
Custodian (Extended Version)

"You are different, Daisy; I don't pity you... "I just want to protect you at all costs," says Edward Leo softly.  "The moment you saved me was the moment I knew you were the one; you are my custodian," says Daisy Rose through teary Daisy admires from a distance, whereas Edward loves in silence. But an unacceptable encounter can change many things. What will happen when Edward suddenly approaches her and their relationship blossoms from that of strangers to something more?  Will the introverts be able to hold onto their soft and poetic sides and let the love bloom?  eyes.

_writer_min · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

Friends can Tease

Daisy's cheeks were a canvas painted in the shades of embarrassment and shyness as she stood there, her gaze fixated on some imaginary point on the floor. Edward's playful demeanor was evident in the glint of amusement in his eyes, as he seemed to take in her flustered state with a degree of satisfaction.

Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, each one competing for attention, like a cacophony of voices in a crowded room. It was as if her brain had shifted into overdrive, processing everything at once, yet rendering her momentarily speechless.

*Did he really give me a nickname?*

*Edward just nicknamed me.*

*What's wrong with my hair?*

*Hair! I have hair!*

*Oh, dear Lord, my hair!*

*How do I deal with this situation?*

*He even smiled sweetly at me!*

*Another smile!*

*And he's smiling at me again!*

*I'm going to faint!*

*Edward Leo, you're going to be the death of me!*

*He's totally teasing me!*

Despite her apparent silence, Daisy's mind was anything but quiet. It was a storm of thoughts, a flurry of emotions, a torrent of sensations. Her heartbeat seemed to resonate with the chaos in her head, fast and erratic.

And through it all, there was Edward, standing before her, the source of this whirlwind of feelings. His playful grin and those smiles that seemed to be directed solely at her only added fuel to the fire. Daisy felt like she was caught in a whirlpool of emotions, one that she simultaneously wanted to escape from and never let go of.

Edward's teasing had certainly ignited something within Daisy, a mix of excitement, anxiety, and an unexplainable warmth. She was trapped between wanting to hide away and craving more of these interactions that sent her heart into a frenzied dance.

With a knowing glint in his eyes, Edward leaned in slightly, his voice a soft whisper meant only for her ears. "You're handling this just fine, Daisy," he said, his tone laced with a touch of amusement and genuine reassurance. And in that moment, the chaos in her mind seemed to still, as if his words were a calming balm to her frazzled thoughts.

Daisy couldn't help but meet his gaze, her own eyes reflecting a mixture of embarrassment, exasperation, and an unexpected fondness. As much as Edward's teasing might push her to the edge, it was also a bridge connecting their worlds in a way that was uniquely theirs.

And as the classroom bustled with students packing up to leave, Daisy found herself both dreading and looking forward to whatever Edward had in store next. Because, as much as he was the cause of her inner turmoil, he was also the key to a new and exciting chapter of her life.

"D-Did you say something?" Daisy stammered, her steps freezing in their tracks, her eyes wide with a mixture of alarm and embarrassment. Her heart raced in her chest, its rhythm a chaotic drumming that seemed to synchronize with the frantic thoughts in her mind. Edward's presence had a way of both soothing and agitating her, an irony she struggled to balance.

Edward, standing there with an amused glint in his eyes, appeared almost entertained by her reaction. His lips curled into a playful smile, and she could practically feel his amusement radiating towards her. Daisy's lips quivered as she involuntarily shut her eyes, as if hoping that closing them would make her invisible or shield her from the situation.

"N-No, m-me? U-Uh-huh, nothing. I-I didn't say anything," she stammered, her voice a fragile whisper. She clamped her lips shut, her fingers curling into the fabric of her bag as she desperately tried to contain her anxiety. It was as if all the words she wanted to say got caught in the storm of her racing thoughts.

When she finally gathered the courage to open her eyes, she was met with an unexpected sight—Edward laughing heartily, clutching his stomach as if her response had triggered a bout of uncontrollable mirth. For a fleeting moment, Daisy forgot that she was the cause of his laughter, and instead, her focus was on the sound of his laughter, so genuine and uninhibited.

In that moment, her heart seemed to calm, as if his laughter was a balm soothing her anxieties. His chuckle, so distinct and captivating, drew her in, making her forget her initial embarrassment. She found herself sharing a genuine smile with him, the awkwardness momentarily forgotten.

