
The Beginning

"Hey, Do-Hyun, whatcha' plan on doing later?" The sound of a familiar voice rings in my ears. I immediately look up from my phone, and towards it.

Ae-Cha. My best friend.

I thought she was staying at home today. I didn't know she decided to come to school after all. She'd probably decided at the last minute to come.

"Y'know I don't ever have plans. I'm probably just going to go home, and sleep or something. Or I might watch this new show that just came out on Netflix." I said, looking at her with a pretty mild expression. She just rolled her eyes in response.

"You're so lame, y'know that? You never do anything with your life besides watching Netflix and sleeping all day." She complained, while sitting next to me. I just smirked a little.

It was currently lunchtime, and we were in the lunchroom, so it was loud, and filled up with a lot of annoying kids. The table we were at was mostly made up of said kids, which is why she sat next to me. Any other time she'll be sitting in front of me.

"I'm very content with my basic life. It might be boring, but it's simple, repetitive, and most importantly, familiar. I hate change." With that, I got up, and walked towards the trash can. I then dumped the cafeteria food in the trash and made my way back to Ae-Cha.

She, being the dramatic person she was, pretended to be offended about what I said about "liking my basic life" or whatever, and noticeably passed out on the table. She never really understood why I liked my simple life, and every time I said something about it, she would go out of her way to make sure I knew I was crazy.

I just stared at her with with my "you're not fulling anyone" face. She opened her eyes to peak to see if I was looking at her, and when she noticed I was, she scoffed, and turnt away. I laughed at her, which made her turn red. I could tell because her ears got red.

"It's not funny." She concluded, which only made me laugh harder, and her turn an even darker crimson color.

She got up from the table at that point, made an "ugh" sound, and ran away. She was such a dramatic girl.

My dramatic girl.

That sounded a lot more "romantic" than I wanted to. I love her, I do, just not in that way. Plus, she has a boyfriend. And, if he heard what I said, knowing him, his insecurities, and his inferiority complex, he'll make a scene. Besides, there's like a lot of students in this cafeteria right now. I don't need that extra attention on me.


Would cha' look at that? It's time to go to History class. The time passed by quicklier than I thought it was going to.




"You all have a homework assignment tonight. I wasn't going to give the class any homework, but then I remembered you guys have a quiz coming up soon. Furthermore, the homework can help you guys with the quiz. Anyway, the homework is pretty simple. I just need you guys to do some background checks on the Boston Tea Party. You don't have to go to into detail or anything. A simple google search is really all that's needed. Write me a paragraph or two explaining what happened, and that's about it. Simple, and easy." He explained with a monotone voice. I just stared at him with a confused face.

We don't ever really get homework in this class, quiz or not because we talk about the contents of the quiz a day before, then the following night we prepare for it. So, homework isn't necessary. I wondered what changed...?!

"Okay class, that'll be all." Dismissing the class, Mr. Caeser walked from the front of the class to his desk.

I looked around the classroom for a bit. Everybody seemed just as confused as I was. I decided I should probably ask what's up because it's not just the homework thing that's different, his whole attitude, and tone of voice seemed to have altered as well. Normally, he's a much more upbeat, kind of loosely person. Now, he just seems...tired, and a lot sterner. It's rather depressive honestly.

Sighing, I hesitantly get up from my desk, and make my way over to Mr. Caeser. Everybody has basically left the class at this time, so I'm just going through a bunch of empty desks, in an empty classroom.

Mr. Caeser notices me coming towards him, and tiredly gives me a small, strained smile.

"Hey, Do-Hyun. Do you need me to go over the assignment for you again?" He questions, holding his strain smile on his face. The more I look at him, the sorrier I feel for him. What happened to him...? I return his "smile" with a small smile of my own.

"Uhh. No, not really. I just..uh..noticed the exhaustion in your eyes, the dark circles under those said eyes, and the tired smile." As the words left my mouth, his eyes opened for a second. I guess he wasn't expecting me to notice, let alone say something about it. He instantly fixes his composure right after though.

"Ahhh. I'm alright son. It's nothing to worry yourself about. Just the old years finally catching up with me." I didn't really believe him, because it was clear just by his face alone something was going on, but pushing him isn't going to make anything better, so I drop it.

"Okay, great. Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Have a nice night and try to get some rest." I said, turning around to walk away. I look back for a second, and I swear, I saw his face...smile. Like, a real genuine smile. It was small, but it was there. I'm sure of it. He's been sad all day, I forgot what his smiled look like for a second.

I smile once more to myself, then I head out the classroom.




I love my bed. It's so comfortable.

I'm super tired. All I want to do is go to sleep, and sleep until the sun shines into my room, rudely waking me up.

Actually...I think that's what I'm going to do. I don't have anything else to do. Oh wait. I do. The assignment from Mr. Caeser. Great.

I really don't want to get up right now. Maybe, I can just take a nap for an hour or two wake up, take a shower, do the assignment, then go back to sleep for the rest of the day. That way everything gets done, and I still get to sleep. Yeah. S-sleep...

The next thing I know, I doze off. But for some reason, it doesn't feel like how it typically does. It feels kind of different somehow.

I don't know to explain it.

it just feels like something unfamiliar is going to happen.

Oh well. It might be nothing.