
Cute little Angel

Alex, a 29-year-old loner facing isolation due to neglect from his parents and job loss, works as a cashier in a convenience store. His life takes an unexpected turn when Lily, a lively 6-year-old neighbor, enters the scene. Despite the challenges, their friendship brings laughter and joy to Alex's once mundane days. This is a heartwarming story about the transformative power of an unexpected connection in the midst of loneliness.

Ash_thirumuru · สมจริง
88 Chs

cute little Angel's decision

Exhausted from the demands of the day, Alex ambled through the familiar streets on his way home. The weight of responsibilities seemed to linger, but as he approached his doorstep, a subtle anticipation replaced the weariness. With a quiet creak, he opened the door, expecting the usual tranquility of his home.

To his surprise, Lily greeted him at the entrance, her small backpack adorned with teddy bears and a selection of clothes. The living room, typically a haven of calm, bore signs of preparation and excitement. Issable, lounging comfortably in her favorite spot, offered a casual acknowledgment.

"Welcome back, Alex!" Lily's youthful exuberance filled the space, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. As Alex entered the home, he noticed Lily with a backpack filled with teddy bears and some clothes, and Issable relaxing in her usual spot in the living room.

Curious about the unexpected scene, Alex inquired, "What's happening here, Issy?"

"Ask her!" Issable replied with a mischievous grin.

Turning his attention to Lily, Alex questioned, "So, tell me, what happened, Lily?"

"I'm not returning home, and I hate Mama!" Lily declared with a determined look, her expression revealing a sense of rebellion.

Concerned, Alex asked, "Did Emma do something to upset you?"

"She scolded me harshly!" Lily admitted, her eyes welling up with tears, a hint of vulnerability contrasting with her strong declaration.

Deciding to settle the matter, Lily declared, "That's why I'm going to stay here!"

Perplexed, Alex probed further, "Why did Emma scold you?"

"I don't know!" Lily replied with an innocent expression.

"Okay, okay! We will decide when Emma returns from work!" Alex declared, trying to ease the tension in the air.

However, Lily had other plans. Without wasting a moment, she darted towards Alex's room and closed the door, locking it from the inside.

"Wait, that's my room!" Alex tried to open the door, but Lily was adamant and successfully locked herself in.

Realizing the need for assistance, Alex turned to Issable, pleading, "Issy, please help me!"

Issable, being the resourceful sister, approached the door and slyly shouted, "Hey, there's ice cream left in the fridge!"

"Ice cream?" Lily's excitement was palpable as she hastily opened the door, expecting a delightful treat.

"Got you!" Alex exclaimed, seizing the opportunity to catch her off guard.

"Leave me! I want that ice cream!" Lily insisted, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"But there's no ice cream, I lied!" Issable admitted with a mischievous grin.

Lily's hopeful expression quickly turned into disappointment, and she started to cry. "But I want it!"

"Okay! Okay! I will buy you one," Alex declared, relenting in the face of Lily's tears.

"Really?" Lily's tear-streaked face brightened with joy.

"Yes! Let's go and get one!" Alex suggested, ready to turn the situation into a sweet adventure.

As Lily and Alex stepped out of the house, Issable's voice trailed behind them, urging Alex to buy some vegetables and groceries on their way.

"Alright!" Alex replied, closing the door behind him. Lily, brimming with excitement, chanted "Ice cream! Ice cream!" as they made their way down the street.

Finally, they reached the quaint ice cream parlor. The delightful aroma of freshly made waffle cones filled the air as they entered. The colorful array of ice cream flavors awaited them, displayed behind the glass counter.

Lily's eyes widened with anticipation as she scanned the selection. Alex, amused by her enthusiasm, couldn't help but smile. The ice cream attendant patiently awaited their order.

"What flavor do you want, Lily?" Alex asked.

"Chocolate chip cookie dough!" Lily declared with unwavering certainty.

"Great choice! And I'll have the classic vanilla," Alex added, placing their order.

After a delightful ice cream outing, Alex and Lily made their way home, making a quick stop at the shop to pick up groceries.

"Alright, we got all! Let's go home!" Alex declared as they headed back.

"Ya!" Lily replied, still reveling in the joy of her ice cream treat.

"We're home!" Alex announced upon closing the door.

"Welcome back, Alex!" A familiar yet unfamiliar voice greeted him. Looking up, he saw Emma.

"Returned from work?" Alex asked her.

"Yes, but I've got some business with that little one here!" Emma replied, her eyes playfully fixing on Lily, who was attempting to hide behind Alex.

Sitting in the living room, Issable handed Emma a cup of coffee.

"Thanks, Issy!" Emma expressed her gratitude.

With a playful grin, Alex inquired, "What did she do this time?"

"I scolded her for not eating her vegetable portions in the morning, and then I left for work," Emma explained. "Upon returning, I found her belongings missing, so I came here and asked everything from Issable."

"So, Miss Lily, why did you pack all your things and come here?" Emma questioned.

"I hate you, Mama! I will be with Alex from now on!" Lily declared with determination.

"Really?" Emma's frustration was evident, causing a hint of fear in Lily.

Sensing that alex tries to cool her.

Ok! Ok! Leave it here! Alex said.

You always trying to pamper her alex! I won't allow this time, if you want that bad I will also give punishment to you!" She replied.

Sensing that Alex was attempting to defuse the situation, he reluctantly apologized. "I am sorry," he realized, acknowledging his role in the unfolding drama.

Just as Emma was about to address the matter further, she received a phone call. Seizing this momentary distraction, Lily made a swift escape, a move noticed by the observant Issable, who chose to remain silent and enjoy the spectacle.

Not wanting to be left out, Alex decided to follow Lily's lead and attempted to escape as well. However, before he could make his getaway, Emma intercepted them. "Alex, Lily! I saw you both!" she announced, her tone a mix of amusement and sternness.

Lily, finding refuge in Alex's room, locked the door, leaving him outside.

"Come on, Lily! Open the door!" Alex pleaded, knowing that Emma was closing in on them.

As the phone call concluded, Emma shifted her attention to the escapees with a playful grin. "You can't hide for too long, you know!" she called out, the tone in her voice carrying a playful warning.

Issable, wearing a mischievous smile, added her own touch of humor. "Please be lenient with my brother!" she teased, enjoying the unfolding scenario.

Emma, with a mock stern expression, directed her attention toward Lily. "Lily! If you won't come outside, Alex has to pay for you!" she demanded, setting the terms for Lily's return.

Lily, realizing she couldn't escape Emma's playful pursuit for long, emerged from Alex's room with an attempt at an innocent expression.

"Come here, little escapist!" Emma said, feigning severity as she tried to grab Lily.

Lily, adopting an adorable strategy, approached Emma with big, apologetic eyes. "Mama, I'm really, really sorry for not eating my vegetables in the morning. Can you forgive me, pretty please?" Lily pleaded, adding a sweet pout to her apology.

Emma, caught between amusement and trying to maintain her authority, couldn't resist Lily's adorable tactics. "Alright, you little charmer. But you have to promise to eat all your vegetables from now on," Emma negotiated.

Lily, with a bright smile, agreed, "I promise, mama! I'll eat all the vegetables, even the green ones!"

Issable, watching the scene unfold, couldn't help but chuckle at Lily's charm offensive.