
Cycle of Transmigration In Desperation

People awaken from their dreams, finding themselves in an unknown, dilapidated place. The protagonist is also among them, unaware of what has happened. They are forced by a terrifying wolf-headed figure to play a game, engaging in round after round of life and death cycles. They live and die here repeatedly, gradually realizing that in order to escape this eerie place, they must participate in death games designed by the "Twelve Zodiacs." It seems that only by deciphering and winning these games can they escape. However, after each cycle, some individuals comprehend supernatural abilities, and perhaps everything is heading towards the brink of annihilation. I thought it was just an ordinary day, but I found myself kidnapped to a terrifying unknown place; I thought the terrifying wolf-headed beings were just forcing us to participate in games, but I discovered that this game of life and death is endless, with no end in sight; I thought as long as I kept participating in the cycle of life and death in the game, I could escape the predicament, but I found that everyone was awakening supernatural abilities; I thought this place would eventually create “gods”, but I discovered that everything is heading towards the brink of annihilation.

SilviaYEsther · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 3: Rules

"The liar..."

Lucas repeated these three words in his mind several times. After confirming his identity, he calmly clasped the card again without showing any sign.

Just a minute ago, he had also fantasized about the idea of "everyone leaving alive".

But now it was different.

Although he didn't know the eight people in front of him, this time, only they could die.

"If there are no objections, please remember the rules. In this game, 'there is only one liar'..." The wolf-headed figure pointed a finger at the sexy girl to the left of Lucas. "So, starting from you, proceed clockwise."

"Huh? Me?" The girl was taken aback and then pouted.

Lucas turned his head to see that starting the storytelling in a clockwise manner from the girl to his left wasn't very favorable for him.

He would be the last storyteller.

In extremely tense and oppressive situations, people usually only remember the first and last storytellers.

But raising objections now would seem too out of place. He could only take it one step at a time.

The sexy girl furrowed her brows, her big eyes darting around, and finally sighed, saying, "Okay... I'll go first, but I'm not good at storytelling since I was a kid. Don't blame me if it's not good..."

At this moment, everyone didn't know what to say and could only listen quietly.

The sexy girl extended her slender fingers, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and then said:

"My name is Brittany Kurek, and I'm a... um... a 'technician'. We make money by our skills, and I don't think it's embarrassing."

At this point, everyone noticed that Brittany, the girl, was dressed very revealingly, wearing only a dirty low-cut skirt that barely covered anything.

But she didn't seem to care about it.

"I have a lot of stories that aren't suitable to share with everyone... Anyway, if let me 'move', it's no problem, but let me 'describe,' I really don't know how to start. After all, who in the cultured world would do my job..."

"Anyway, before I came here, I was working. But the customer I met was really weird... Even though our shop provides service areas, he insisted on going to his car, saying it would be more exciting that way... So, in order to make money, I had no choice but to go with him..."

"This was my first time working in a car, and I didn't expect that despite the car looking high-end, it was so narrow inside. In no time, I was sweating all over. I really didn't know what 'excitement' there was to be had in such a dump. During this time, the customer's phone kept ringing, but he refused to answer. I was really annoyed..."

Brittany seemed like she wanted to curse out the customer a bit more, but her eyes accidentally glanced at the corpse on the table, immediately making her shudder. Then she took a deep breath and continued:

"Ah, forget it. I chose this profession, so I've accepted it. It's just that I didn't expect a sudden 'earthquake' to happen. At first, I thought our movements were too strong, causing the shaking to be intense, but who knew it was actually an earthquake."

As soon as she mentioned the word 'earthquake,' everyone's expression twitched slightly, as if recalling something.

"Our car was parked in an alley... and right above us was a big billboard... At that moment, my head was sticking out of the car, and I happened to see it." Brittany pointed to the top of her head and gestured, her voice trembling. "That huge billboard, for some reason, with a 'clang,' just broke and fell directly onto the car, and then I lost consciousness..."

She took another deep breath and said, "When I woke up, I was here, and I was really scared..." 

Brittany's face twisted into an expression of distress, one that seemed practiced and designed to make men's hearts flutter. 

The tattooed man sitting next to her paused for a moment, then said, "Everyone, do we need to continue?" 

Blue Coat looked at the tattooed man, puzzled. "What do you mean?" 

"This lady has already lied. We can vote now," the tattooed man declared confidently. 

"What...?! What are you saying?!" Brittany exclaimed in surprise. "Why did I lie?"

The tattooed man glanced coldly at Brittany and said, "Your name. You said your name is 'Brittany,' but all hostesses use aliases. Names like 'Brittany,' 'Lily,' 'Rosemary' are very common aliases. By using 'Brittany,' you've concealed your true name, and that's already a lie." 

As he finished speaking, Brittany's face flushed red. 

"You... you're talking nonsense! What are you even saying?! I am Brittany! I haven't used my real name in years!" 

After a moment, she glanced around at everyone and added, "At my workplace, only calling me 'Brittany' can find me. Nobody knows my real name there!" 

At this moment, everyone began to contemplate, and Lucas's expression turned serious. 

From Brittany's storytelling just now, Lucas couldn't detect any signs of lying. Her pace was steady, her tone relaxed. 

This conversational storytelling style could only prove two things: either she had rehearsed the story extensively beforehand or she was telling the truth. 

But now, the tattooed man had provided Lucas with another perspective: lying about one's name. 

Lying about one's name didn't require logical or rational justification, making it difficult for most people to detect. 

After all, everyone present was meeting for the first time, and names could only be known through each other's narratives. 

Lucas carefully recalled Snow Wolf's words; he had said, "One person among all the storytellers is lying." This rule didn't specify that the liar had to use a "false story" to lie; a "false name" would work just as well.

Brittany, upon seeing herself being suspected, widened her eyes in nervousness. "If you still don't believe me," she stammered, "my real name is Angelina Miller... I'm from Montana... If you call me by my real name, I won't respond, I only respond to 'Brittany'... I... I..."

Upon hearing this, Lucas silently shook his head. 

This woman wasn't as clever as he had imagined. 

In other words, she couldn't have premeditated this lie, let alone come up with the scheme of lying about her name on the spot.

Snow Wolf had stated "there is only one liar," then that person could only be Lucas himself.

If no one else had noticed the seriousness of the "Brittany" issue, then he had found a surefire way to win. 

Lucas thought that his family name, Hernandez, wasn't a very good surname to fabricate; although not rare, it wasn't common either. He needed to avoid using a surname that would easily stick in people's minds. 

In other words, everything he said had to be as inconspicuous as possible.

So, he decided to introduce himself as "Jack Brown." 

With this alias in place, he could confidently proceed with the rest of the story, knowing that even the most astute individuals wouldn't be able to detect any flaws. 

The game was about to conclude.

At this moment, the tattooed man raised his hand and looked at Snow Wolf, saying, "Hey, referee, how should we count cases where there are aliases involved? Does it count as lying?"