But of course, Edward's mischievous side never remained dormant for long. As her cheeks flushed with a blend of emotions, he leaned in, bringing himself to her eye level. His teasing smirk only made her blush deepen, her heart fluttering in her chest.

"I don't know, Daisy, anxiety causing that kind of flush? Are you sure it's just nervousness?" he teased, his words dripping with playful intent.

Daisy's breath caught, and her mind raced to process his implications. Her voice wavered as she tried to respond, "I-I, what are you trying to bring up?"

"Nothing at all, just casually evaluating the symptoms and indicators for our project," he continued, that familiar smirk still tugging at the corner of his lips.

Oh, he did it again! Daisy thought, exasperation mingling with the undeniable warmth in her chest. As her eyes met his, she found herself drawn into their playful dance, a dance that seemed to hint at something deeper beneath the surface. And as Edward's laughter resonated in her ears, she couldn't help but play along, even if it meant enduring his charming torment.

*Tease,* she thought with a mix of fondness and frustration, her heart swaying between exasperation and exhilaration, caught in the whirlwind that was Edward Leo.

As the door of the cafe swung open, a warm and inviting aroma wafted out to greet them, wrapping around Daisy and Edward like a familiar embrace. The scent of freshly baked cookies and rich hot chocolate enveloped them, instantly melting away any lingering tension from their day. Edward's eyes, however, seemed to hold an air of mystery, like he had a plan in mind.

With a gentle gesture, Edward directed Daisy towards a cozy spot by the window. The sunlight filtered through the glass, casting a soft glow on the table. They settled into their seats, an unspoken comfort settling between them. Edward's lips curled into a knowing smile as he observed Daisy's reaction to the treats he had brought for her.

As if by magic, a plate of cookies and cream dessert and a steaming cup of hot cocoa appeared before Daisy. She looked at them in surprise, her curiosity evident in her gaze. "How did you know I enjoy cookies and cream?" she asked, her eyes locking onto Edward's.

Edward's response came with a hint of arrogance, his tone playful yet confident. "Oh, it's just a sixth sense I have, much like how I could tell you secretly wanted more Nutella sauce drizzled on top," he quipped, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes.

Daisy's eyes widened in astonishment, her mouth slightly agape. "Wait, are you some sort of spy?" she exclaimed, half in jest and half in genuine wonder.

Edward chuckled, his grin growing wider. "Well, you never know," he replied, his tone light and teasing.

Daisy's protest came quickly, accompanied by an endearing pout. "Don't call me that."

Edward's response was quick, his voice laced with a hint of a sneer. "Why? Does it make your heart race?"

Daisy's cheeks flushed, her eyes flickering with a mixture of awe and embarrassment. "No! I mean, what? Stop!"

Edward relented, amusement evident in his eyes. "As you wish, little one," he conceded, his voice a velvety blend of amusement and tenderness.

With a somewhat bashful smile, Daisy turned her attention to her snacks, grateful for the distraction. The cookies and cream dessert was as delightful as it looked, and the hot cocoa warmed her from the inside out. As they both indulged in their treats, the cozy atmosphere of the cafe seemed to envelop them, cocooning them in a world of their own.

After the initial banter, they settled into a comfortable silence, occasionally stealing glances at each other. Daisy's gaze held an adoration she couldn't quite hide, her eyes lingering on Edward. His expression, however, remained an enigma, his thoughts hidden beneath his calm exterior. They studied together, their shared focus drawing them closer, even as the passing moments left them with the tantalizing mystery of what the other was truly thinking.

In this tranquil bubble of warmth and shared companionship, Daisy and Edward were wrapped in a sense of familiarity that defied the boundaries of a single day. The cafe, with its delectable treats and soft ambiance, provided the backdrop for a connection that was growing deeper by the hour.

As their study session came to an end, Daisy and Edward began to gather their belongings, content with the progress they had made. It had been a fruitful couple of hours spent in the cafe, their shared determination to understand the intricacies of their project fueling their focus.

However, their peaceful moment was momentarily interrupted as the waitress arrived, placing the bills on the table before them. Daisy, ever the polite one, began to voice her opinion, suggesting that the waitress should let her handle the payment. But her attempts were met with a gentle disregard from Edward, who seemed to have a different plan in mind.

As the waitress lingered, she couldn't help but comment on what she perceived as a budding romance. "You two are a great couple," she remarked with a kind smile, her words hanging in the air like a warm breeze.

