
Smoky Thing (4)

After hearing the answer to the smoky thing, Asil was not unexpectedly saddened at all, even smiling strangely at his satisfaction: "No, there is no reason for you to tell me this. Just... I just feel like I've met you somewhere before. That's why I thought for a moment that you might be able to help me. I don't know who you are. But when I talk to you, it's like I'm relaxing."

Asil turned to Smoky Thing, pulling back his hand as he spoke, and waited for his answer as he smiled and looked at it. Asil didn't realize it at first. But as time went on, he was able to understand more clearly that he was relieved when he spoke to the smoky thing. He had no recollection that he had ever encountered anything like this before or heard anything about anything like it. But he still felt as if he had met and spoken to it before.