott knew that their fight was far from over, but they had just barely escaped one fight days prior. Even after relying upon his instincts and his powers, Scott had nearly failed. If it hadn't been for the sudden and shocking awakening of his brother's powers, they would have been separated once more.

Alex returning to a life of lies with the Blandings.

Scott returning to life in a prison, a different kind of prison, but one all the same.

Now, even after escaping that close call, they were still in the thick of things and arguably, in more danger than ever before. Telepaths were beings that Scott knew Cyclops had feared the most out of all the foes he had come across. Even though they had often been his allies and lovers, Cyclops had feared telepaths more so than anyone else.

People like Magneto and Apocalypse, despite manipulating people around them for their own means, had always come at them directly. Whether it be pride or arrogance, those Mutants had come at them with the intent of taking them out through pure strength and power. They were foes that were often those that stood in Cyclops' way, foes that he understood and could plan for.

But telepaths were different.

Their ability to read minds, to know what was going through someone's thoughts with but a simple look had terrified Cyclops. He dealt with them all, even those that stood as his allies, with extreme prejudice. Cyclops had always been prepared for the possibility of being betrayed and he was always watching telepaths the most, wary of what they might do should he be unprepared.

Jack Winters, though not a telepath on the level of Xavier and others Cyclops had encountered in his life, he was still a telepath. The instincts that Cyclops had trained, flowed through Scott as they moved through the quiet streets during the night, following behind Jack Winters who led the way.

His mind was sharp and like a steel trap, waiting for any sign of an attack. Alex was by his side, slightly behind as Scott kept him just within his eyesight so that he could know whether something was wrong. Telepaths could attack someone without giving even a hint that they were doing so to anyone looking at them. However, the same could not be said for those that they were attacking. There were always little tells that came through upon those being attacked by a telepath, things that would often go unnoticed, especially if the telepath was especially skilled.

If the telepath had been anyone else, Scott would have been more worried for Alex's safety. But as it was Jack and his powers were not nearly as powerful, nor was he as skilled in using them, Scott would be able to tell much more easily whether Jack tried something.

So, he kept a close eye upon his brother and upon Jack, ready at a moment's notice to strike. It was something that Jack seemed to be aware of as well, perhaps he had read his mind and sensed the hostility and readiness he had, or perhaps it was something else entirely. Either way, Jack knew that things between them were hostile and he was tense.

"Let's get across the street quickly," Jack said, indicating the nuclear facility before them. It was fenced off, with a large sign giving various warnings about the danger this place posed to people if they should enter without permission, but also its name.

The Blenheim Gilboa Nuclear Facility.

Quickly, the three of them crossed the road, Jack turning to Scott. "Your up, kid." He said, Scott, saying nothing as he fired his Optic Blasts at the metal fence. It broke apart, the flimsy metal splitting open in a neat line as Scott used his beams on low output. They didn't require much to break and so, the three got inside easily enough.

"Are you sure you want to come with us, Alex?" Scott asked once more as they moved toward the large entrance door. "It's not too late to turn back right now." The moment they entered inside, Scott knew it would be too late to turn back.

He would have to deal with Jack before he entered the machine and gained a boost in power. One that would enable him to momentarily contend with Xavier in a battle of minds. But would also enhance his second mutation even further. Scott would have to strike before that happened, and if he couldn't stop dealing with Jack before that happened, he would be in even more danger, especially if like he thought, Xavier wasn't here.

There would be no holding back.

He would have to unleash everything in a decisive blow that would remove the threat Jack posed permanently.

It was a sight and act that Scott didn't want to reveal to Alex ever if he could help it, but certainly not so soon. "I'm staying with you," Alex said firmly, unwilling to leave his brother's side, shaking his head.

Scott sighed, smiling lightly. "Okay, but stay close and don't ever leave my side." He told him, moving up to the door where Jack was waiting, once more, relying upon Scott to break it down. His Optic Blasts fired out, the metal door, thick and sturdy, crumpling like paper under the force of his beams before they were blasted completely off their hinges.

