
Cute little Angel

Alex, a 29-year-old loner facing isolation due to neglect from his parents and job loss, works as a cashier in a convenience store. His life takes an unexpected turn when Lily, a lively 6-year-old neighbor, enters the scene. Despite the challenges, their friendship brings laughter and joy to Alex's once mundane days. This is a heartwarming story about the transformative power of an unexpected connection in the midst of loneliness.

Ash_thirumuru · สมจริง
88 Chs


On that bright and sunny day, Alex stood in front of the mirror, wearing the new shirt that his sister had gifted him on his birthday. The fabric felt crisp against his skin, and a surge of determination filled him as he prepared for the job interview.

Issable, observing his pre-interview routine, offered words of encouragement. "All the best, brother! You've got this," she said, her supportive tone echoing through the apartment.

"I will get this job!" Alex declared, a fire of determination burning in his eyes.

As he opened the door to leave, the vibrant sunlight spilled into the hallway, casting a warm glow. To his pleasant surprise, Lily and Emma were standing there, ready to embark on their respective journeys to school and the office.

"Where are you going, papa?" Lily inquired, her curious eyes peering up at him.

"I have a job interview, Lily," Alex replied, adjusting his shirt with a confident smile.

"Oh, that's cool! You'll do great, papa!" Lily encouraged, her eyes reflecting unwavering belief in her father.

Emma, standing beside Lily, chimed in, "Wishing you all the best, Alex. You've got this!"

"Thanks, Emma. I'll give it my best shot," Alex responded, appreciating the support from both Lily and Emma.

As he stepped out of the apartment, the sunlit day seemed to embrace him with positivity, and Alex carried the determination to make the interview a stepping stone toward a brighter future.

With a determined stride, Alex strolled through the familiar streets on his way to the office. The sunlit path seemed to complement his optimistic mood, casting a golden hue on the bustling city around him. He navigated through the urban landscape, his thoughts focused on the upcoming job interview.

As he approached the metro station, a sense of anticipation mingled with the rhythmic sounds of the city. The distant hum of traffic, coupled with the chatter of pedestrians, formed a backdrop to his journey. Alex descended into the underground realm of the metro, where the echoing footsteps and the distant rumble of approaching trains created a symphony of urban life.

The train arrived, doors sliding open to welcome passengers on board. Alex found a seat, settling into the familiar routine of his daily commute. The rhythmic motion of the train provided a moment of reflection, allowing him to gather his thoughts and prepare for the interview ahead.

As the metro traversed through tunnels and emerged into daylight again, Alex neared his destination. Exiting the station, he found himself back on the sunlit streets, the office building looming ahead as a symbol of potential opportunities.

With a final deep breath, Alex approached the entrance, ready to step into the interview room and showcase his skills and determination.

Seated in the interview room, Alex faced a panel of inquisitive interviewers, their questions probing into the intricacies of his professional journey. The inevitable question arose, "Can you tell us why you left your previous job and why there's a gap in your employment history?"

This time, Alex, armed with newfound confidence, responded candidly. "In my previous workplace, the environment wasn't conducive to growth. They took away opportunities that were rightfully mine, and it became clear that it was time to move on. I chose to resign and take the time to find a workplace that values my skills and contributions."

His words echoed with conviction, a testament to the resilience he had gained through his experiences. The interviewers listened intently, evaluating not just the words but the determination and self-awareness behind them.

As the interview concluded, Alex walked out of the office building with a sense of accomplishment. The city's hustle and bustle seemed more inviting, and he decided to take a leisurely stroll through the familiar streets that had witnessed his journey.

As he meandered through the urban landscape, he found himself drawn to the nearby park, a haven of tranquility amid the urban chaos. Deciding to take a seat on a weathered bench, he reflected on the interview and the newfound optimism that accompanied it.

"Seems like you came from an important meeting," a familiar voice remarked, interrupting his thoughts.

Alex turned to see Mr. Thompson, the fatherly figure who had been a source of guidance. A smile played on Alex's face as he welcomed the unexpected company.

"Oh, dad! Guess what!" Alex exclaimed, the excitement evident in his voice.

"What? You got the job, right?" Mr. Thompson replied, his perceptive gaze capturing the changes in Alex's demeanor.

"How do you know?" Alex asked, surprised by the accurate deduction.

"I can see the accomplished smile on your face," Mr. Thompson remarked, taking a seat beside him.

"Remember a few months back, I just sat here after getting rejected in an interview," Alex shared, his gaze lingering on the park bench that had witnessed both triumphs and setbacks.

"Ah, yes! You even cried on my lap," Mr. Thompson teased, a twinkle in his eye.

"Can we please forget that part?" Alex chuckled, a playful grin softening the memory.

"Thanks for the motivation, though," Alex expressed his gratitude.

"It's just father's advice," Mr. Thompson replied, the wisdom in his words transcending the casual conversation. The park, once a witness to vulnerability, now stood witness to growth and resilience.

Alex continued on his journey home, the accomplishment of the job interview still lingering in his thoughts. Eager to share the news, he reached for his phone and sent a message to Sophie.

"Really? I was not in town! I will definitely get my treat after my return!" she replied.

"And! Congratulations!" she added.

"Thanks!" Alex replied, a sense of satisfaction accompanying the exchanged messages.

Alex opened the door and was greeted by the warm sight of Lily, Emma, and Issable waiting for him in his home.

"Seems you returned early today!" Alex remarked to Emma.

"I just wanted to celebrate with you!" she replied, her eyes reflecting joy.

"Papa! How did the interview go?" Lily approached with curiosity.

The moment was filled with an air of triumph as Alex knelt to Lily's level and shared the joyous news. "Papa won the long-lasting battle," he declared, his warm smile reflecting the victory etched across his face. Lily, eyes brimming with excitement and pride, wasted no time and enveloped him in a tight, heartfelt hug.

"I knew you could win, Papa!" Lily exclaimed, her voice laced with joy.

"You are the reason I won, sweetheart," Alex replied, his words a testament to the profound connection they shared.

Spurred by the jubilant atmosphere, Issable eagerly jumped in, extending her heartfelt congratulations. "Congratulations, brother!" she chimed in, her words resonating with genuine happiness.

"Thanks for your support, my little sister," Alex acknowledged, acknowledging Issable's role in his journey.

The celebration of victory continued as Emma, with a teasing glint in her eyes, also joined in the jubilation. "Congratulations, crybaby!" she playfully exclaimed, a term of endearment that now carried a different weight.

"Thanks, sweetheart," Alex responded, his gratitude evident in the warmth of his reply.

As the joyous hugs and congratulations unfolded, Issable, donning an apron and a determined expression, declared her intentions. "I am going to make the best dishes today," she announced.

The enthusiasm in the room soared as Lily and Alex exchanged excited glances, anticipating the culinary delights that awaited them. The stage was set for a festive celebration, a culmination of not just Alex's personal victory but a collective triumph of their unorthodox yet loving family