Daisy's reaction was immediate, her horror evident as she exclaimed, "It's not like..." But before she could finish, Edward's calm and polite "Thank you, mam" cut through her words. The waitress left them with a knowing smile, and Daisy was left sputtering, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

As the waitress departed, Daisy turned her incredulous gaze toward Edward, her eyes wide and questioning. His response was a soft smile, one that held a touch of amusement. "Why did you say that?" Daisy asked, a hint of anxiety in her voice.

Edward's eyes danced with mischief as he casually shrugged. "Just wanted to see your flustered state, little one."

Daisy let out an exasperated sigh, her tone a mixture of fond annoyance. "You are such a TEASE," she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in mock frustration.

Edward's smile only grew wider, his demeanor utterly unperturbed. "I know, little one," he replied simply, his eyes sparkling with a playful glint.

As they both shared this lighthearted exchange, the term "tease" seemed to echo in Daisy's mind, a chorus of playful frustration and affectionate warmth. Despite her protests, there was something about Edward's teasing nature that seemed to brighten her day, bringing an unexpected charm to their interactions. And as they left the cafe, the memory of this moment lingered, adding yet another layer to the tapestry of their evolving connection.

The passage of time had a curious way of knitting Edward and Daisy's lives together. As days turned into weeks, the awkwardness that once hung between them like a curtain gradually dissipated. Daisy's unease lessened, replaced by a newfound ease in Edward's presence. In return, Edward's reticence melted, and his voice began to fill the spaces between them.

Through those weeks, their routines intertwined seamlessly. Shared glances and fleeting smiles became the currency of their silent communication. Daisy even grew accustomed to Edward's teasing, finding his ability to make her blush oddly endearing. It was as if each blush painted another stroke on the canvas of their connection.

And so, the two weeks allocated for their project flew by like a fleeting breeze. They worked in tandem, the lines between their roles becoming blurred, their ideas melding effortlessly. As the final day of their project approached, Edward extended an invitation to Daisy to celebrate the culmination of their hard work.

Walking down the familiar path to the cafe, Daisy took a deep breath to break the silence. "So, I wanted to ask you something, Edward," she began, the tension of the moment lingering in the air.

Edward, ever the patient listener, nodded encouragingly, his eyes fixed on her. He gently placed his thumb on her forearm, a reassuring touch that conveyed his support. Daisy's nerves seemed to dissipate under his gaze, and she continued, her fingers fidgeting as anxiety threatened to take over.

"I've been contemplating it for a while now," Daisy admitted, her words a mixture of apprehension and determination. She paused, and Edward's soft hum urged her to continue. "We were put together for this project, and now that it's over, I have a question." Daisy's voice wavered, the weight of her question evident in her eyes.

Edward's endearing nickname for her made her grin, the affection lacing the term easing her unease. They had spent two months together, getting to know each other's quirks and qualities, forming a bond that felt almost inseparable.

Summoning her courage, Daisy finally posed her question. "I-I have been wondering, can-can we be, uh, friends?" She closed her eyes as if bracing for his response, unaware of the tender look on Edward's face. He regarded her as if she were the universe itself, his affection shining through.

Daisy hesitantly lifted one eyelid, peering at Edward's composed expression. He smiled subtly but bit his lip to temper the emotion, nodding in affirmation. Daisy's excitement was palpable as she beamed at him and asked, "Are we?"

Edward's smile deepened, a confirmation in itself, but Daisy's elation overflowed, and she lunged forward in an unexpected hug. Edward, taken aback but pleasantly surprised, embraced her in return, relishing the warmth of the moment. As they parted, Daisy's enthusiasm bubbled forth like a torrent.

"We are now friends, yay!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight. "I knew you wouldn't reject my request. You understand that our time spent together will be too enjoyable." Daisy rambled on, her words dancing in the air like confetti.

But suddenly, her exuberance transformed into a deep shade of red, and she stepped back, looking at her feet in embarrassment. "I became too overwhelmed, I'm sorry," she mumbled.

Edward's response was gentle, his eyes filled with understanding. "I got you, little one," he assured her, tilting her chin to meet his gaze. Daisy's grin returned, and together, they continued their journey toward the cafe.

"Friendship celebration is it?" Daisy's voice was cheerful, the wind tousling her hair playfully.

Edward nodded with a genuine smile, though his thoughts ran deeper. He knew that what he wanted from Daisy was more than just friendship, but for now, he was content to let their bond grow naturally, one day at a time.

While reading this Chapter, I recommend you to listen, "Heat waves " by Glass Animals.

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