As soon as they entered inside, sirens went off.

They didn't have much time to act before police and other security would be on them. Those that did try and intercept them on their journey were taken care of by Winters, telepathic probes lashing out, sending each of them crumpling to the ground in an unconscious heap. He was definitely improving, from the memories Cyclops had, he knew that both of them had to work hard in order to get past the security.

Yet here, Winters had dealt with them on his own with ease.

'I definitely need to get rid of him before he reaches the machine.' Scott thought to himself, staring upon Jack's back as they moved through the facility at speed. With a power boost and little training in his powers, Winters had been able to contend with a weaker and less experienced Xavier. However, having more experience and skill himself, if the gained that power boost, then he would become even more dangerous.

To the point that Scott wondered if Xavier, younger and inexperienced as he would be, whether he was capable of handling Winters.

But these unforeseen variables were things he had to consider sooner.

In Cyclops' life, he did not meet Winters until he was seventeen and ran away from the State Home of Foundlings in a panic. At that time, Winters had been spending much of his time studying the Blenheim Gilboa Nuclear Facitily's security measures and systems, trying to find a way for him to get in on his own.

He clearly had not spent much time developing his powers.

However, in this world, Winters had spent his time tracking their journey, following them through America, using and developing his powers as he went. Then truly testing himself in Iowa, becoming a much more dangerous foe in the process.

His actions had small changes in the world, but those changes were now having big consequences. Especially if he had to face Winters alone, 'but I am ready to do so. If it means protecting Alex, I'm willing to go to any length to do so.' Scott vowed, a glower coming on his back as they entered into a large open space. "Where exactly is this machine you're looking for?"

"Just over here," Winters replied shortly, the three of them moving through the large open room filled with expensive and dangerous equipment. "So long as the others haven't moved the Cyclotron, then it will be a quick and easy job."

"Good. Because we need to hurry before the cops arrive." Scott retorted, coming to a stop along with Jack as they looked upon the machine hidden in the corner. It was small and thin, looking out of place from the large bulky vats and pipes that filled the rest of the room. But it was one of the most valuable pieces of equipment around.

With it, Jack Winters had been able to unlock his Mutant powers.

"Don't worry, this won't take long," Jack told him, moving towards the Cyclotron stepping inside and looking at the pad. He had some idea of how to work it, but it was taking some time to do so, Scott waiting.

Jack was taking his time, not just because he was not fully familiar with the machine, but because he was wary of being attacked. His gaze kept flickering up towards him and Alex who just stood there watching him. He was smart enough to know that around now was when most people would attack and was prepared for it. But Scott had no intention of attacking him right now, not when his guard was up. That was an amateur mistake and attacking now was predictable and obvious.

There was a singular moment when everyone when just within grasp of achieving something, let their guards down. It didn't matter how trained or how paranoid a person was, when just on the cusp of achieving their goal, they let their guard down to embrace the moment fully.

It was a flaw of human nature.

Scott would use that flaw to his advantage.

"His hands," Alex muttered to himself, gaze firmly looking upon the ungloved hands of Jack Winters. They were not flesh and bone like theirs was but made entirely of glittering diamond, the strongest known substance in the world. Though when the likes of Adamantium and Vibranium became known to the public, the diamond lost its position at the top. However, it was still an incredibly durable substance, but one that Cyclops had studied extensively.

Before Cyclops and Emma became allies, they had been enemies. In order to better deal with her, and remove the threat of a telepath, he had studied the limits of diamonds to remove her biggest defensive weapon, her Organic Diamond Form. Even with his powers still developing and growing, his upper limits nowhere near being reached, Scott knew that he had the power necessary to take out Jack Winters.

However, he was worried about the damage such an attack would cause to their surroundings.

They were in a nuclear facility after all.

"Don't worry about it," Scott said, watching as the machine began to whirl to life. The moment was approaching and Scott was getting ready, but he made sure to not make it obvious. If he did, that singular opportunity would disappear. He had to be quick, to capitalise on that small window in a decisive fashion.

But then, Winters grimaced, turning to glare out at them.

