
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

A traveler wearing a black cloak limps around a ruined world. Being the last of his kind on the planet, he once called Earth, now called the endless footsteps. Eventually, he finds what he’s looking for: a crimson tome. This book had a weird look to it, and opening it, he saw a lot of names. “Sin of Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth.” They all had names under their sin title, but that wasn’t what he was there for. He turned to the last but most significant page… “The Crimson Prince.” Was what that entire page was dedicated to, with ways of summoning him and everything. “CRIMSON PRINCE GET OUT HERE!” The man screamed and suddenly fell due to a change in positioning. He was on gray sand with a massive neon crimson tree in front of him, and right in front of that tree was him… The Crimson Prince! ————————————————- Extra Tags: World Destruction, Death, Jumping, R18(?), SCP, Mindless Slaughter, Omniverse, Overpowered to Disgustingly Overpowered, Crimson, YANDERE!

HopOffMe · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
42 Chs

Chapter 17 - From Older Sister To Yandere




In the blink of an eye, a week had passed in the Crawling Dreams world. Nyarla had dragged me everywhere, and I had to defend her from eldritch creatures trying to attack her. The smile on her face never seemed to recede as we went everywhere together.

Things only started getting weird on the fifth day when Nyarla started getting… Closer. I usually slept on the couch, and I was okay with this, but eventually, Nyarla wasn't, so she told me to sleep in her room with her. I was against it, but then she "asked" me again, and when I tell you, the look in her eye scared me, it really did.

I had never told Nyarla no before, and this new change made her act "differently" than she usually would. And so I lay facing away from her, thinking that this was a lovely family bonding experience. But it only got worse on the sixth day. I could barely bathe by myself because she wanted to bathe with me.

She was attached to me like a conjoined twin at this point, as no matter where I went in the house, she would follow. I grew used to some of the things she did as she even sometimes lay on my lap as we played video games. I kept telling myself that this was all normal, yet Karasu could see it.

He looked at me with a particularly wide-eyed stare, and so I asked him what was wrong. He spoke aloud with Nyarla right next to me, and he thought that she was "too close" and that she should give me some space.

I didn't let my thoughts be known, but Nyarla looked at him, and I couldn't see her face due to the way we were sitting, though Karasu visibly reacted. From then on, he never said a word about Nyarla being too close to me, and I found it weird that he would barely look her in the eye.

I had asked Karasu what happened while, in one of the rare moments, Nyarla left to use the bathroom, and he broke it down to me. With one look, Nyarla had told him to "shut his trap," as he called it, and because of that, he never spoke up against her again. I asked him if he thought I should say something to Nyarla so she wouldn't be so close to me.

He looked around as if checking if anyone was around and said one sentence, "You should do you, bro." It was weird how scared he was, but in the end, I decided to confront her.

That's how I ended up here in a closet, hiding from Nyarla while she forced Karasu to lead her to me. He was doing an excellent job of trying to get her out of the house, and eventually, they left. I finally left my hiding spot, went to the beanbag, and laid on it.

While both of us slept in her bed, she had been increasingly handsy, ultimately leading to me not getting enough sleep at night due to her constantly waking me. I don't need sleep, but breaking my cycle now as a person who loves to sleep is taking a toll on me.

I got up from the comfort of the beanbag and went to Nyarla's room. Once in there, I closed the door and took off my jacket and shirt, as sleeping with a shirt off for me was uncomfortable, and got under the covers.

The comfort seeped into my body as I fell asleep. When I woke up, there was a weight on my chest, and I knew who it was. I didn't care at this point because sleep was much more important.

Maybe I had been overreacting about this whole "getting too close" thing. The entire thing didn't seem too bad, but my avatar has to go back to the Foundation, so hopefully, she doesn't take me leaving badly.



I had gotten up and dressed. Karasu was already in the system, and I was going to be leaving that copy of the PS5 and all the games as a way to remember us. I left the room and headed to the front door; at the door, I was about to pull my avatar back until I felt something.

I knew who it was, so there was no point in keeping them waiting in suspense. I slowly and calmly unhooked the arms around my waist and turned around. Due to the height difference, I still had to look down, but that didn't matter.

"Are you leaving?" She asked in a tone I couldn't decipher with an almost emotionless tone. "Yeah, I have things to do, but don't worry, I'll be back." I started patting her head even though she was my older sister. I had a slight smile on my face while I looked downward at her, but it disappeared the moment I saw her face.

She looked absolutely horrifying… The dead Look on her face combined with her glowing eyes made for a deadly combo of disturbing. I knew she would wake up eventually, but did me trying to leave speed up the process that much?

I slowly pulled my hand back as it felt like she was staring into my soul. I was again about to pull back my avatar when I flinched due to her speaking up again.

"This last week has been the most fun I've ever had… Do make sure to visit often." The way she said it and the way she looked were two different things. I don't know how the look on her face got worse, but it did as it seemed a cascade of different emotions came out, but one shined over all of them… Betrayal. Like I had killed someone she cherished for no reason and then said I didn't remember doing it over the number of victims I killed.

I pulled my avatar back as she slowly started tilting her head to the side with no indication of stopping. I didn't want to see what would happen if I stayed any longer and gave her any ideas.


My avatar was back in my dimension as I had left a marker on Nyarla's world. I could return at any moment, but I felt that I may need to give her some space.

I made three new things to add to my growing collection of weirdness.

Tome Of Crimson: This tome will appear randomly in worlds at intervals. The book has information on eldritch creatures but only has one creature able to be summoned, and that is The Crimson Prince. (Not responsible for nausea, headaches, dark voices, cultist worship, death, ego enhancement, or encouragement.)

Prayers Of Crimson: Those who pray and add "Hail His Majesty The Crimson Prince" at the end of their prayer will be heard by The Crimson Prince. He can respond to you at any point once you have finished your prayer.

The Healing Hand Of Crimson: Cures Blindness, Deafness, Cronic Pain, Brain Damage, Autism, Cancer, and Disease. (It can also make your dick a bit bigger and doesn't need physical contact.)

The abilities and book cost me 1,879 lesser eldritch souls as the book was expensive, but the rest of the abilities were cheap. I have now put my "How to get followers" plan in motion, as who wouldn't want anything that my Hand Of Crimson could do?

All it would take is a desperate man with a daughter with stage four cancer to summon me to his world and pray to me, and his daughter is suddenly alive and well! 'Who wouldn't pray to the "God" who heard and answered your prayers?'

With this thought, I placed the book on one of the tables in the gaming room and had my avatar wait at the altar. In the meantime, I think Karasu and I will go raid other dimensions to get more souls, as my soul count is getting low.

I took the device and located someone of equal strength while Karasu was in my inventory, as it counts everything's stats as total power. I broke open a hole into their dimension from mine and entered.


(Making a multi-part Halloween Special for you guys!)



Well, anyways, more fighting in the next chapter?



(Don't forget the R!)