
Cute Little Wife

Li Xiao Ke (23 years old) and Timmy (30 years old) are a couple from different countries who have always been in a long distance relationship, until after a year, they finally met. Something strange starts to happen after they spend the night together. They begin to be able to feel each other's heartbeats, when they are in pain or in danger. Without knowing Li Xiao Ke's true identity, Timmy marries Li Xiao Ke. And problems started to come after their move to China, Timmy's ex-lover continued to interfere with their relationship. Due to constant accidents, Li Xiao Ke's grandfather begins to oppose their marriage, and intends to separate them, when Li Xiao Ke experiences memory loss. Will Timmy and Li Xiao Ke, be able to maintain their marriage?

Keke_yie · แฟนตาซี
61 Chs

Chapter 6

Li Xiao Ke paced back and forth in a huff, waiting for Timmy to come out of the bathroom. What do you mean try, he wants to live in the same room with her. Li Xiao Ke immediately put on a scary face with her hands in the mirror above her waist when she saw Timmy coming out of the bathroom.

Timmy felt weird seeing that. "What's wrong with you, why are you giving me that scary face?"

"Explain what this is?" Li Xiao Ke pointed at Timmy's suitcase.

"Didn't you already know it was a suitcase,"

"Yes, but why are you here?"

"Fat brought it,"

Li Xiao Ke became very annoyed at Timmy's stupid answer, her jaw clenched in exasperation "Timmy ko, you know what I mean right? Why do you want to stay in my room?"

Timmy smiled "Ooh that, because I like living here,"

"Should not!"

"Why it can not?"

Li Xiao Ke's hands immediately checked Timmy's forehead which was no longer hot "Since you've recovered, so I don't need to take care of you anymore. Quickly take your luggage back to your own room!"

"I don't want to,"

Timmy casually dropped his body on the bed, "Your room is very comfortable and also quite spacious, so it doesn't matter if you add one more occupant,"

"Timmy ko...!!" Li Xiao Ke was at a loss for words to express her annoyance. Timmy smiled mockingly at her.

"Okay, if you want to stay here, I'll go. Sleep as much as you want!"

Li Xiao Ke left Timmy to go to Nana's room. Nana opened the door and Li Xiao Ke rushed into her room.

"Don't ask why, tonight I will sleep here." Said Li Xiao Ke immediately plopped down on Nana's bed.

Nana was just silent, not daring to ask anything. It wasn't long before Li Xiao Ke actually fell asleep, it seemed that he was so tired.

The next morning Li Xiao Ke was very surprised, as soon as she woke up she was in Timmy's arms. She immediately jumped up, and screamed at the top of her voice, surprising Timmy and waking him up too.

"Xiao Ke why are you so noisy so early in the morning. Noisy you know!"

"Why can I sleep with you? Didn't I sleep in Nana's room last night?"

"Of course I moved you."

"Why did you do that? What did you do to me?"

Timmy immediately smiled "What do you think? We are husband and wife,"

Li Xiao Ke hit Timmy's arm "Not funny!"

Timmy laughed "From now on you can only sleep with me, and don't try to run away again." Timmy got up and walked towards the bathroom.

Li Xiao Ke who is still annoyed can only cry without tears, "Haaa...! why is he so domineering, who exactly is the host here? Haaaa...!"

Timmy smiled again at the cute behavior of the girl, and went into the bathroom. Meanwhile Li Xiao Ke immediately went to see Nana. As soon as she saw Li Xiao Ke, Nana immediately understood the situation and immediately apologized.

"Miss please don't be angry, I'm sorry,"

"I will cut your salary this month,"

"Miss Li please don't do that, you know I still have a lot of installments,"

"Then why did you let him take me last night,"

"Miss, he is your partner, how can I prevent it. Besides, didn't you two sleep together the night before?"

"Of course it's very different Nana... The night before he was a patient, but last night..."

"What happened last night? What happened between you two?"

Li Xiao Ke looked at Nana's face that looked so curious "Nothing, just sleeping."

"Then why do you get angry when you're just sleeping?"

"Nana... boys and girls sleep in one blanket, just imagining it makes me cringe,"

"Then you two get married."

"Is that so? But... he hasn't proposed to me yet,"

"Umm... how about Miss taking the initiative first,"

"That seems like a good idea, but how should I put it?"

"Umm... I'm inexperienced when it comes to that,"

"Tch...if you don't know why suggest,"

Nana grimaced "Let me ask Fat,"

"No need, Fat is unbelievable"


"Why are you silent? Hurry up and make me breakfast!"

Nana nodded and left.

And the night finally came, Li Xiao Ke kept busy with endorsed products that kept coming, she tried to avoid Timmy.

"Xiao Ke, it's getting late, aren't you sleepy?" Timmy asked when he saw Li Xiao Ke who was pretentiously busy.

"Koko just sleep first, my work is not finished,"

Timmy sighed in annoyance, without thinking he immediately lifted Li Xiao Ke's body and carried her into the room. Li Xiao Ke struggled to be released.

"Timmy ko, what are you doing? Let me go!"

Li Xiao Ke continued to struggle. Arriving in the room, Timmy immediately pressed Li Xiao Ke onto the bed, "I told you, never run away from me."

"Let go of me! I don't want to sleep with you!"

Li Xiao Ke's heart was beating irregularly again, she was so panicked and nervous.

Timmy smiled looking at Li Xiao Ke "Are you afraid?"

"Of course, you are like a criminal who wants to hurt me,"

Timmy laughed casually "How aboutI really hurt you?"


Li Xiao Ke was silent, her mind started to wander, at a loss as to what to do. If the heart is not asked again, it feels like it's about to fall out and jump out. After a while, Li Xiao Ke struggled again trying to escape from Timmy's grip.

"Koko let go of me!! otherwise I'll scream,"

"Just shout, who dares to block the husband and his wife,"

"I don't want to, I'm really going to cry if you do,"

Timmy started laughing. I don't know what he's laughing about. He suddenly let go of Li Xiao Ke, and rubbed the girl's head. "Be a good girl," So he said then immediately went to close the bedroom door.

Meanwhile Li Xiao Ke immediately took the entire blanket, and wrapped it all over her body.

"Xiao Ke, don't you want to share a blanket with me?"

"No! Go there! Don't come near me, you're terrible!"

"Don't worry, I won't eat you, hurry for the blanket it's very cold,"

"I said no!"

"What if I get sick again from the cold?"

"That's none of my business."

"Tch..you're so stingy," Timmy lay down and hugged Li Xiao Ke who was wrapped in the blanket.

"I told you not to come near me, go away!" Li Xiao Ke tried to push Timmy's body away, she kept moving which irritated Timmy too.

"Xiao Ke shut up, or I'll really eat you. You keep moving makes me very excited,"

Li Xiao Ke immediately covered her head and hid under the blanket. She didn't move, or make a sound. Now things are calm and peaceful. Timmy smiled, he really knows how to control a girl.