"Ya' better get out of my head!" Scott didn't turn to look, he already knew who was here and he smirked, recognising a new opportunity presenting itself to him. His heartbeat was beginning to calm, far more confident now with backup here.

"Don't try it, Winters!" Xavier proclaimed, Alex quickly turning with a gasp to see the wheelchair-bound man coming toward them. Grabbing Alex by the hand, Scott moved to the side, putting an equal distance between them, Xavier and Jack. "As long as I live, you shall not corrupt these children! I will not allow it!"

"Says you, cueball." Jack scoffed, not in the least bit concerned. "Kid-"

But at that moment, to the shock of everyone present, Jack was suddenly struck in the side by a beam of energy. He grunted out in pain, body flung off its feet and smashing into the wall, the beams sustaining their trajectory, burying him into the concrete walls before subsiding. There was a hole in the wall, Jack nowhere to be seen.

Scott had made sure he would not be a threat any longer.

"Do not blame yourself for this tragedy." Xavier comforted, wheeling towards both him and Alex, he having sensed the disappearance of Winter's mind. Even when people fell unconscious, he could always sense their minds, but it was gone completely.

A phenomenon that only came about should that person be killed.

However, he did not begrudge Scott for doing so, instead, he sympathised with him. From what he had seen from Alex's mind, Scott had been wary of Winters from the very beginning, afraid even. But not for himself, but for Alex, Scott was a person that seemed to love his brother to an extent that he was willing to kill those that proved a threat to him.

It was a mentality that both scared and intrigued him.

Especially when he saw Scott hide Alex from view, using his body as a cover. More so than the fact that Xavier for the life of him, could not see into Scott's mind, it's iron-tight defences far beyond anything Xavier had ever encountered in his lifetime, his protective instincts toward his brother were to be admired. It showed the type of person Scott was, and it was the type of person that Xavier was looking for.

"It was an act of self-defence. I know that Winters had threatened the lives of you and your brother, you were simply doing what you thought was right." Xavier stopped, not coming closer, recognising that he was not trusted by either Summers brother, least of all Scott. "I will not begrudge you for that, nor do I imagine, will your brother."

"We're Mutants." Scott retorted. "I doubt the world will see it that way."

Charles frowned, saddened by the truth behind that statement. "No, I do not imagine they will." He was even more saddened to know that a boy as young as Scott knew the harsh reality of this world also. "But that is why Mutants like you and I should stick together and help each other forge a place for ourselves in this world. However, until that time, I can always offer you a place to stay, a roof over your head and plenty of food to fill your stomach. What do you say?"

Scott looked to the hand Xavier extended toward him, then down to Alex, before back again. He then moved forwards and gripped the hand tightly, shaking it firmly as Xavier smiled joyfully. Scott himself kept the pride he felt from bubbling to the surface, keeping his face cautious and wary.

However, he did like it when his plans came together.

He had never known whether Xavier would come here or not, but meeting Charles had always been his end goal. Cyclops knew the man well, better than many ever did and ever would. Even if this world had small differences from the ones shown in Cyclops' memories, it was still valid information that Scott would use to its fullest.

But a safe environment that would allow him time to think, plan and train were necessary first and foremost. The X-Mansion was the best place to start building himself up into Cyclops, the best place to start getting strong enough to protect Alex from the dangers of this world.

So, here we have it, another chapter done and with it, we reach the end of the first arc, the First X-Man. Scott has met and joined Xavier, but as you can see from the last few lines, Scott is only using this as a stepping stone. The X-Men have limits, Scott knows that better than anyone thanks to Cyclops. However, they are good for early game work and who knows, maybe Cyclops could make them too late game, game changers as well. The possibilities are endless, but one thing is for certain, Scott will not be the naive boy Cyclops was when he first started out. Once he starts training properly, Scott will be a powerhouse that shakes the board before it even has a chance to start going. I hope you all enjoyed it, we now move on to the second arc of this story, Recruiting the Angel and if you have any questions or suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

Carrots123creators' thoughts